Acanthaceae Hypoestes Sol. ex R. Br. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 642 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Acanthaceae Hypoestes Sol. ex R. Br. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 648 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Acanthaceae Justicia L. Richard Razakamalala 276 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Acanthaceae Mimulopsis Schweinf. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 411 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Anacardiaceae Anacardiaceae fam. Lindl. SF(Lemarivo) 1083 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.48S 49.09E
Anacardiaceae Anacardiaceae fam. Lindl. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 231 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Anacardiaceae Campnosperma schatzii Randrianasolo & J.S. Mill. SF(Rabetsitonta) 6462 Randrianasolo & Miller, 1998 Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Anacardiaceae Campnosperma schatzii Randrianasolo & J.S. Mill. M. Louvel 38 Randrianasolo & Miller, 1998 Tampina. Fore|5t littorale orientale. 18.31S 049.17E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia N. L. Marchand Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4396 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3431 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand SF(Lemanivo) 1628 A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand SF(Andre|4) 6483 Ambila Lemaitso 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 588 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, forest on the right side of the road from Brickaville going to Ambila, ca. 2-3 km before the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand SF(Capuron) 8574 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sable, Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.08E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand Louvel 37 A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 Fore|5ts cotie|9res de l'Est. 18.31S 49.17E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand Perrier de la Bathie, H. 13267 A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 Est: Fore|5ts littorale orientale, Tampina. 18.31S 049.17E
Anacardiaceae Faguetia falcata Marchand Perrier de la Ba|5thie, H. 14079 /conf. A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 Est: Environs d'Ambila, au S de Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale. 18.49S 049.08E
Anacardiaceae Poupartia chapelieri (Guillaumin) H. Perrier SF(Lefebure) 1011 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Anacardiaceae Poupartia chapelieri (Guillaumin) H. Perrier Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 685 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Anacardiaceae Protorhus Engl. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 586 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, very disturbed forest on white sand. 18.51.38S 049.08.34E
Anacardiaceae Protorhus latifolia Engl. SF(Begue) 1583 A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Anacardiaceae Protorhus nitida Engl. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 871 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Anacardiaceae Rhus thouarsii (Engl.) H. Perrier G.E. Schatz, et al. 2421 J.D. Mitchell 1991 (NY) Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Anacardiaceae Sorindeia madagascariensis Thouars ex DC. SF(Begue) 7571 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Anisophylleaceae Anisophyllea fallax Scott-Elliot SF(Andre) 6487 R. CAPURON Ambila Lemaitso 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Anisophylleaceae Anisophyllea fallax Scott-Elliot Service Forestier 9655 R. CAPURON Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4465 G.E. Schatz 1991 Degraded forest on the W side of the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2258 M.E. Rahelivololona, 1994 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas SF(L.Be|4gue|4) 7918 A. Le Thomas, 1972 (P) Ambila Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas SF(Rabetsitonta) 6318 A. Le Thomas, 1972 (P) Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 6455 A. Le Thomas (P) Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas SF(Randrianantenaina,P.J.) 21330 ABL B13. Ambila-Lemaitso, canton: Andevoranto, S/P: Brickaville. Sol sableux. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas A. Randrianasolo 483 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 Fivondronana Brickaville, Ambila Lemaitso forestry station, 3 km from the ferry, on the road to Brickaville, very disturbed littoral forest. 18.52S 049.07E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas R. Randrianaivo et al. 538 R. Randrianaivo, 2000 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune Brickaville, Village Ambila-Lemaitso, a|9 2 km au SW de l'ho|5tel Les Alize|4s. Fore|5t littorale. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. 18.53.52S 049.07.48E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 841 TEF, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: mbinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas Richard Razakamalala 288 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Annonaceae Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 672 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Annonaceae Annonaceae fam. Adans. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 629 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis Baill. Pete Phillipson 1871 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1998 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Annonaceae Polyalthia Blume J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1242 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Annonaceae Polyalthia angustielliptica G.E. Schatz & Le Thomas Sf (Rabevohitra,R) 32503 G.E.Schatz, 1990 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambila, village le plus proche: Andranonkoditra, lieu de re|4colte: akanin'ny nofy. Station: fore|5t ombrophile. Sol: sableux humife|9re. 18.33.00S 049.15.10E
Annonaceae Polyalthia chapelieri Baill. SF(Capuron) 18085 G.E.Schatz & A.Le Thomas, 1990 Est: fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Vohibola a|9 l'Ouest de Tampina. [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Annonaceae Polyalthia chapelieri Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 868 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Annonaceae Polyalthia chapelieri Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4439 McP/04 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Annonaceae Polyalthia ghesquiereana Cavaco & Keraudren SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1108 Fore|5t d'Ambila. Brickaville. [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Annonaceae Uvaria marenteria (DC.) Baill. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3428 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Annonaceae Uvaria marenteria (DC.) Baill. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 425 McP/04 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Annonaceae Uvaria marenteria (DC.) Baill. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 216 McP/04 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Annonaceae Uvaria marenteria (DC.) Baill. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1252 McP/04 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1952 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4593 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4479 South side of ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila-Lemaitso. Forest. 18.54S 49.08E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2255 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 109 Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.49.28S 49.09.19E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6064 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6090 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Annonaceae Xylopia L. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 221 X. sp1 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Annonaceae Xylopia buxifolia Baill. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5138 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Annonaceae Xylopia buxifolia Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 855 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Annonaceae Xylopia buxifolia Baill. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 212 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Annonaceae Xylopia buxifolia Baill. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1244 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Annonaceae Xylopia buxifolia Baill. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1249 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Annonaceae Xylopia humblotiana Baill. A. Randrianasolo 478 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 Fivondronana Brickaville, S. of Ambila, in forestry station, 1 km W. of the intersection of the road to the ferry and the one going to Andevoranto. 18.54S 049.07E
Annonaceae Xylopia humblotiana Baill. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Annonaceae Xylopia humblotiana Baill. C. Birkinshaw et al. 560 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.34S 49.08.12E
Annonaceae Xylopia humblotiana Baill. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 448 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Annonaceae Xylopia lemurica Diels Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 854 McPherson, 2004, e descr. Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Annonaceae Xylopia lemurica Diels Richard Razakamalala 266 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Aphloiaceae Aphloia Benn. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2253 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Aphloiaceae Aphloia theiformis (Vahl) Benn. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 826 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements ( CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Aphloiaceae Aphloia theiformis (Vahl) Benn. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 432 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Apiaceae Centella abbreviata (A. Rich.) Nannf. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4613 F.Sales & I.Hedge (E), 2002 Swampy area with Pandanus vandamii; several km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso on road to Brickaville. 18.50S 49.07E
Apocynaceae Apocynaceae fam. Adans. N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 105 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t littorale au bord du canal de Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.54.12S 49.07.28E
Apocynaceae Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3153 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1991 (WAG) Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1232 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Apocynaceae Cerbera L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 422 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Apocynaceae Cerbera manghas L. Richard Razakamalala 263 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Apocynaceae Cerbera manghas L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4394 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Apocynaceae Landolphia P. Beauv. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5145 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Apocynaceae Landolphia P. Beauv. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 625 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3148 F. van Dilst (WAG), 1997 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1472 F. van Dilst (WAG), 1997 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 13790 F.J.H. van Dilst (WAG), 1999 9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. 18.53S 049.08E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 13800 F.J.H. van Dilst (WAG), 1999 9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. 18.53S 049.08E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 13802 F.J.H. van Dilst (WAG), 1999 9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. 18.53S 049.08E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 852 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|9t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 de|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4379 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Apocynaceae Landolphia gummifera (Poir.) K. Schum. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4448 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Apocynaceae Mascarenhasia arborescens A. DC. SF(Verdet) 3231 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Apocynaceae Mascarenhasia arborescens A. DC. SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12616 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 JB 2 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Apocynaceae Mascarenhasia tampinensis Pichon SF 2926 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) Ambila Lemaitso, fore|5t d'Ambodivily. [18.50S 49.09E
Apocynaceae Mascarenhasia tampinensis Pichon SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1109 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) Ambila, Brickaville [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Apocynaceae Mascarenhasia tampinensis Pichon SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1130 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 Ambila Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Apocynaceae Mascarenhasia tampinensis Pichon SF(Rabetsitonta) 6326 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Apocynaceae Petchia Livera David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 416 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Apocynaceae Petchia madagascariensis (A. DC.) Leeuwenb. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3441 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Petchia madagascariensis (A. DC.) Leeuwenb. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3157 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Petchia madagascariensis (A. DC.) Leeuwenb. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1132 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 Ambila Lemaintso, Brickaville [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Apocynaceae Plectaneia longisepala Markgr. Decary 6547 Markgraf, 1972, TYPE Ambila, au sud de Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale. 18.49S 049.08E
Apocynaceae Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3146 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1991 (WAG) Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4549 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1993 Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult. W.D. Stevens, G.E. Schatz & J.P. Rakotomalaza 26003 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1998 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult. Richard Razakamalala 261 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Apocynaceae Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4429 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Apocynaceae Stephanostegia capuronii Markgr. SF(Rabetsitonta) 3205 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) Ambila. Brickaville. [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Apocynaceae Stephanostegia capuronii Markgr. SF(L.Be|4gue|4) 7570 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) Station Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Apocynaceae Stephanostegia capuronii Markgr. SF(P. Rakotozafy) 12254 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 J.B. 19 Ambila-Lemaitso. Village le plus proche : Ambila Lemaitso. Canton : Andevoranto. District : Brickaville. Station: Fore|5t subco|5tie|9re d'Ambila. Sol: sablonneux faible en humus. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Apocynaceae Stephanostegia capuronii Markgr. SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 12255 F. Markgraf, 1971 J.B. 2 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Apocynaceae Stephanostegia capuronii Markgr. SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 13292 F. Markgraf, 1971 JB. 2 de la Station d'Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana L. Porter P. Lowry II 3968 Hotel Everglades, c. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest around hotel. 18.51S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana ciliata Pichon SF(Rabetsitonta) 3202 Ambila-Lemaitso, Brickaville. 18.49S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana ciliata Pichon Benoist, R. 791 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E]
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana ciliata Pichon RN(Solozo Razazy) 5 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 Canton d'Ambila-Lemaitso, Distr. d'Andevoranto, Fore|5t d'Ambodilava 18.50S 049.09E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana ciliata Pichon SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1131 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1991 Forest Station d'Ambila-Lemaitso, Brickavile. 18.49S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana ciliata Pichon RN(Ramarokoto) 1521 Ambila-Lemaitso. Bord de Pangalane dans une petite valle|4e. 18.49S 049.08E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana retusa (Lam.) Palacky Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 13792 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. 18.53S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana retusa (Lam.) Palacky Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 13801 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Near E coast, bush, sand. 18.52S 49.09E
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana retusa (Lam.) Palacky Decary, R. 6306 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave), bord de lagune, zone littoral. [18.49S 49.08E]
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana retusa (Lam.) Palacky Cours, G. 2925 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 Ambila-Lemaitso, dunes au bord de la mer [18.49S 49.08E]
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana retusa (Lam.) Palacky David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 423 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Apocynaceae Voacanga thouarsii Roem. & Schult. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1953 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1988 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Apocynaceae Voacanga thouarsii Roem. & Schult. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 732 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Araceae Pothos scandens L. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1468 T.B. Croat (MO), 1988 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Araceae Pothos scandens L. R. Decary 6483 T. Croat, 2004 Ambila 18.49S 49.08E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. G.E. Schatz 2693 P. P. Lowry II, 1995 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest on sand 3 km S of ferry crossing. With D. Du Puy, B. Du Puy, & P. Ward. 18.51S 49.08E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4545 P. P. Lowry II (MO), 1998 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. Pete Phillipson 1874 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. Pete Phillipson 1887 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. G.E. Schatz 2692 P. P. Lowry II, 1995 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest on sand 3 km S of ferry crossing. With D. Du Puy, B. Du Puy, & P. Ward. 18.51S 49.08E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. SF(Begue) 1567 L. Bernardi, 1966 Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. SF(Capuron) 18081 L. Bernardi, 1966 Tampina, Vohibola [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5139 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. Johny Rabenantoandro et al. 141 Fore|5t littorale d'Ambila-Lemaitso, Fivondronana Brickaville. Plante pre|4serve|4e en alcool, re|4colte|4e avec F. Ratovoson, F. Randriantafika, G. Gobbo & G. Massave. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Araliaceae Cuphocarpus aculeatus Decne. & Planch. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 613 P.P. Lowry II, 2004 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. 18.53.47S 049.07.45E
Araliaceae Polyscias J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Porter P. Lowry II 3987 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Lower, inundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Araliaceae Polyscias J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Porter P. Lowry II 3992 6 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e., 11 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville. Edges of somewhat disturbed coastal forest. 18.55S 49.07E
Araliaceae Polyscias J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Porter P. Lowry II 3993 6 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e., 11 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville. Edges of somewhat disturbed coastal forest. 18.55S 49.07E
