Stephen Ingram 825 Det. by: E. Hágsater, 1992 Phenology: LR 29 December 1990 10:03N 83:59W 1500 m SAN JOSE, VAZQUEZ DE CORONADO P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic with moss on tree trunk. Flrs. entirely pale green; bracts papery, brown. Sepals and column/lip protruding petals spreading, 1/2 as wide as sepals; lip basally weakly concave, as wide as sepals, tip weakly reflexed. FLR-ALC
Stephen Ingram 532 Det. by: S. Ingram & K. Ferrell 1990/91 Phenology: FL 19 September 1990 10:09N 83:56W 600-700 m LIMON, POCOCI P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on branchfall in 1' forest. Sepals and petals pale brown; lip yellow. PLT-ALC