J.F. Morales 4947 Det. by: J. F. Morales, X 1995 Phenology: FL 28 October 1995 09:44N 83:47W 1500 m CARTAGO, PARAISO P.N. Tapantí Valle del Reventazón. Epífita. Flores crema. Columna morado-lila.
J.F. Morales 4414 Det. by: J. F. Morales, VIII 1995 Phenology: FL 6 June 1995 10:09N 84:30W 1100 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON R.F. San Ramón Cordillera de Tilarán. Epífita semicolgante. Flores blancas.
Stephen Ingram 677 Det. by: Lista: Ingram & Ferrell, 90-91 Phenology: FL 5 November 1990 10:10N 84:07W 2000-2050 m HEREDIA, HEREDIA P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on trunk of pasture relict tree. Flowers mostly white; sepals strongly reflexed; petals and lip pro- truding, with acuminate apices; lip ad- nate to stigmatic part of column, stigma green; column dark red. Sweet fragrance. FLR,PLT-ALC
Darin Penneys 89 Det. by: E. Hágsater, VIII 1995 Phenology: FL 9 July 1994 10:20N 84:48W 1600 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON Reserva Santa Elena Cordillera de Tilarán. Epiphytic on treefall. Calyx cream, reflexed. Corolla laterals and median lobe lip proyecting forward cream.
William Haber 8600 Det. by: M. Grayum, IX 94 Phenology: FL 20 August 1988 10:21N 84:48W 1540 m GUANACASTE, TILARAN Cordillera de Tilarán. Epiphyte. Flowers with sepals and petals cream, column pale green.