Araliaceae Polyscias J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. P.J. Rakotomalaza 1386 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t Littorale. 18.54.31S 049.08.03E
Araliaceae Polyscias J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5125 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Remnant littoral forest (partially degraded) across railroad bridge from town and then north. 18.49.46S 049.09.15E
Araliaceae Polyscias J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 224 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Araliaceae Polyscias aculeata Harms Richard Razakamalala 292 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi Porter P. Lowry II & G. Schatz 4311 P.P. Lowry II, 1998 Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 13 km E of Brickaville off road from Antananarivo to Tamatave. Somewhat disturbed forest on white sand N of railroad bridge. 18.51S 49.08E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi SF(F. Rakotoniaina) 1118 L. Bernardi (G), 1970 Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaintso SF, se|4rie E, Brickaville. 18.49S 049.08E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 16032 L. Bernardi (G), 1970 Est. Ambilo Fore|5t littorale orientale 18.49S 049.08E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi SF 4913 L. Bernardi (G), 1970 Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 866 !P.P. Lowry II (MO), 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 881 P.P. Lowry II, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6087 P.P. Lowry II (MO), 2003 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Araliaceae Polyscias maralia (Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4427 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Araliaceae Polyscias ornifolia (Baker) Harms SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 5870 L. Bernardi (G), 1970 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Araliaceae Polyscias ornifolia (Baker) Harms Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 662 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4598 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 829 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 873 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 875 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 436 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. Richard Razakamalala 281 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1220 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4447 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 645 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Arecaceae Dypsis Noronha ex Mart. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 385 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Arecaceae Dypsis fibrosa (C.H. Wright) Beentje & J. Dransf. J. Dransfield et al. 6440 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 BRICKAVILLE: Ambila-lemaitso, ca. 5 km S of village. Edge of sedge swamp, peat-swamp forest overlying white sand, behind the beach. [18.54S 49.08E]
Arecaceae Dypsis nodifera Mart. Pete Phillipson 1860 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Arecaceae Dypsis nodifera Mart. H.J. Beentje 4446 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 Toamasina: 9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand, canopy cover 70%, canopy height 9 m. 18.53S 49.07E
Arecaceae Dypsis paludosa J. Dransf. J. Dransfield et al. 6438 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 Brickaville: Ambila-lemaitso, ca. 5 km south of village. Edge of sedge swamp, peatswamp forest overlying white sand, behind the beach. [18.54S 49.08E]
Arecaceae Dypsis paludosa J. Dransf. J. Dransfield et al. 6439 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 Brickaville: Ambila-lemaitso, ca. 5 km south of village. Edge of sedge swamp, peatswamp forest overlying white sand, behind the beach. [18.54S 49.08E]
Arecaceae Dypsis paludosa J. Dransf. H.J. Beentje 4443 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 TOAMASINA: 8.6 km S of Ambila-lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand, canopy cover 50%, canopy height 9 m. 18.53S 49.07E
Arecaceae Dypsis paludosa J. Dransf. H.J. Beentje 4448 Dransfield & Beentje (K), 1995 TOAMASINA: 7.2 km S of Ambila-lemaitso. Peatswamp forest with many pandans. 18.53S 49.07E
Asclepiadaceae Baroniella camptocarpoides Costantin & Gallaud Pete Phillipson 1858 D. Goyder (K), 1998 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum L. Porter P. Lowry II 3979 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Asclepiadaceae Secamone R. Br. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1235 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Asclepiadaceae Secamone laxa Klack. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3143 J. Klackenberg, 2000 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Asclepiadaceae Secamone laxa Klack. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. & R. Ranaivojaona 14579 J. Klackenberg Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.09E
Asclepiadaceae Secamone obovata Decne. W.D. Stevens, G.E. Schatz & J.P. Rakotomalaza 26001 J. Klackenberg (S), 1994 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Asclepiadaceae Secamone obovata Decne. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 13797 J. Klackenberg (S), 1991 9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso 18.53S 049.08E
Asclepiadaceae Secamone uncinata Choux David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 407 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Asclepiadaceae Stephanotis Thouars Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4424 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Asclepiadaceae Stephanotis thouarsii Brongn. W.D. Stevens, G.E. Schatz & J.P. Rakotomalaza 26002 W.D. Stevens, 20 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Asclepiadaceae Stephanotis thouarsii Brongn. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3149 W.D. Stevens, 2000 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Asclepiadaceae Stephanotis thouarsii Brongn. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 880 W.D. Stevens, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|9t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Asteraceae Anisopappus longipes (Comm. ex Cass.) Wild W. G. D'Arcy 17675 K.G. Sikes (MO), 2001 TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso 18.51S 49.08E
Asteraceae Aspilia Thouars W. G. D'Arcy 17672 TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso 18.51S 49.08E
Asteraceae Aspilia Thouars W. G. D'Arcy TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso 18.51S 49.08E
Asteraceae Aspilia Thouars W. G. D'Arcy TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso 18.51S 49.08E
Asteraceae Centauropsis antanossi (Scott-Elliot) Humbert G.E. Schatz, et al. 1956 R.D. Noyes 1990 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Asteraceae Epallage longipes (Comm. ex Cass.) Humbert Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 688 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Asteraceae Mikania natalensis DC. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 617 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Asteraceae Mikania scandens (L.) Willd. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1457 M.S. Taylor 1989 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Asteraceae Senecio petitianus A. Rich. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 434 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Asteraceae Vernonia Schreb. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1237 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Asteraceae Vernoniopsis Humbert Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4385 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Asteraceae Vernoniopsis caudata (Drake) Humbert R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 445 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Asteraceae Vernoniopsis caudata (Drake) Humbert David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 388 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Asteraceae Vernoniopsis caudata subsp. caudata Perrier de la Bathie 13269 H. Humbert, 1960 Tampina pre|9s de Tamatave. 18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia Thouars Porter P. Lowry II 3971 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia Thouars Porter P. Lowry II 3972 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF 8304 G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf, 1999 Ambila Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF(R285) 8318 G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf, 1999 Ambila Lemaitso, en bordure Est. Alle|4e de l'Ecole forestie|9re 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF 9747 G.E. Schatz, P.P. Lowry II & A.-E. Wolf, 1999 Ambila-Lemaitso STF, J.B. 2. 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf Andre|4 97 C. Birkinshaw et al., 1999 Dans la station forestie|9re E-11, Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF(Rabetsitonta) Ambila Lemaitso STF. 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF(Andre) Dans la Station forestie|9re E.11, Ambila Lemaitso SF. 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF(Begue|4) Ambila Lemaitso SF, Canton Brickaville. 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf SF (G. Rabetsitonta) Ambila-Lemaitso STF. 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia matrambody (Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E. Wolf Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4449 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1322 G.E. Schatz, 1999 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars G.E. Schatz, et al. 1960 G.E. Schatz 1990/aug 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF(Lemanivo) 2984 R. Capuron Ambila-Lemaitso STF, Parcelle F.1 Ambila. District de Brickaville. 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF(Verdet) 3258 R. Capuron Ambila Lemaitso, district de Brickaville. 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 6458 R. Capuron010907 Ambila Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF(Andre|4) 21215 C. Birkinshaw et al., 1999 Station ABL-B22, village d'Ambila Lemaitso, canton d'Andevoranto, district de Brickaville. 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars R. Decary 6341 Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave). Fore|5t littorale. 18.50S 49.09E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars R. Decary 6495 Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave # Fore|5t littorale 18.50S 49.09E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 15999 Est. Fore|5t littorale orientale, pre|9s d'Ambila. 18.50S 49.09E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 9526 R. Capuron Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 19501 R. Capuron, 1956 Jardin Botanique no. 2. Ambila-Lemaitso. Canton : Andevoranto. District :Brickaville.Fore|5t se|9che, sol sablonneux. 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars Martine Ambila r.c. 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 2104 R. Capuron Ambila 18.49S 049.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 4705 R. Capuron Ambila Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 4925 R. Capuron Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 8288 R. Capuron Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF 8319 R. Capuron Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF(R. Capuron) 8573 R. Capuron Fore|5t sublittorale orientale : Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.08E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars SF(Rabevohitra) 32443 C. Birkinshaw et al., 1999 Akanin'ny Nofy, village d'Andranokodibia [Andranokoditra]. 18.36S 049.15E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars C. Birkinshaw et al. 555 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.24S 049.07.14E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 865 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars Fidy Ratovoson, J. Rabenantoandro & F. Randriantafika 133 P.P. Lowry II, 2004 Toamasina, Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andevoranto, Fokontany: Andavakimenarana, Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.52.15S 049.08.11E
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia multiflora Thouars Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 623 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae fam. Juss. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 613 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Bignoniaceae Colea Bojer ex Meisn. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1239 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Bignoniaceae Colea tetragona A. DC. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 831 TEF, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea H. Perrier James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10451 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea H. Perrier Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 830 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea floribunda (Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3644 A. Gentry 1991 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. 18.48S 49.09E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea floribunda (Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3448 Approx. 6 km S. of Ambila-Lemaitso, spit of land between ocean and canal at hotel Les Everglades. 18.54S 49.08E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea floribunda (Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier L.J. Dorr & L.C. Barnett 4488 A. Gentry 1987 Approx. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Forest between the ocean and the lagoon. 18.54S 49.08E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea floribunda (Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5147 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea floribunda (Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier Cheek M. S.N. Andrianarivelo, 2003 Ambila-Lemaitso about 2-3miles south of everglades Hotel. Lowland evergreen forest, relatively open and undisturbed, on sand. Near sea- level. 18.54S 049.08E
Bignoniaceae Ophiocolea floribunda (Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier SF (Rabevohitra,R.) 32439 Fivondronana: Brickaville, lieu de re|4colte: Ambila-Lemaitso pre|9s du poste forestier. 18.49S 049.08E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron DC. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4546 Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron DC. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5140 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron DC. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6050 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron madagascariense K. Schum. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7402 J. Zarucchi (MO), 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron madagascariense K. Schum. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4455 A. Gentry 1987 Approx. 2 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Secondary vegetation between ocean and lagoon. 18.51S 49.09E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron madagascariense K. Schum. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1951 A. Gentry 1989 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Bignoniaceae Phyllarthron madagascariense K. Schum. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul TEF, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4387 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea racemosa (Lam.) H. Perrier James S. Miller 3671 A. Gentry 1991 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea racemosa (Lam.) H. Perrier L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4467 A. Gentry 1987 Degraded forest on the W side of the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea racemosa (Lam.) H. Perrier G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1305 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea racemosa (Lam.) H. Perrier James S. Miller, J. Bradford, F. Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo 8838 M. Zjhra, 1998 Forest on white sand just west of Ambila Lemaitso. Plants collected in alcohol. 18.50.12S 49.08.50E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea racemosa (Lam.) H. Perrier B. Iambana et al. 133 B. Iambana, 1999 300m W d'Andavakimenarana, pre|9s de la route Brickaville, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard, Fidy Ratovoson, Faly Randriatafika, Roger 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Bignoniaceae Rhodocolea racemosa (Lam.) H. Perrier James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10455 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Burmanniaceae Burmannia madagascariensis Mart. & Zucc. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4589 L. Dorr 1988 Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Burmanniaceae Burmannia madagascariensis Mart. & Zucc. L.R.Caddick, G.Rafamantanantsoa, C. Foster & P. Wilkin 312 AMpasimanolotra (Brickaville), Manambato, small lagoon on a island near SSE shore of Lac Rasoabe, near mouth of Pangalanes canal. Habitat: In damp, quartz sand at edge of lagoon, usually in shade of small"Pandanus" where soil organic matter is higher. Ge 18.46.01S 049.10.02E
Burseraceae Canarium boivinii Engl. SF(Capuron) 18056 R. Capuron (P) EST: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Burseraceae Canarium madagascariense subsp. obtusifolium (Scott-Elliot) Leenh. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1315 D. Daly 1989 (NY) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Burseraceae Protium madagascariense Engl. S.G. Razafimandimbison 171 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Buxaceae Buxus L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 387 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Buxaceae Buxus madagascarica Baill. Porter P. Lowry II 3980 P. Lowry II 1984 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Buxaceae Buxus madagascarica Baill. SF(R.Capuron) 18060 J. Bosser, 1976 (P) EST: Ambila-Lemaitso Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Buxaceae Buxus madagascarica Baill. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 13275 H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie (P) Est. Tampina Sous-bois. Fore|5t littorale orientale 18.31.00S 049.17.00E
Buxaceae Buxus madagascarica Baill. SF (R. Rabevohitra) 29899 Ambila-Lemaitso, pre|9s du lac Anjanaborona 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Buxaceae Buxus madagascarica Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4436 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Cactaceae Rhipsalis Gaertn. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1231 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Cactaceae Rhipsalis cassytha Gaertn. Decary 6471 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Cactaceae Rhipsalis cassytha Gaertn. Decary 6517 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Campanulaceae Lobelia anceps L. f. Pete Phillipson 1866 (K), 1989 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Campanulaceae Lobelia anceps L. f. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1487 Y.B. Harvey 1989 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia abyssinica (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Thulin Benoist 779 Environs d'Ambila (Co|5te Est) 18.49S 049.08E
Capparaceae Crateva L. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 609 District: Brickaville. Road to Ambila-Lemaitso from Brickaville, inside the forestry station. 18.52.16S 049.07.14E
Capparaceae Crateva L. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 651 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the bridge before the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Capparaceae Crateva humblotii (Baill.) Hadj-Moust. R. Decary 6436 Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave) Fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Capparaceae Crateva humblotii (Baill.) Hadj-Moust. R. Decary 6516 Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave). Fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4466 L.J. Dorr 1986 Degraded forest on the W side of the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12761 District: Brickaville, Canton: Andevoranto, village le plus proche: Ambila- Lemaitso. Lieu de re|4colte: station d'AMbila SC. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF(L. Be|4gue|4) 10746 R. Capuron Ambila-Lemaitso SC [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl R. Randrianaivo et al. 542 R. Randrianaivo, 2000 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune Andevoranto, route Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 4 km du Bac. Fore|5t littorale d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, & J. Andriantiana. 18.52.47S 049.06.35E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF(Rabevohitra, R.) 32530 Lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny Nofy, village le plus proche et Fokontany: Andranokoditra, Firaisana: Ambila, Fivondronana: Brickaville. Sol: sableux humife|9re. Station: fore|5t ombrophile primaire. 18.36S 049.15E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF(Capuron, R.) 28027 M. Keraudren (P) Est: Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables, a|9 Ambila- Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF(Rabevohitra, R.) 32469 Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. 18.36S 049.15E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF( R. Rabevohitra) 32488 Village le plus proche: Andranokoditra, lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny Nofy. 18.36S 049.15E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF ( R. Rabevohitra) 29884 Station forestie|9re d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Sur sable dunaire a|9 3 km avant Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.15E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl SF(R. Capuron) 4237 M. Jacobs, 1962 Station forestie|9re d'Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl P. Boiteau 463 Ambila-Lemaitso fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl M. Louvel 180 M. Jacobs, 1962 Fore|5t d'Ambila (zo|5ne littorale), fore|5t co|5tie|9res de l'Est 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Capparaceae Crateva obovata Vahl E. Ursch 125 M. Jacobs, 1963 Fore|5t Tampina (Co|5te Est) 18.31.00S 049.17.00E
