List of Names for Pilotrichella

Pilotrichella is a large genus in the Meteoriaceae, subfamily Pilotrichelloideae. It contains around 58 species from 260 published names. The genus is found in the old and new world tropics usually in montane forest zones. It grows predominantly as an epiphyte and is distinctive in its pendant habit.

Below are two name lists: 1) Names for Pilotrichella currently accepted; 2) All published names for Pilotrichella. These lists will be updated during the course of the revision. Associated with the Pilotrichella species on the list are protologue images, images of morphological features and taxon descriptions, where available. Each name on the list links to information on the place of publication of the name, type information, synonomy, distribution data and specimens available, directly from the W3 MOST database.

Names for Pilotrichella currently accepted

All published names for Pilotrichella

Pilotrichella PEET Page