Stephen Ingram 632 Det. by: Lista: Ingram & Ferrell, 90-91 Phenology: FL 26 October 1990 10:03N 84:00W 1650 m SAN JOSE, VAZQUEZ DE CORONADO P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on branch of pasture tree at 2' forest edge. Flowers pale green, with purple markings on outside of tepals; lip conduplicate; distal half of column purple. FLR,PLT-ALC
Stephen Ingram 635 Det. by: E. Hágsater, 1992 Phenology: FL 26 October 1990 10:03N 84:00W 1650 m SAN JOSE, VAZQUEZ DE CORONADO P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on small dead branch of past- ure tree. Flowers greenish-yellow; lateral petals half as wide as sepals; pollen cap purple. (Also collected at Chompipe, 2000 m.) FLR,PLT-ALC