Capparaceae Thilachium Lour. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 424 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Celastraceae Brexia Noronha ex Thouars R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2251 1 km W of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.48S 49.09E
Celastraceae Brexia Noronha ex Thouars David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 421 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Celastraceae Brexia alaticarpa G.E. Schatz & Lowry SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12593 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2003 JB 9 Ambila. Village le plus proche Ambila Lemaitso, Canton d'Andevoranto, District Brickaville. Station fore|5t sub-cotie|9re d'Ambila. sol sablonneux. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia alaticarpa G.E. Schatz & Lowry R. Randrianaivo et al. 537 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry, 2003 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune Brickaville, Village Ambila-Lemaitso, a|9 2 km au SW de l'ho|5tel Les Alize|4s. Fore|5t littorale. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. 18.53.52S 049.07.48E
Celastraceae Brexia alaticarpa G.E. Schatz & Lowry A. Le Thomas 102 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2002 (MO) Environs d'Ambila-Lemaitso Fore|5t co|5tie|9re sur sables blancs 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. James S. Miller 3684 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2002 (MO) 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1493 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2002 (MO) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. Porter P. Lowry II 3967 Hotel Everglades, c. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest around hotel. 18.51S 49.08E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4554 G.E. Schatz, 1993 Everglades Hotel, ca. 2 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3449 Approx. 6 km S. of Ambila-Lemaitso, spit of land between ocean and canal at hotel Les Everglades. 18.54S 49.08E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4477 L.J. Dorr 1985 Ambila-Lemaitso. Next to lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. SF(Ecol. forest.) 2891 R. Capuron (P) Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. SF(Lemanivo) 1615 R. Capuron (P) Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. R. Decary 6543 P. Danguy (P) Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave) Fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. Oumazer Ambila Tamatave [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. SF 4933 R. Capuron (P) Fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. SF 4235 R. Capuron (P) Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. G. Cours 2901 R. Capuron (P) Ambila-Lemaitso, dunes au bord de la mer 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 18182 H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie (P) Est. Ambilo Fore|5t littorale 18.48.00S 049.09.00E
Celastraceae Brexia madagascariensis (Lam.) Ker Gawl. G. Martine Tampina C 18.31.00S 049.17.00E
Celastraceae Brexiella cymosa H. Perrier SF(Capuron) 18068 Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sable a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Celastraceae Brexiella cymosa H. Perrier SF 28023 Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Celastraceae Brexiella cymosa H. Perrier Richard Razakamalala 294 McPherson 2004, e descr. Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Celastraceae Cassine L. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 218 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Celastraceae Cassine micrantha (Tul.) Loes. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 454 nearlymatchesRJO1289 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Celastraceae Cassine micrantha (Tul.) Loes. Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 244 nearlymatchesRJO1289 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Celastraceae Cassine micrantha (Tul.) Loes. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4409 matchesRJO1289 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Celastraceae Cassine pauciflora (Tul.) Loes. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 636 TEF, 2004 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Celastraceae Polycardia Juss. Porter P. Lowry II 3984 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Celastraceae Polycardia libera O. Hoffm. SF(Capuron) 22760 Foret de Vohibola- Tampina. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Celastraceae Polycardia phyllanthoides (Lam.) DC. Pete Phillipson 1846 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Celastraceae Polycardia phyllanthoides (Lam.) DC. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1326 G.E. Schatz 1989 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Chrysobalanaceae Grangeria Comm. ex Juss. Richard Razakamalala 293 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Chrysobalanaceae Magnistipula cerebriformis (Capuron) F. White SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 12920 F. White, 1979 Fore|5t Vohibola - Tampina - Ambila-Lemaitso 18.31.00S 049.14.00E
Chrysobalanaceae Magnistipula cerebriformis (Capuron) F. White Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 882 J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 049.14.40E
Chrysobalanaceae Magnistipula cerebriformis (Capuron) F. White SF (Capuron, R.) 28026 R. Rabevohitra, 1997 Est: fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Chrysobalanaceae Magnistipula cerebriformis (Capuron) F. White SF (Rakotondrainibe, C.) R. Rabevohitra, 1997 Lieu de re|4colte: fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Chrysobalanaceae Magnistipula tamenaka (Capuron) F. White SF(Rabetsitonta) 5863 R. Rabevohitra, 1997 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum L. F. Ratovoson et al. 25 Fore|5t littorale a|9 Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et I. Bernard. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake SF(Rabetsitonta) 6481 Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 648 P.F. Stevens (MO), 2002 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the bridge before the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake A. Rakotozafy 1376 Province de Tamatave, bord du lac Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake SF (Rabevohitra,R.) 32462 R. Rabevohitra, 1983 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Fokontany: Andranokoditra, lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny Nofy. 18.36S 049.15E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake SF (Rabevohitra R.) 32529 R. Rabevohitra, 1986 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambila, village le plus proche: Andranokoditra, lieu de re|4colte: Ankanin'ny Nofy Fore|5t ombrophile. Sol: sableux humife|9re. 18.36S 049.15E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake M. Debray 1834 Fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 14077 H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie (P) Est. Bois littoraux pre|9s de Brickaville 18.50.00S 049.04.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake SF(Swabahaddine Mohamed) P.F. Stevens, 1974 Ambodivia, Ambila-Lemaitso. A 20 m environ du Canal des Pangalanes. Canton : Brickaville. District : Andevoranto. Terrain sablonneux 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake P. Boiteau 1127 P.F. Stevens, 1974 Ambila-Lemaitso fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum chapelieri Drake SF 4929 P.F. Stevens, 1974 fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum inophyllum L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4378 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum inophyllum L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 437 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum tacamahaca Willd. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4538 B. Hammel, 1998 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand between the pangalane and the Indian Ocean. 18.51S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Calophyllum verticillatum P.F. Stevens SF(Rabetsitonta) 6476 L.J. Dorr, 1985 Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Clusiaceae Clusiaceae fam. Lindl. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Clusiaceae Eliea articulata (Lam.) Cambess. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 13261 R. Viguier (P) Est. Tampina. Sous-bois - Fore|5t littorale orientale [TAN : Au sud de Tamatave, fore|5t littorale de Tampina. 18.31.00S 049.17.00E
Clusiaceae Eliea articulata (Lam.) Cambess. HERB.INST.SCI.MADAG 4921 Station forestie|9re d'Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Clusiaceae Eliea articulata (Lam.) Cambess. SF (Ranjatoson, E.) 4921 Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Garcinia L. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3142 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Garcinia L. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3151 P. Stevens, 1998 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Garcinia L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 378 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Clusiaceae Garcinia madagascariensis (Planch. & Triana) Benth. James S. Miller 3673 P.F. Stevens (A), 1990 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Clusiaceae Garcinia verrucosa Jum. & H. Perrier SF(Augustin,C. de l'e|4c. forest.prim. & second.) 2886 R. Capuron Brickavilla, fore|5t d'Ambila. [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Clusiaceae Mammea L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 447 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Clusiaceae Mammea L. Richard Razakamalala 279 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Clusiaceae Mammea L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4389 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Clusiaceae Mammea L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 436 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3639 James S. Miller 1990 1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4584 P.F. Stevens 1987 (A) On secondary road from Brickaville to Ambila-Lemaitso just before ferry traversing the Pangalon Canal. Forest on sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1961 G. Schatz 1990 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2884 P. Stevens, 1987 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. SF(Capuron) 28024 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. A. Randrianasolo 484 P.F. Stevens (MO), 1999 Fivondronana Brickaville, Ambila Lemaitso forestry station, 3 km from the ferry, on the road to Brickaville, very disturbed littoral forest. 18.52S 049.07E
Clusiaceae Mammea subsessilifolia (Hochr.) Kosterm. Perrier de la Bathie 16003 P.F. Stevens, 2003 Fore|5t littorale orientale pre|9s d'Ambila-Lemaitso au Sud de Tamatave. 18.54S 049.08E
Clusiaceae Ochrocarpos Noronha ex Thouars B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 716 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Clusiaceae Ochrocarpos Noronha ex Thouars F. Ratovoson et al. 24 Fore|5t littorale a|9 Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et I. Bernard. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Clusiaceae Ochrocarpos goudotianus Planch. & Triana James L. Zarucchi et al. 7415 R.E. Gereau (MO), 1993 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Ochrocarpos goudotianus Planch. & Triana L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4472 P.F. Stevens, 1987 Forest approx. 6-8 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. 18.54S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach James S. Miller 3686 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach Porter P. Lowry II 3975 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach P.J. Rakotomalaza 1384 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t Littorale. 18.54.31S 049.08.03E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5131 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach Richard Razakamalala 267 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1253 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum Spach Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4398 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanatum Hochr. Decary, M.R. 17700 Ambila. Co|5te orientale. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanatum Hochr. Rakotozafy,A. 1379 Ambila-Lemaitso. Lisie|9re de fore|5t. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4585 P.F. Stevens 1987 at A (dup det) Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7396 A. Pool 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1321 P.F. Stevens 1988 (dup det at A) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. SF(Begue) 2948 Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. C. Birkinshaw et al. 558 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.34S 49.08.12E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 876 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. HERB.INST.SCI.MADAG. 2878 Ambila Lemaitso. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. Decary, M.R. 6340 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum lanceolatum (Choisy) Hochr. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 622 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Clusiaceae Psorospermum molluscum (Pers.) Hochr. Pete Phillipson 1870 N. Robson 1989 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Clusiaceae Symphonia L. f. G.E. Schatz, et al. 2423 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Clusiaceae Symphonia L. f. James S. Miller, J. Bradford, F. Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo 8836 Forest on white sand just west of Ambila Lemaitso. Plants collected in alcohol. 18.50.12S 49.08.50E
Clusiaceae Symphonia L. f. Richard Razakamalala 285 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Clusiaceae Symphonia nectarifera Jum. & H. Perrier James S. Miller 3676 James S. Miller 1990 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Combretaceae Terminalia L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4372 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Combretaceae Terminalia fatraea (Poir.) DC. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4540 C. Jongkind (WAG), 1993 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Combretaceae Terminalia pumila Thouars ex Tul. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 449 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Connaraceae Agelaea Sol. ex Planch. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4376 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Connaraceae Agelaea lamarckii Planch. Schedl 129 J. Leandri Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. B. Du Puy & D. Du Puy C. Jongkind (MO), 1993 East Coast, c. 100 km south of Toamasina, south of village of Ambila-Lemaitso, Hotel Everglades, in coastal forest. 18.49S 049.08E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4544 C. Jongkind 1991/oct Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. James S. Miller 3675 James S. Miller 1989 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 731 C. Jongkind (WAG), 1997 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 13806 C. Jongkind, 1987 7 km S of Ambila Lemaitso. Coastal bush, sand. 18.52.00S 49.08.00E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. Perrier de la Bathie Foret littorale orientale Ambila. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Connaraceae Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. K.E. Schedl 125 Ambila 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 421 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea littoralis (L.) Blume Pete Phillipson 1898 G. Staples (BISH), 1990 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. 18.52S 49.08E
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) Ooststr. Pete Phillipson 1897 T. Deroin (P), 2001 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. 18.52S 49.08E
Convolvulaceae Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4552 T. Deroin (P), 1993 Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Convolvulaceae Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f. Pete Phillipson 1859 Th. Deroin (P), 2001 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Convolvulaceae Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1483 Th. Deroin (P), 2001 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Cunoniaceae Weinmannia madagascariensis DC. J. Bradford et. al. 660 J. Bradford, 1996 Near Ambila-Lemaitso. Flat, water-logged, sandy soil with shrubs and small trees up to a few meters tall. With J.S. Miller, F. Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo. 18.50.44S 49.08.54E
Cycadaceae Cycas thouarsii Gaudich. Decary 6524 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Cyperaceae Baumea iridifolia (Willd. ex Link) Boeck. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 686 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Cyperaceae Cyperus L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 455 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Cyperaceae Cyperus L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6073 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Cyperaceae Cyperus psammophilus Cherm. Pete Phillipson 1878 P.B. Phillipson 1990/6 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Cyperaceae Pycreus P. Beauv. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4380 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum Thouars B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 729 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum rufum (Tul.) Engl. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 13314 F.J. Breteler (WAG), 1982 Tampina. Fore|5t littorale, dunes. 18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Didymelaceae Didymeles integrifolia J. St.-Hil. Rakotozafy, A. PK 8 environ d'Ambila Lemaitso, le long de la voie ferre|4e 18.49S 049.08E
Didymelaceae Didymeles integrifolia J. St.-Hil. Rakotozafy, A. PK 8 environ d'Ambila Lemaitso, le long de la voie ferre|4e. 18.49S 049.08E
Didymelaceae Didymeles integrifolia J. St.-Hil. Rakotozafy, A. 1300 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 PK 8 environ d'Ambila-Lemaitso, en longeant la voie ferre|4e. 18.49S 049.08E
Dilleniaceae Dillenia triquetra (Rottb.) Gilg Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 848 J, Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia coriacea (Pers.) Baill. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2256 J.W. Horn, 2003 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia coriacea (Pers.) Baill. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4594 L.J. Dorr 1986 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia coriacea (Pers.) Baill. James S. Miller 3678 James S. Miller 1989 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia coriacea (Pers.) Baill. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3440 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia coriacea (Pers.) Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4373 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Dilleniaceae Tetracera madagascariensis Willd. ex Schltdl. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7409 J. Zarucchi 1991 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5135 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 846 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool.| 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 433 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6063 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1215 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1241 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4415 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea arcuatinervis Hochr. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 633 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea arcuatinervis Hochr. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 412 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Dioscoreaceae Trichopus sempervirens (H. Perrier) Caddick & Wilkin J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1222 McPherson, 03 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Dioscoreaceae Trichopus sempervirens (H. Perrier) Caddick & Wilkin J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1266 McPherson, 03 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.33S 049.14.05E
Droseraceae Drosera L. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4612 Swampy area with Pandanus vandamii; several km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso on road to Brickaville. 18.50S 49.07E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3438 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4547 Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. C. Birkinshaw et al. 554 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 864 nsp1 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6014 Vohibola. Forest N of Pangalane Hotel, N shore of Lac Ampitabe, ca. 2 km W of Andranokoditra. Littoral forest on sand near lake shore. 18.35.46S 049.14.06E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1246 nsp1 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 394 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Ebenaceae Diospyros L. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 233 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4468 McPherson 2004, e descr. Degraded forest on the W side of the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern Pete Phillipson 1853 McPherson 2004, e descr. Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern G.E. Schatz, et al. 1958 McPherson 2004, e descr. 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern G.E. Schatz, et al. 2418 McPherson 2004, e descr. Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern Joohny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 849 McPherson 2004, e descr. Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokonntany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 424 McPherson 2004, e descr. Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Ebenaceae Diospyros bernieri Hiern J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1269 McPherson 2004, e descr. Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.33S 049.14.05E
Ebenaceae Diospyros ferrea (Willd.) Bakh. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1950 McPherson, 2004 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros ferrea (Willd.) Bakh. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 219 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Ebenaceae Diospyros ferrea (Willd.) Bakh. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4425 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Ebenaceae Diospyros haplostylis Boivin ex Hiern Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 828 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Ebenaceae Diospyros haplostylis Boivin ex Hiern Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 833 J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony , Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Ebenaceae Diospyros mapingo H. Perrier G.E. Schatz, et al. 1943 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros mapingo H. Perrier G.E. Schatz, et al. 1959 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Ebenaceae Diospyros occlusa H. Perrier R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 453 McP/04 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus alnifolius Baker SF(Lemanivo) 1617 C. Tirel, 1984 (P) Fore|5t d'Ambila [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus alnifolius Baker SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 6457 C. Tirel, 1984 (P) Ambila Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus alnifolius Baker SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12617 C. Tirel, 1984 (P) JB 2 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus alnifolius Baker R. Randrianaivo et al. 543 R. Randrianaivo, 2000 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune Andevoranto, route Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 4 km du Bac. Fore|5t littorale d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, & J. Andriantiana. 18.52.47S 049.06.35E
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus subserratus Baker SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12922 C. Tirel, 1984 (P) Vohibola, Tampina, Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus subserratus Baker SF 17737 C. Tirel, 1984 (P) JB 20, Tampina. Canton : Ambinaninony. District : Brickaville Station : fore|5t se|9che. Sol sablonneux. 18.31.00S 049.17.00E
Ericaceae Agarista D. Don ex G. Don Richard Razakamalala 258 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Ericaceae Erica L. Pete Phillipson 1856 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Ericaceae Erica L. Pete Phillipson 1877 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Ericaceae Philippia Klotzsch Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4548 Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Ericaceae Vaccinium L. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10450 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Ericaceae Vaccinium laevigatum Bojer ex Dunal James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4548 P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Ericaceae Vaccinium laevigatum Bojer ex Dunal James S. Miller 3677 !P. Stevens (MO), 2003 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Ericaceae Vaccinium laevigatum Bojer ex Dunal Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4544 P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Ericaceae Vaccinium laevigatum Bojer ex Dunal G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1463 P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Ericaceae Vaccinium laevigatum Bojer ex Dunal L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4596 P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon L. Pete Phillipson 1855 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon L. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1478 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 679 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon sexangulare L. James S. Miller 3692 D.A. Simpson 1990 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2259 G.E. Schatz 1991/jun Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2262 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne James S. Miller 3683 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1324 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1308 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10453 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 426 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 427 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamala & S.W.J. Lowry Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 242 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1243 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1251 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum P. Browne J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1270 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.33S 049.14.05E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum buxifolium Lam. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 658 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum ferrugineum Cav. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1325 M. Zjhra (MO), 1993 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum nitidulum Baker James L. Zarucchi et al. 7425 J. Zarucchi 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha L. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10464 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha reticulata var. arborea (Poir.) Mu|2ll. Arg. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4463 A. Radcliffe-Smith 1990 (K) Degraded forest on the W side of the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Amyrea Leandri N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 110 Tampina a|9 l'ouest du canal de Pangalana. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.31.22S 49.16.49E
Euphorbiaceae Anthostema A. Juss. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 643 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Euphorbiaceae Anthostema A. Juss. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 404 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Anthostema madagascariensis Baill. R. Randrianaivo et al. 541 R. Randrianaivo, 2000 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune Andevoranto, route Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 4 km du Bac. Fore|5t littorale d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, & J. Andriantiana. 18.52.47S 049.06.35E
Euphorbiaceae Blotia oblongifolia (Baill.) Leandri R. Decary 6389 P. Hoffmann, 1995 (K, confirm.) Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave) Clairie|9re de fore|5t littorale 18.48S 049.09E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus Hook. f. ex Planch. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6079 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus Hook. f. ex Planch. Richard Razakamalala 256 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus Hook. f. ex Planch. Richard Razakamalala 257 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus boivinianus (Baill.) Mu|2ll. Arg. SF(Rabetsitonta) 6324 McPherson, 2001 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus boivinianus (Baill.) Mu|2ll. Arg. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 618 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus perrieri Leandri SF(Capuron) 5691 McPherson, 2001 Station Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus perrieri Leandri SF(Capuron) 22739 McPherson, 2001 J.B Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus perrieri Leandri SF(Capuron) 22747 McPherson, 2001 J.B Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus perrieri Leandri SF(Capuron) 22761 McPherson, 2001 Foret de Vohibola-Tampina. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 442 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6044 Vohibola. Forest N of Pangalane Hotel, N shore of Lac Ampitabe, ca. 2 km W of Andranokoditra. Littoral forest on sand on trail N of lake shore. 18.35.46S 049.14.06E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6072 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6081 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. Richard Razakamalala 289 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4405 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 371 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 372 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 383 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 384 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Croton L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 405 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Croton nobilis Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 874 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Euphorbiaceae Croton noronhae Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 825 McPherson, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Euphorbiaceae Croton noronhae Baill. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 446 McPherson, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Croton trichotomus Geiseler R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 443 McPherson, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Croton trichotomus Geiseler R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 444 McPherson, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Dalechampia tamifolia Lam. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4545 W.S. Armbruster 1991/aug Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Euphorbiaceae Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 452 McPherson, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1257 McPherson, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 640 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Euphorbiaceae Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 227 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia L. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 839 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia L. Richard Razakamalala 284 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 655 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Euphorbiaceae Excoecaria L. Richard Razakamalala 287 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Euphorbiaceae Excoecaria L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4407 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Excoecaria lissophylla Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 822 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Euphorbiaceae Excoecaria lissophylla Baill. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 656 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga oblongifolia Baill. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 635 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga obovata Boivin ex Baill. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4541 G. McPherson, 1994 (MO) Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga obovata Boivin ex Baill. James S. Miller 3690 A. Radcliffe-Smith 1990 (K) 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga obovata Boivin ex Baill. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1464 McPherson, 2001 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga obovata Boivin ex Baill. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 714 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga obovata Boivin ex Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, 851 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool.| 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga obovata Boivin ex Baill. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 423 McPherson, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus Lour. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4403 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus spinulosus McPherson G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1301 G. McPherson (MO), 1995 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus spinulosus McPherson SF(Begue) 2937 G. McPherson (MO), 1995 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus spinulosus McPherson SF(Capuron) 18064 G. McPherson, 1995 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus spinulosus McPherson SF(Ecol.Forest.) 7474 G. McPherson, 1995 J.B. 2 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus spinulosus McPherson SF(Rabetsitonta) 5857 G. McPherson, 1995 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus spinulosus McPherson James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10460 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Euphorbiaceae Omphalea oppositifolia (Willd.) L.J. Gillespie SF(Capuron) 22737 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale , sur sables: ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Omphalea oppositifolia (Willd.) L.J. Gillespie SF(Capuron,R.) 8570 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Est: Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus (Baill.) Pax Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4416 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1303 Hoffmann Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax SF(Begue) 2943 P. Hoffman, 2000 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax SF(Lemanivo) 2983 Hoffmann Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1104 Hoffmann Ambila Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12918 Hoffmann Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10457 McPherson, 2004 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 842 McPherson, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax R. Decary 6536 Hoffmann Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave Fore|t littorale 18.49S 049.08E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax H. Perrier de la Bathie 13303 Hoffmann Est: Tampina. Sous bois - Fore|5t littorale orientale. 18.31S 049.17E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax M. Decary 6569 P. Hoffman, 2000 Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave Fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 429 McPherson, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1254 McPherson, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus laureola (Baill.) Pax Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 631 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Petalodiscus oblongifolius (Baill.) Pax David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 406 Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus L. A. Randrianasolo 479 Fivondronana Brickaville, S. of Ambila, in forestry station, 1 km W. of the intersection of the road to the ferry and the one going to Andevoranto. 18.54S 049.07E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus L. S.G. Razafimandimbison 182 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 456 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 457 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1227 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4402 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus nummulariifolius Poir. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 393 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Savia Willd. Porter P. Lowry II 3978 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 449 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1260 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4423 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada boiviniana Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 870 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada boiviniana Baill. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 374 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada grandiflora Radcl.-Sm. SF(Capuron) 22750 A. Radcliffe-Smith, 1991 J.B Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Suregada grandiflora Radcl.-Sm. SF(Capuron) 22751 A. Radcliffe-Smith, 1991 J.B Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Euphorbiaceae Uapaca Baill. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 715 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Euphorbiaceae Uapaca louvelii Denis G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1467 G. Webster 1988 (DAV) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Uapaca louvelii Denis Perrier de la Ba|5thie, H. 14909 M. Denis, 1927, TYPE Est: Tampina, au S. de Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale. 18.31S 049.17E
Euphorbiaceae Uapaca thouarsii Baill. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7408 J. Zarucchi 1991 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Euphorbiaceae Uapaca thouarsii Baill. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4537 G. McPherson 1990/dec Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Euphorbiaceae Uapaca thouarsii Baill. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4539 G. McPherson 1990/dec Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Fabaceae Abrus aureus subsp. littoralis (R. Vig.) Verdc. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1311 J.N. Labat 1990/oct (P) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Fabaceae Abrus aureus subsp. littoralis (R. Vig.) Verdc. Pete Phillipson 1848 J.-N. Labat (P), 1993 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Fabaceae Abrus precatorius L. Dupuy.D D.J. Dupuy et L.-N. Labat, 2002 Toamasina, East coast, near Ampasimanolotra,c.7km South of Ambila-Lemaitso. Strand vegetation on pure sand, often on bare sand with Ipomoea maritima, or amongst low shrubs. 18.53S 049.08E
Fabaceae Abrus precatorius L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 435 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Fabaceae Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus Verdc. Rakotozafy 1789 D.J. Dupuy & J.-N. Labat, 2002 Bord de Pangalane. Sur sables blancs. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Fabaceae Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus Verdc. Decary M.R. 6359 D.J. Dupuy & J.-N. Labat, 2002 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Fabaceae Adenanthera mantaroa Villiers SF(Verdet) 6312 J.-F. Villiers (P), 1994 Antanamala, Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Fabaceae Adenanthera mantaroa Villiers SF(Andre) 6484 J.-F. Villiers (P), 1994 Ambila Lemaitso 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Fabaceae Afzelia Sm. James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3645 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. 18.48S 49.09E
Fabaceae Afzelia Sm. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2263 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Fabaceae Afzelia Sm. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 730 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Fabaceae Albizia viridis E. Fourn. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4377 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Fabaceae Baudouinia Baill. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 641 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Fabaceae Baudouinia louvelii R. Vig. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 838 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Consrervation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Fabaceae Baudouinia louvelii R. Vig. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 862 J. Rabenantoandro, 2001 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Fabaceae Baudouinia louvelii R. Vig. Richard Razakamalala 268 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Fabaceae Baudouinia louvelii R. Vig. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 215 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Fabaceae Baudouinia louvelii R. Vig. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4417 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Fabaceae Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. Pete Phillipson 1896 ' Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. 18.52S 49.08E
Fabaceae Chamaecrista Moench Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 682 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Fabaceae Crotalaria L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 419 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Fabaceae Cynometra commersoniana Baill. Sf ( Verdet) 5736 D. Du Puy & R. Rabevohitra, 2002 Lieu de re|4colte: Ambodirotra, Tampina. 18.31.00S 049.17.00E
Fabaceae Hymenaea verrucosa Gaertn. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1470 G.E. Schatz 1991 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Fabaceae Hymenaea verrucosa Gaertn. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7405 J. Zarucchi 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Fabaceae Hymenaea verrucosa Gaertn. Pete Phillipson 1889 F.J. Breteler (WAG), 1992 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Fabaceae Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1469 G.E. Schatz 1991 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Fabaceae Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze James L. Zarucchi et al. 7416 J. Zarucchi 1991 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Fabaceae Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze James L. Zarucchi et al. 7423 J. Zarucchi 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Fabaceae Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6080 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Fabaceae Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4441 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Fabaceae Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 439 D. Rabehevitra, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Fabaceae Macrotyloma axillare (E. Mey.) Verdc. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 427 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Fabaceae Macrotyloma axillare var. glabrum (E. Mey.) Verdc. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1459 J.-N. Labat (P), 1993 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Fabaceae Millettia hitsika Du Puy & Labat SF(Verdet) 3260 Du Puy & Labat, 1995 Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.08E
Fabaceae Millettia hitsika Du Puy & Labat SF(Andre|4) 7257 Du Puy & Labat, 1995 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Fabaceae Mundulea chapelieri (Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy & Labat G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3150 Du Puy & Labat 1991 (P) Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Fabaceae Mundulea chapelieri (Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy & Labat G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1310 Du Puy & Labat 1991 (P) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Fabaceae Mundulea chapelieri (Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy & Labat J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1224 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Fabaceae Mundulea chapelieri (Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy & Labat David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 382 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Fabaceae Sakoanala madagascariensis R. Vig. Perrier de la Bathie, H. 13266 R. Viguier Est: Tampina, futaie, fore|5t littorale orientale. 18.31S 049.17E
Fabaceae Trachylobium Hayne P.J. Rakotomalaza 1383 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t Littorale. 18.54.31S 049.08.03E
Fabaceae Trachylobium verrucosum (Gaertn.) Oliv. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 726 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Fabaceae Trachylobium verrucosum (Gaertn.) Oliv. F. Ratovoson et al. 27 Fore|5t littorale a|9 Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et I. Bernard. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Fabaceae Viguieranthus kony (R. Vig.) Villiers Richard Razakamalala 251 McPherson;matches18947detLabat Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Flacourtiaceae Bembicia Oliv. SF(Be|4gue|4) 1565 R. Capuron Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E]
Flacourtiaceae Bembicia Oliv. SF 17734 R. Capuron Est : Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E]
Flacourtiaceae Calantica Jaub. ex Tul. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3147 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Calantica Jaub. ex Tul. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5132 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Flacourtiaceae Calantica Jaub. ex Tul. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5134 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Flacourtiaceae Calantica Jaub. ex Tul. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5136 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Flacourtiaceae Calantica Jaub. ex Tul. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5143 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Flacourtiaceae Calantica cerasifolia (Vent.) Tul. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1948 R.E. Gereau 1989 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Calantica grandiflora Jaub. ex Tul. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1947 R.E. Gereau 1989 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia Jacq. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 225 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia lucida Tul. Porter P. Lowry II 3991 5 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e. 10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville. Slightly disturbed coastal forest along roadway. 18.55S 49.07E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia lucida Tul. B. Iambana et al. 128 B. Iambana, 1999 8 Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: Fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e a|9 cause du cylone Ge|4ralda. re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et C. Birkinshaw 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia nigrescens Tul. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2254 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia nigrescens Tul. Pete Phillipson 1884 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia nigrescens Tul. James S. Miller 3672 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia nigrescens Tul. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 836 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Flacourtiaceae Casearia nigrescens Tul. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4408 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Flacourtia L'He|4r. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1492 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Flacourtia L'He|4r. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 448 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Flacourtiaceae Flacourtia ramontchii L'He|4r. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5127 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Strand vegetation just back of beach, ca. 3 km S of town, 1 km S of Les Alize|4s Hotel. 18.52S 049.07E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium Jacq. Porter P. Lowry II 3976 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium Jacq. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 649 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the bridge before the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium Jacq. N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 108 Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.49.28S 49.09.19E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium Jacq. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6074 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium Jacq. Richard Razakamalala 286 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium brevipedunculatum Scott-Elliot Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 646 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium involucratum (DC.) O. Hoffm. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4401 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium laxiflorum (Tul.) Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 820 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en l'alcool. 18.34.50S 49.15.16E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium laxiflorum (Tul.) Baill. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1219 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium laxiflorum (Tul.) Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4388 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium louvelianum H. Perrier J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1259 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium louvelianum H. Perrier Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 649 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium planiflorum (Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. C. Birkinshaw et al. 559 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.34S 49.08.12E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium planiflorum (Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 885 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 049.14.40E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium planiflorum (Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 431 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium planiflorum (Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 213 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium thuarsianum (Tul.) Baill. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2261 R.E. Gereau (MO), 1993 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium thuarsianum (Tul.) Baill. Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 241 McPherson, 2004 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Flacourtiaceae Homalium thuarsianum (Tul.) Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4413 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Ludia Comm. ex Juss. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 641 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Flacourtiaceae Ludia chapelieri Sleumer SF(Verdet) 3225 H. Sleumer, 1972 Menagisy, Brickaville. 18.52S 49.04E
Flacourtiaceae Ludia chapelieri Sleumer SF(Capuron) 18066 H. Sleumer, 1972. TYPE Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Ludia chapelieri Sleumer Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4374 McPherson 2004, e descr. Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Ludia chapelieri Sleumer David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 390 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Flacourtiaceae Ludia pinnatinervia (H. Perrier) Capuron & Sleumer SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2862 H. Sleumer, 1972 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia Schreb. Porter P. Lowry II 3981 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia Schreb. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 610 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. 18.53.47S 049.07.45E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia Schreb. Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 238 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia erythrocarpa H. Perrier R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 214 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia erythrocarpa H. Perrier J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1247 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia orientalis Sleumer G.E. Schatz, et al. 1944 R.E. Gereau 1989 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia orientalis Sleumer R. Randrianaivo et al. 536 McPherson, 2004 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune Brickaville, Village Ambila-Lemaitso, a|9 2 km au SW de l'ho|5tel Les Alize|4s. Fore|5t littorale. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. 18.53.52S 049.07.48E
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia orientalis Sleumer David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 370 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus Griseb. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5126 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Strand vegetation just back of beach, ca. 3 km S of town, 1 km S of Les Alize|4s Hotel. 18.52S 049.07E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus Griseb. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4397 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. Pete Phillipson 1847 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4551 J. Klackenberg (S), 1993 Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. James S. Miller 3691 A. Anderberg 1991/oct (S) 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. R. Benoist 775 Environs d'Ambila (Co|5te Est) [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. P. Boiteau 477 P. Boiteau Ambila-Lemaitso, la route d'Ambila a|9 Brickaville (Co|5te Est) sur dunes co|5tie|9res, dunes littorales [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. G. Cours 2935 Ambila-Lemaitso derrie|9re la lagune [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. R. Decary 6349 Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave) Clairie|9re sableuse en fore|5t littorale [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. R. Decary 6392 Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave) Clairie|9re de fore|5t littorale [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus carinatus (Desr.) Griseb. S. Rasamoe|2lson (IMRA) 7 P. Boiteau, 1974 Ambila-Lemaitso Terrain sablonneux littoral [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus gracilis Griseb. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3433 G.E. Schatz, 2004 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus gracilis Griseb. R. Benoist 809 H. Humbert Environs d'Ambila (Co|5te Est) [18.50S 49.09E]
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus longiflorus Griseb. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 687 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Gentianaceae Tachiadenus tubiflorus (Thouars ex Roem. & Schult.) Griseb. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 13257 R. Capuron Est - Tampina au sud de Tamatave Pre|9s des lagunes - lisie|9re de la fore|5t littorale [18.30S 49.16E]
Goodeniaceae Scaevola L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 430 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3647 James S. Miller 1990 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. 18.48S 49.09E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl L.J. Dorr 4474 L.J. Dorr 1985 Beach, approx. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Foredunes. 18.54S 49.08E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. L.J. Dorr 4476 L.J. Dorr 1985 Beach, approx. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Foredunes. 18.54S 49.08E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3642 James S. Miller 1990 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. 18.48S 49.09E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. Benoist 839 A. Rakotozafy, 1979 Ambila 18.49S 049.08E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. Decary 6526 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5141 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe Thouars G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1481 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe Thouars R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2260 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe Thouars Porter P. Lowry II 3985 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe Thouars Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4410 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe macrophylla Baill. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1327 D.C. Zappi (K), 1993 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe macrophylla Baill. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10448 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe stipulacea J. St.-Hil. James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3638 G.E. Schatz, 1993 1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe stipulacea J. St.-Hil. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 843 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe stipulacea J. St.-Hil. Richard Razakamalala 262 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Hamamelidaceae Dicoryphe stipulacea J. St.-Hil. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 632 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Icacinaceae Apodytes E. Mey. ex Arn. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3435 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Icacinaceae Apodytes E. Mey. ex Arn. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1255 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Icacinaceae Apodytes E. Mey. ex Arn. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4406 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Icacinaceae Apodytes E. Mey. ex Arn. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 376 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Icacinaceae Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Arn. B. Iambana et al. 131 B. Iambana, 1999 8Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et C. Birkinshaw 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Icacinaceae Cassinopsis Sonder in Harv. & Sonder G.E. Schatz, et al. 2420 McP 04 as sp nov Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Icacinaceae Desmostachys Miers Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4419 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Icacinaceae Desmostachys Miers Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 634 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Icacinaceae Desmostachys planchoniana Miers B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 735 J. Villiers (P), 1995 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Icacinaceae Desmostachys planchoniana Miers Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 824 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (DBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Icacinaceae Desmostachys planchoniana Miers J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1261 McPherson, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Icacinaceae Desmostachys planchoniana Miers J. Villiers, B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 735 East cost. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaintso. 18.29S 49.05E
Icacinaceae Grisollea Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Iridaceae Geosiris aphylla Baill. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4601 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Iridaceae Geosiris aphylla Baill. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4586 Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Iridaceae Geosiris aphylla Baill. R. Decary 17877 Tampina, au sud de Tamatave.Sous-bois, dans le sable. [18.31S 49.17E]
Iridaceae Gladiolus luteus Lam. L.J. Dorr 4475 L. Dorr 1985 Beach, approx. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Foredunes. 18.54S 49.08E
Iridaceae Gladiolus luteus Lam. G.E. Schatz, et al. 2424 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Iridaceae Gladiolus luteus Lam. G. Cours 2888 J. Bosser, 1976 Ambila-Lemaitso dunes au bord de la mer [18.50S 49.09E]
Iridaceae Gladiolus luteus Lam. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 18298 Est - Pre|9s d'Ambila Bords de la mer - C.C.C. [18.50S 49.09E]
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Begue) 2946 Ambila-Lemaitso SF [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Lemanivo) 2986 Ambila-Lemaitso SF [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1135 Ambila Lemaitso SF [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Begue) 1564 Ambila Lemaitso SF [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 15098 Ambila Lemaitso SF, Canton Andevoranto, District Brickaville, fore|5t sub-co|5tie|9re et de|4grade|4e, sol sablonneux. [18.45.00S 49.08.00E
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 6451 Ambila Lemaitso SF, dans E16. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 7267 J. Kostermans, 1957 Tampina, Ambila-Lemaitso [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF 4703 Ambila Lemaitso SF, fore|5t de Vohibola, Tampina 18.49S 049.08E
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. SF 3757 Ambila Lemaitso SF 18.49S 049.08E
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. Decary, R. 6486 J. Kostermans, 1952 Ambila, Sud de Tamatave. 18.49S 049.08E
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. R. Randrianaivo et al. 539 Henk van der Werff (MO), 2002 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune d'Andevoranto, a|9 2 km a|9 l'ouest d'Andavakomena, bord de la piste Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 fore|5t littorale sur sable d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. 18.52S 049.07E
Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4383 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 616 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya R. Br. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3145 C. retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya R. Br. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7398 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya R. Br. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4444 C. retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya R. Br. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 432 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya litoralis van der Werff R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2252 H. van der Werff, 2004 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya litoralis van der Werff G.E. Schatz, et al. 2422 H. van der Werff, 2004 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya litoralis van der Werff L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4469 H. van der Werff, 2004 Forest approx. 6-8 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. 18.54S 49.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya litoralis van der Werff B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 725 H. van der Werff, 2004 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff G.E. Schatz, et al. 1957 H. van der Werff, 2004 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff James L. Zarucchi et al. 7400 H. van der Werff (MO) Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Lauraceae Cryptocarya retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 440 H. van der Werff, 2004 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Lauraceae Ocotea Aubl. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7395 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Lauraceae Ocotea Aubl. James S. Miller, J. Bradford, F. Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo 8837 Forest on white sand just west of Ambila Lemaitso. Plants collected in alcohol. 18.50.12S 49.08.50E
Lauraceae Ocotea Aubl. B. Iambana et al. 134 B. Iambana, 1999 300m W d'Andavakimenarana, pre|9s de la route Brickaville, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard, Fidy Ratovoson, Faly Randriatafika, Roger 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Lauraceae Ocotea Aubl. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4438 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Lauraceae Ocotea laevis Kosterm. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4481 L.J. Dorr, 1985 Approx. 6 km S of ferry on road from Brickaville to Andevoranto and Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest on sand. 18.54S 49.07E
Lauraceae Ocotea laevis Kosterm. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3141 H. van der Werff, 2004 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Lauraceae Ocotea laevis Kosterm. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 717 H. van der Werff, 204 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Lauraceae Ocotea laevis Kosterm. SF(Begue) 1566 [Station forestiere [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Lauraceae Ocotea laevis Kosterm. Richard Razakamalala 259 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Lauraceae Ocotea laevis Kosterm. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1217 J.Rabenantoandro, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Lauraceae Potameia incisa Kosterm. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4538 H. van der Werff (MO), 2000 Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Lecythidaceae Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz Pete Phillipson 1899 G. E. Schatz (MO), 1993 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. 18.52S 49.08E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia Comm. ex Lam. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 734 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia Comm. ex Lam. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4371 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia clusioides Baker SF(Capuron) 18065 J. Bosser, 1988 EST: Foret sublittorale, sur sables a Ambila-Lemaitso [Forestry Station] [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Lecythidaceae Foetidia clusioides Baker Rakotozafy A. 1380 ?10236 Ambila-Lemaitso, province de Tamatave [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2257 G. E. Schatz (MO), 1993 Sand forest along coast at Ambilań Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.09E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume James L. Zarucchi et al. 7430 J. Zarucchi 1991 About 300 m N of railroad bridge across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.50S 49.09E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume G.E. Schatz, et al. 1955 M.S. Taylor 1989 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume Porter P. Lowry II 3969 G.E. Schatz, 1994 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Lower, partially inundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume Pete Phillipson 1852 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume Rakotozafy A. 1296 Bord du lac, foret littorale Ambila-Lemaitso, province de Tamatave [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume SF 4931 foret d'Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume Herb.Inst.Sci.Madag. 145 Serie C Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume Decary 6473 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume Schedl 131 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume B. Iambana et al. 129 B. Iambana, 1999 8 Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: Fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e a|9 cause du cylone Ge|4ralda. re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et C. Birkinshaw 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Lecythidaceae Foetidia obliqua Blume David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 418 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia L. C. Birkinshaw 1133 Southeast part of Vohibola Forest. Marsh at edge of littoral forest on sand. 2 km N of Andranokoditra. 18.34.33S 049.15.22E
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 397 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 398 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia livida E. Mey. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4590 P. Taylor 1987 dup det at K Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia subulata L. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4591 P. Taylor 1987 dup det at K Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia subulata L. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4614 P. Taylor 1987 dup det at K Swampy area with Pandanus vandamii; several km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso on road to Brickaville. 18.50S 49.07E
Liliaceae Asparagus L. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7417 S. Malcomber, 1991, see NOTE Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Liliaceae Asparagus madecassus H. Perrier Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 639 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Liliaceae Asparagus simulans Baker David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 369 D. Rabehevitra, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Liliaceae Dianella Lam. ex Juss. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4446 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Liliaceae Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. Pete Phillipson 1851 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Liliaceae Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 435 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Liliaceae Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 643 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Liliaceae Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 643 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4607 Ca. 3 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso on forest track parallel to railroad tracks. 18.50S 49.08E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1309 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 7471 J.B. 2 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 879 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1221 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1229 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Liliaceae Dracaena Vand. ex L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 654 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. Pete Phillipson 1875 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4553 Everglades Hotel, ca. 2 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3154 J.J. Bos 1991 (WAG) Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3156 J.J. Bos 1991 (WAG) Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 13787 J.J. Bos, 1986 E. coast, 2km S. of Ambila Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.09E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. A. Le Thomas 1014 Environs d'Ambila Lemaitso Fore|5t co|5tie|9re sur sables blancs. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 624 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa Lam. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 673 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia Baker G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1460 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa var. cernua (Jacq.) Baker R. Decary 6373 P. Danguy (P) Ambila 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Liliaceae Dracaena reflexa var. reflexa T.B. Croat 32384 J. Bosser (P) Along route #2 between Marovalo and Brickaville; elev. 70m to near sea level. 18.50.00S 049.04.00E
Linaceae Hugonia castanea Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 832 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Loganiaceae Anthocleista Afzel. ex R. Br. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 444 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Loganiaceae Anthocleista longifolia (Lam.) Boiteau James L. Zarucchi et al. 7406 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Loganiaceae Anthocleista longifolia (Lam.) Boiteau Leeuwenberg 13803 A.J.M. leeuwenberg, 1985 7 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Near coast, village Andavakimenarana 18.52.00S 49.08.00E
Loganiaceae Buddleja L. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10462 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Loganiaceae Buddleja L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1234 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Loganiaceae Buddleja indica Lam. Pete Phillipson 1885 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Loganiaceae Buddleja indica Lam. Benoist 846 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1985 Ambila (voie du chemin de fer) [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Loganiaceae Buddleja indica Lam. Cheek 1398 Ambila-Lemaitso. About 2-3 miles south of 'Everglades' Hotel. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Loganiaceae Buddleja indica Lam. A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & R. Ranaivojaona 14592 Ambila-Lemaitso, W of Canal d'Ampangalana. Degraded coastal forest. Sand. 18.49S 049.09E
Loganiaceae Buddleja indica Lam. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 615 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Loganiaceae Nuxia pachyphylla Baker SF(Rabetsitonta) 6471 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1984 Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso. [18.31.00S 49.17.00E
Loganiaceae Strychnos spinosa Lam. James S. Miller 3682 James S. Miller 1990 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Loganiaceae Strychnos spinosa Lam. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7413 J. Zarucchi 1991 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Loranthaceae Bakerella Tiegh. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1299 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Loranthaceae Bakerella Tiegh. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3445 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso along road from ferry crossing to Andevoranto. 18.54S 49.08E
Loranthaceae Bakerella Tiegh. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 878 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Loranthaceae Bakerella Tiegh. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1230 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Loranthaceae Bakerella Tiegh. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 652 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Loranthaceae Bakerella ambongoensis Balle F. Ratovoson et al. 29 Fore|5t littorale a|9 Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et I. Bernard. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Loranthaceae Bakerella clavata (Desr.) Balle Armand Rakotozafy 1297 Dans la lisie|9re de fore|5t. Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 49.08E
Loranthaceae Bakerella hoyifolia var. parkeri (Baker) Balle Pete Phillipson 1888 R.M. Polhill 1988 (dup det at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Malpighiaceae Tristellateia Thouars J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1223 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Melastomataceae Dichaetanthera Endl. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 863 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Melastomataceae Dichaetanthera articulata Endl. James S. Miller 3688 James S. Miller 1990 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Melastomataceae Dichaetanthera articulata Endl. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4485 G.E. Schatz 1990 Andavakamenarana, village at ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Dichaetanthera articulata Endl. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7422 A. Pool 1991 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Andevoranto 3 km S of turnoff to Amapasimanolotra (Brickaville); low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.55S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Dichaetanthera crassinodis Baker SF(Lemanivo) 1621 Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Melastomataceae Lijndenia roborea (Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4587 R.D. Stone, 2003 Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Lijndenia roborea (Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. G.E. Schatz, et al. 2417 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1997 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Lijndenia roborea (Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3434 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1997 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Lijndenia roborea (Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2893 Stone & Rakotonirina, 2001 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Melastomataceae Lijndenia roborea (Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. SF(Capuron) 22755 R. Rabevohitra, 1987 Est: fore|5t littorale sur sables a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Melastomataceae Medinilla Gaudich. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 884 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 049.14.40E
Melastomataceae Medinilla Gaudich. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1236 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Melastomataceae Memecylon ulopterum DC. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1945 R.D. Stone, 2003 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Memecylon ulopterum DC. SF(Capuron, R.) 28044 Est: fore|5t littorale entre Ambila-Lemaitso et Andevoranto. 18.49S 49.08E
Melastomataceae Warneckea urschii (H. Perrier) Jacq.-Fe|4l. SF(Begue) 10748 R. Rabevohitra, 1987 Bord des Pangalanes,Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Meliaceae Astrotrichilia (Harms) J.-F. Leroy ex T.D. Penn. & Styles J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1268 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.33S 049.14.05E
Meliaceae Astrotrichilia voamatata J.-F. Leroy SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 6459 Ambila Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Meliaceae Astrotrichilia voamatata J.-F. Leroy SF(Begue) 7568 Tananala, Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Meliaceae Astrotrichilia voamatata J.-F. Leroy SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 7266 Antananala, Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Meliaceae Astrotrichilia voamatata J.-F. Leroy SF(F. Bora) 9657 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Meliaceae Turraea L. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3144 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Meliaceae Turraea L. B. Iambana et al. 132 B. Iambana, 1999 8Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et C. Birkinshaw 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Meliaceae Turraea L. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 859 T. littoralis, det TEF, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Meliaceae Turraea L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4422 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Meliaceae Turraea L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4426 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Meliaceae Turraea L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 373 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Meliaceae Turraea L. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 229 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5151 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars Richard Razakamalala 255 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1245 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1262 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1264 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4404 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Menispermaceae Burasaia Thouars Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4433 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Menispermaceae Burasaia congesta Decne. P. Boiteau 1146 A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t sur sable. f [18.49S 49.08E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. James S. Miller 3679 L.L. Forman 1991 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N. Ralimanana 4464 A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 Degraded forest on the W side of the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. Le Thomas 103 A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 Lemaitso; Fore|5t co|5tie|9re sur sable blancs. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E]
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. SF 6453 A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. G. Cours 2933 A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 Ambila-Lemaitso, derrie|9re la lagune [18.49S 49.08E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. P. Boiteau 466 A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t littorale sur dunes fixe|4es (en arrie|9re de la lagune) [18.49S 49.08E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. R. Decary 17697 A.F.B. Westerhaus Tampina au sud de Tamatave . zone littorale [18.31S 49.17E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 585 A. Westerhaus District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, very disturbed forest on white sand. 18.51.38S 049.08.34E
Menispermaceae Burasaia madagascariensis DC. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 858 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Menispermaceae Spirospermum penduliflorum Thouars B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 720 M. Randriambololona, 1993 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa Sonn. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6088 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa Sonn. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1250 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa castri-delphinii Cavaco SF(Rabevohitra,R.) 32538 S.N. ANdrianarivelo, 2002 Fiv: Brickaville (Ampasimanolotra), Fir et Fok: Ambila-Lemaitso, Lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny nofy. Station forestie|9re: fore|5t primaire. Sol: sableux humife|9re. 18.36S 049.15E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa castri-delphinii Cavaco SF (Rabevohitra,R.) 32512 S.N. Andrianarivelo, 2002 Fiv. Brickaville, Fir. et Fok. Ambila. Village le plus proche: Andranokoditra. Station: fore|5t ombrophile. Sol: sableux. 18.38S 049.15E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa purpurea (Tul.) A. DC. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4542 D. Lorence (PTBG), 1995 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa purpurea (Tul.) A. DC. SF(Rabevohitra,R.) 29902 Lieu de re|4colte: Fore|5t d'Andavakimenarana. 18.52.34S 049.08.12E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa religiosa (Tul.) A. DC. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 857 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa religiosa (Tul.) A. DC. M. Decary 6288 D. Lorence, 1978 Ambila 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa religiosa (Tul.) A. DC. M. Decary 6554 D. Lorence, 1978 Ambila 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa religiosa (Tul.) A. DC. A. Rakotozafy 1293 D. Lorence, 1978 Province de Tamatave ( TOamasina), Ambila-Lemaitso, fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Monimiaceae Tambourissa religiosa (Tul.) A. DC. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 638 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Moraceae Ficus L. S.G. Razafimandimbison 170 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Moraceae Ficus L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1258 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Moraceae Ficus lutea Vahl James L. Zarucchi et al. 7429 J. Zarucchi 1991 About 300 m N of railroad bridge across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.50S 49.09E
Moraceae Ficus lutea Vahl Cours, G. 2921 C.C. Berg (BG), 1985 Ambila-Lemaitso, dunes au bord de la mer [18.49S 49.08E
Moraceae Ficus lutea Vahl David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 425 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Moraceae Ficus reflexa Thunb. James S. Miller 3685 C. Jongkind 1989 (K) 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Moraceae Ficus reflexa subsp. reflexa Pete Phillipson 1868 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Moraceae Ficus reflexa subsp. reflexa G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1494 K.G. Sikes (MO), 1996 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Moraceae Ficus reflexa subsp. reflexa S.G. Razafimandimbison 174 K.G. Sikes (MO), 2002 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Moraceae Streblus dimepate (Bureau) C.C. Berg R. Decary 6414 K.G. Sikes (MO), 2001 Ambila. 18.49S 49.08E
Moraceae Streblus mauritianus (Jacq.) Blume SF(Kiener) K.G. Sikes (MO), 1996 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E
Moraceae Trilepisium madagascariense Thouars ex DC. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 441 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Myricaceae Myrica spathulata Mirb. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7403 J. Zarucchi 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Myricaceae Myrica spathulata Mirb. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4546 Malcomber & Schatz (MO), 1993 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Myricaceae Myrica spathulata Mirb. Pete Phillipson 1881 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Myricaceae Myrica spathulata Mirb. Benoist 858 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Myristicaceae Brochoneura Warb. Richard Razakamalala 274 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Myristicaceae Brochoneura acuminata (Lam.) Warb. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 835 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool.| 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Myristicaceae Brochoneura acuminata (Lam.) Warb. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4443 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Myristicaceae Brochoneura acuminata (Lam.) Warb. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 669 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Myrsinaceae Embelia incumbens Mez B. Iambana et al. 130 B. Iambana, 1999 8 Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: Fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e a|9 cause du cylone Ge|4ralda. re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et C. Birkinshaw 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus A. DC. N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 111 Tampina a|9 l'ouest du canal de Pangalana. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.31.22S 49.16.49E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus A. DC. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4391 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus A. DC. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 683 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus paludosus A. DC. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7433 Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 About 300 m N of railroad bridge across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.50S 49.09E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus paludosus A. DC. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7432 Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 About 300 m N of railroad bridge across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.50S 49.09E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus paludosus A. DC. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1461 Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Myrsinaceae Monoporus paludosus A. DC. James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3641 Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Myrsinaceae Oncostemum A. Juss. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1471 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Myrsinaceae Oncostemum A. Juss. Porter P. Lowry II 3970 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Lower, partially inundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Myrsinaceae Oncostemum A. Juss. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 644 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Myrsinaceae Oncostemum A. Juss. N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 107 Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.49.28S 49.09.19E
Myrsinaceae Oncostemum fusco-pilosum (Baker) Mez Pete Phillipson 1880 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Myrsinaceae Oncostemum palmiforme H. Perrier Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 823 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Myrtaceae Eugenia L. Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 246 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Myrtaceae Eugenia L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1248 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier SF(Rabetsitonta) 3194 Fore|5t Ambila Lemaitso, parcelle E-21. District Brickaville. [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier SF(Capuron) 22762 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Vohibola, pre|9s de Tampina (entre Tamatave et Ambila Lemaitso). 18.31S 049.17E
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier SF 16853 ABL JB 2 Desc C2, Ambila Lemaitso. Canton Andevoranto, District Brickaville. Fore|5t se|9che, sol sableux. 18.49S 049.08E
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier SF(Rabevohitra) 29897 Pre|9s du lac Anjanaborona. Ambila Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier SF(Rabevohitra) 29898 Ambila Lemaitso SF. Pre|9s du lac Anjanaborona. 18.49S 049.08E
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4437 TEF, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Myrtaceae Eugenia cloiselii H. Perrier Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 664 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Myrtaceae Melaleuca viridiflora Gaertner James L. Zarucchi et al. 7431 S.G. Razafimandimbison 1991 (TAN) About 300 m N of railroad bridge across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.50S 49.09E
Myrtaceae Syzygium bernieri (Drake) Labat & G.E. Schatz R. Randrianaivo et al. 540 McPherson, 2002 Fiv. Brickaville, Commune d'Andevoranto, a|9 2 km a|9 l'ouest d'Andavakomena, bord de la piste Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 fore|5t littorale sur sable d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. 18.52S 049.07E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1456 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4471 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Forest approx. 6-8 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. 18.54S 49.08E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Pete Phillipson 1883 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 737 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1113 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Ambila, Brickaville [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1114 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Ambila, Brickaville [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz SF(Ecol.Forest.) 7473 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 J.B. 2, Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Boiteau 470 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Ambila-Lemaitso, fore|5t sur dunes littorales. 18.49S 049.08E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul Johny Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Richard Razakamalala 269 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4418 TEF, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4440 TEF, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Myrtaceae Syzygium emirnense (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 637 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Myrtaceae Syzygium micropodum (Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz James L. Zarucchi et al. 7426 J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz, 1999 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Nepenthaceae Nepenthes madagascariensis Poir. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 681 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Ochnaceae Campylospermum Tiegh. Porter P. Lowry II 3986 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Ochnaceae Campylospermum obtusifolium (Lam.) Tiegh. B. Iambana et al. 135 B. Iambana, 1999 300m W d'Andavakimenarana, pre|9s de la route Brickaville, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard, Fidy Ratovoson, Faly Randriatafika, Roger 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Ochnaceae Campylospermum obtusifolium var. breonii (Tiegh.) H. Perrier L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4595 A. Balsinhas 1987 (PRE) Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Ochnaceae Ochna L. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 612 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. 18.53.47S 049.07.45E
Ochnaceae Ochna L. Richard Razakamalala 252 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Ochnaceae Ochna L. Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 243 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Ochnaceae Ochnaceae fam. DC. F. Y. Razafindrakoto, Mamisoa & Razily 71 Station forestie|9re de Tampina, 30 km au Nord d'Ambila. Fore|5t littorale . Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.31.21S 049.16.43E
Ochnaceae Ouratea Aubl. G.E. Schatz, et al. 1949 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Ochnaceae Ouratea obtusifolia (Lam.) Gilg James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3640 R.E. Gereau (MO), 1997 1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Ochnaceae Sauvagesia erecta L. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1480 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Ochnaceae Sauvagesia erecta L. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4597 L.J. Dorr 1986 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Olacaceae Olacaceae fam. Mirb. ex DC. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4414 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Olacaceae Olax L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 428 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Olacaceae Olax L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4390 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Olacaceae Olax emirnensis Baker G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3429 K.G. Sikes (MO). 2001 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Olacaceae Olax emirnensis Baker SF(Capuron) 5692 R. Capuron, 1956 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale: Ambila Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Olacaceae Olax emirnensis Baker SF(Rabetsitonta) 6478 M. Keraudren, 1963 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Olacaceae Olax emirnensis Baker Perrier de la Ba|5thie, H. 14024 Cavaco & Keraudren, 1955 Est: Fore|5t littorale orientale, pre|9s de Brikaville. 18.50S 049.04E
Olacaceae Olax emirnensis Baker SF(Capuron) 28033 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Olacaceae Olax emirnensis Baker James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10461 G.E. Schatz & K.G. Sikes, 2001 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Olacaceae Olax madagascariensis (Thouars ex DC.) Cavaco Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 661 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Olacaceae Olax pseudaleia Willd. ex Steud. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1312 K.G. Sikes (MO), 2001 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Olacaceae Olax pseudoleioides Willd. ex Steud. SF(Capuron) 22745 Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables: Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Olacaceae Phanerodiscus capuronii Male|4cot, G.E. Schatz & Bosser G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3439 Male|4cot, G.E. Schatz & Bosser, 2003 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Olacaceae Phanerodiscus capuronii Male|4cot, G.E. Schatz & Bosser SF(Rabetsitonta) 6320 V. Male|4cot, 2003 (P) Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Oleaceae Jasminum L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1238 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Oleaceae Jasminum kitchingii Baker David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 381 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars A. Randrianasolo 480 !P.S. Green (K), 2000 Fivondronana Brickaville, S. of Ambila, along the road going to Andevoranto. 18.54S 049.07E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5129 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5148 !P.S. Green (K), 2000 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 650 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the bridge before the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars S.G. Razafimandimbison 172 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars Richard Razakamalala 253 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars Richard Razakamalala 272 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Oleaceae Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1267 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.33S 049.14.05E
Oleaceae Noronhia emarginata (Lam.) Thouars G.E. Schatz, et al. 1942 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Oleaceae Noronhia emarginata (Lam.) Thouars James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3646 R. Elisette (P), 1994 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. 18.48S 49.09E
Oleaceae Noronhia pervilleana (Knobl.) H. Perrier G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3444 P.S. Green (K), 1994 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso along road from ferry crossing to Andevoranto. 18.54S 49.08E
Oleaceae Olea ambrensis H. Perrier B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 718 P. Green (K), 1995 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Oleaceae Oleaceae fam. Hoffmanns. & Link R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 237 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Orchidaceae Angraecum Bory David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 392 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Angraecum Bory David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 400 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Angraecum acutipetalum Schltr. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 653 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Orchidaceae Angraecum eburneum subsp. superbum (Thouars) H. Perrier David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 440 D. Rabehevitra, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Angraecum panicifolium H. Perrier Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 659 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Orchidaceae Angraecum sesquipedale Thouars David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 375 D. Rabehevitra, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Bulbophyllum Thouars David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 399 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Cynorkis Thouars Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 668 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Orchidaceae Cynorkis Thouars Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 684 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Orchidaceae Cynorkis elata Rolfe Decary, R. 6427 Bosser J., 5.1988 Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave, fore|5t littorale. Dans la broussaille. 18.49S 049.08E
Orchidaceae Cynorkis fastigiata Thouars Pete Phillipson 1893 J. Bosser 1989 (P) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Orchidaceae Habenaria Willd. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 650 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Orchidaceae Habenaria Willd. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 396 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Jumellea Schltr. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 877 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Orchidaceae Oeonia volucris (Thouars) Spreng. Pete Phillipson 1892 P. Cribb 1988 (dup det at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Orchidaceae Orchidaceae fam. Adans. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 379 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Orchidaceae fam. Adans. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 401 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Polystachya Hook. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 391 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Polystachya Hook. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 408 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Orchidaceae Vanilla Plum. ex Mill. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 674 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Oxalidaceae Biophytum DC. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 422 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Pandanaceae Pandanus Parkinson L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4610 S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Dunes back of beach. 18.54S 49.08E
Pandanaceae Pandanus Parkinson L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4611 S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Dunes back of beach. 18.54S 49.08E
Pandanaceae Pandanus Parkinson P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6069 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Pandanaceae Pandanus Parkinson Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4452 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Pandanaceae Pandanus concretus Baker L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4609 M. Callmander (NEU), 2001 S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Dunes back of beach. 18.54S 49.08E
Pandanaceae Pandanus malgassicus Pic. Serm. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 395 M. Callmander (NEU), 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Pandanaceae Pandanus neoleptopodus Pichi-Sermolli Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4442 M . Callmander (NEU), 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Pandanaceae Pandanus neoleptopodus Pichi-Sermolli Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 667 M. Callmander (NEU), 04 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Pandanaceae Pandanus pervilleanus Solms G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1485 K.-L. Hynh (NEU) 1997 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Pandanaceae Pandanus pervilleanus Solms James S. Miller 3674 K.-L. Huynh (NEU) 1997 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Pandanaceae Pandanus pervilleanus Solms James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10465 Callmander, 2003 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Pandanaceae Pandanus pervilleanus Solms Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4453 M. Callmander (NEU), 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Pandanaceae Pandanus platyphyllus Martelli Stone & al. 7804 East coast , centre, between Brickavilla and Ambila-Lemaitso, sandy ridges, riverine swamps, lagoons. Lowland riverine quicksand. 18.50.50S 049.04.00E
Pandanaceae Pandanus rollotii Martelli Stone & al. East coast, centre, between Brickaville and Ambila-Lemaitso; sandy ridges, riverine swamps, lagoons. In riversine swamp in standing water. 18.50.50S 049.04.00E
Pandanaceae Pandanus rollotii Martelli Guillaumet 2475 Ambila-Lemaitso. Sud de Tamatave(Toamasina). 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Passifloraceae Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5137 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Passifloraceae Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 104 Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t littorale au bord du canal de Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.54.12S 49.07.28E
Passifloraceae Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y. Razafindrakoto & Victor 106 Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.49.28S 49.09.19E
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars Le Thomas 100 Environ d'Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4470 G.E. Schatz 1991/sep Forest approx. 6-8 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. 18.54S 49.08E
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 713 R. Gereau (MO), 1998 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars S.G. Razafimandimbison 181 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2002 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars A. Rakotozafy 1294 Ambila-Lemaitso, province de Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale sur sables blancs. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 713 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Passifloraceae Paropsia edulis Noronha ex Thouars L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4470 Forest approx. 6-8 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. 18.54S 49.08E
Physenaceae Physena Noronha ex Thouars J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1233 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. Porter P. Lowry II 3982 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 049.08E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4483 G.E. Schatz 1988 Andavakamenarana, village at ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. 18.54S 049.08E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 8266 H. Sleumer, 1965 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. SF 4150 H. Sleumer, 1958 Ambila Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1129 Ambila, Brickaville 18.49S 049.08E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. C. Birkinshaw et al. 556 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.53.47S 49.07.18E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 652 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, 20 m W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, deforested area, between the bridge and the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 856 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 430 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Physenaceae Physena madagascariensis Thouars ex Tul. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 377 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Phytolaccaceae Barbeuia madagascariensis Steud. Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo Ca. 4 km SSW of Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 200 m W of the ferry crossing along road from Brickaville (Ampasimanolotra). Wet coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Phytolaccaceae Barbeuia madagascariensis Steud. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7404 J. Zarucchi 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Phytolaccaceae Barbeuia madagascariensis Steud. R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller 2250 1 km W of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.48S 49.09E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1465 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4540 Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4604 Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5128 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Strand vegetation just back of beach, ca. 3 km S of town, 1 km S of Les Alize|4s Hotel. 18.52S 049.07E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4420 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum ochrosiifolium Bojer David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 431 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum ochrosiifolium var. ochrosiifolium James L. Zarucchi et al. 7401 A. Pool (MO), 1991 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum polyspermum Tul. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 867 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum polyspermum Tul. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 677 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum verticillatum subsp. pangalanense (Cufod.) Cufod. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2877 G. Cufodontis, 1955 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum verticillatum subsp. pangalanense (Cufod.) Cufod. SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2880 G. Cufodontis, 1955 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Plantae Bryophyta divisio. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4375 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Plantae Bryophyta divisio. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4412 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Plantae Pteridophyta division. J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1225 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Plantae Pteridophyta division. J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1226 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Plantae Pteridophyta division. J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 663 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Poaceae Megastachya mucronata (Poir.) P. Beauv. Pete Phillipson 1854 J.G. Sa|4nchez-Ken, May 2000 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Poaceae Panicum L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4382 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Podocarpaceae Podocarpus madagascariensis Baker SF 7541 Station Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E]
Pteridophyta Asplenium nidus L. Pete Phillipson 1890 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Huperzia Bernh. Porter P. Lowry II 3988 5 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e. 10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville. Slightly disturbed coastal forest along roadway. 18.55S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Huperzia phlegmaria var. tardieuae (Herter) Tardieu Pete Phillipson 1867 K.U. Kramer 10/1988 (dup det at Z) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Lomariopsis pollicina (Willemet) Mett. ex Kuhn Pete Phillipson 1882 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Lycopodiella affinis (Bory) Pic. Serm. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1479 K.U. Kramer 1988 (dup det at Z) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Pteridophyta Lycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Pic. Serm. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3432 R.C. Moran (AAU), 1994 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Pteridophyta Lycopodium affine Bory C. Birkinshaw 1134 C. Birkinshaw (MO), 2003 Southeast part of Vohibola Forest. Marsh at edge of littoral forest on sand. 2 km N of Andranokoditra. 18.34.33S 049.15.22E
Pteridophyta Lycopodium carolinianum L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 689 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Pteridophyta Lycopodium cernuum L. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4486 Robbin C. Moran 1987 Aug Andavakamenarana, village at ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Pteridophyta Microgramma mauritiana (Willd.) Tardieu Pete Phillipson 1863 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Phymatosorus scolopendria (Burm. f.) Pic. Serm. Pete Phillipson 1886 M.J. Zink 10/1988 (dup det at Z) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Phymatosorus scolopendria (Burm. f.) Pic. Serm. L.J. Dorr 4480 K.U. Kramer 1987 at Z (dup det) Beach, approx. 5 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Pteridophyta Schizaea dichotoma (L.) J. Sm. Pete Phillipson 1879 K.U. Kramer 10/1988 (dup det at Z) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Pteridophyta Schizaea dichotoma (L.) J. Sm. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1489 K.U. Kramer 1988 (dup det at Z) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Pteridophyta Schizaea dichotoma (L.) J. Sm. L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett & A. Rakotozafy 4588 K.U. Kramer 1987 (Z) Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso (junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. 18.54S 49.08E
Rhizophoraceae Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. G.E. Schatz, et al. 2419 G. E. Schatz (MO), 1997 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane (canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. 18.51S 49.08E
Rhizophoraceae Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5133 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Rhizophoraceae Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. Armand Randrianasolo, R. Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo 611 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2000 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. 18.53.47S 049.07.45E
Rhizophoraceae Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 869 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Rhizophoraceae Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 651 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea Aubl. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6066 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea gummiflua Tul. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 644 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Rhizophoraceae Macarisia pyramidata Thouars G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1300 V. Raharimalala (TAN), 1993 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rhizophoraceae Rhizophoraceae fam. Pers. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4400 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3155 P. De Block, 1999 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1317 K.G. Sikes (MO), 2002 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw James L. Zarucchi et al. 7427 R.E. Gereau, 1997 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw SF 4928 Chaw & Darwin, 1992 Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10463 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 847 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements ( CBD)a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 678 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Rubiaceae Antirhea madagascariensis Chaw R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 235 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Rubiaceae Breonia tayloriana Razafim. SF 8317 S.G. Razafimandimbison Ampanotoamaizina, Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Breonia tayloriana Razafim. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 438 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Canthium Lam. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 403 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Canthium humbertianum Cavaco G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3158 McP/04; new? Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed dunes. 18.50S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Canthium humbertianum Cavaco Richard Razakamalala 260 McP/04; new? Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rubiaceae Canthium latiflorum Homolle ex Cavaco SF(Begue) 1578 A. Cavaco, 1972 Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Rubiaceae Chapelieria madagascariensis A. Rich. James S. Miller 3687 N. Bridson 1990 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Rubiaceae Chassalia Comm. ex Poir. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 821 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Rubiaceae Chassalia Comm. ex Poir. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 443 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Coffea L. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 434 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Rubiaceae Coffea L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6085 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Rubiaceae Coffea L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4454 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Rubiaceae Coffea L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 630 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Coffea L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 413 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Coffea resinosa (Hook. f.) Radlk. SF(Lemanivo) 1631 A.P. Davis, 2001 Station forestiere d'Ambila-Lemaitso. [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Rubiaceae Coffea resinosa (Hook. f.) Radlk. SF(Capuron) 22738 A.P. Davis, 2001 J.B Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Rubiaceae Coffea resinosa (Hook. f.) Radlk. Guillaumet, J.L. 2412 A.P. Davis, 2001 Fore|5t littoral sur le cordon littoral. Re|4serve forestie|9re d'Ambila. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Rubiaceae Coffea resinosa (Hook. f.) Radlk. Davis, A.P., J. Andriantiana, D. Gower & S. Malcomber 1120 A.P. Davis, 2001 East coast of Madagascar, Ambila-Lemaitso, c. 103 km South of Toamasina.Vegetation: sub-littoral evergreen forest, with 10-15m canopy; forest with disturbance (selective felling, and trails). Geology: sand. 18.51.00S 049.08.00E
Rubiaceae Coffea resinosa (Hook. f.) Radlk. Davis.A.P, J. Andriantiana, D. Dower & S. Malcomber 1120 A.P. Davis, 2001 East coast of Madagascar, Ambila-Lemaitso, c. 103km South of Toamasina. Sub-littoral evergreen forest, with 10-15m canopy; forest with disturbance (selective felling, and trails). Geology: sand. 18.51S 049.08.00E
Rubiaceae Coffea resinosa (Hook. f.) Radlk. Richard Razakamalala 264 R.Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rubiaceae Coffea richardii J.-F. Leroy Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 627 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Cremocarpon Baill. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 438 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Rubiaceae Cremocarpon Baill. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4421 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Rubiaceae Cremocarpon lantzii Bremek. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4386 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1490 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3446 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso along road from ferry crossing to Andevoranto. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 721 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5146 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. S.G. Razafimandimbison 173 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. Richard Razakamalala 273 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1213 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 660 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Rubiaceae Danais Comm. ex Vent. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 450 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Danais coronata (Pers.) Steud. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1475 C. Puff 1991 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum Hiern F. Ratovoson et al. 26 Fore|5t littorale a|9 Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et I. Bernard. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum Hiern Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 666 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum Hiern Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 671 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum Hiern David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 389 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum bernierianum Baill. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 844 J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum bernierianum Baill. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 646 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Rubiaceae Enterospermum bernierianum Baill. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 670 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Rubiaceae Fernelia Comm. ex Lam. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 883 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 049.14.40E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera Lam. James S. Miller & R.S. Keating 4542 D. Bridson 1991/jun (K) Areas surrounding Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. 18.48S 49.09E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera Lam. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6083 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera Lam. Richard Razakamalala 265 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera Lam. Richard Razakamalala 291 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera Lam. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 410 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera guillotii Hochr. Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis, David Gower & J. Andriantiana 2913 S. Malcomber, 2002 Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) 18.53.49S 049.07.43E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera guillotii Hochr. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10449 S.Malcomber, 2002 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera guillotii Hochr. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 837 S. Malcomber (MO), 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera macrostipula Baker L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4484 D. Bridson 1987 (K) Andavakamenarana, village at ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera macrostipula Baker Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis, David Gower & J. Andriantiana 2915 Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) 18.53.49S 049.07.43E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera macrostipula Baker Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 645 ! S. Malcomber (MO), 2000 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera obovata Baker Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 872 Malcomber, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera obovata subsp. sphaerocarpa (Baker) Malcomber Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis, David Gower & J. Andriantiana 2914 S.T. Malcomber (MO), 2000 Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) 18.53.49S 049.07.43E
Rubiaceae Gaertnera obovata subsp. sphaerocarpa (Baker) Malcomber Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis, David Gower & J. Andriantiana 2916 S.T. Malcomber (MO), 2000 Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) 18.53.49S 049.07.43E
Rubiaceae Geophila D. Don G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1495 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Hedyotis L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4381 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Ixora L. S.G. Razafimandimbison 176 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Ixora L. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 827 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements ( CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Rubiaceae Ixora L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 628 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Ixora L. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 647 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.46S 49.15.06E
Rubiaceae Ixora emirnensis Baker G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1466 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Ixora emirnensis Baker G.E. Schatz, et al. 1946 D. Bridson 1989 (K) 6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A. Henderson. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Ixora emirnensis Baker James L. Zarucchi et al. 7407 R. Gereau (MO), 1995 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Ixora emirnensis Baker Pete Phillipson 1873 G.E. Schatz 1990 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Rubiaceae Ixora pachyphylla Baker G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1314 D. