Michael Grayum 8487 Det. by: M. Grayum, VII 1988 Phenology: FL 8 December 1987 10:17N 84:02W 550 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Cordillera Central. Rigid epiphyte on branch of fallen tree in primary forest. Bracts light green; fls. uniformly chartreuse.
Stephen Ingram 754 Det. by: E. Hágsater, 1992 Phenology: FL 30 November 1990 10:18N 84:04W 600 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI R.F. Cord. V. Central Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on branchfall. Flowers entirely lime-green, except column brown; lip adnate to column with weakly recurved tip. PLT,FLR-ALC