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Title: Lily Ponds, Main Garden -- Newly Finished
Description: Newly finished lily pools. The new pools were lined up with Flora Ave. which had been redone as it exists today. The original Main Gate is visible in the background and is lined up with the location of the old Flora Blvd.

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Image of Newly finished lily pools.  The new pools were lined up with Flora Ave. which had been redone as it exists today.  The original Main Gate is visible in the background and is lined up with the location of the old Flora Blvd.
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TitleLily Ponds, Main Garden -- Newly Finished
Subject Gardeners (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Horticulture Division (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Lily Pond (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Main Gate (1858-1919) (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Water Lilies
Water Lily History
Water plants

DescriptionNewly finished lily pools. The new pools were lined up with Flora Ave. which had been redone as it exists today. The original Main Gate is visible in the background and is lined up with the location of the old Flora Blvd.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of originalMay 1917
Date scannedMay 1917
IdentifierGPN 1982-0347
SourceGlass Plate Negative (black & white)
Width of original7 in.
Height of original5 in.
Condition of original

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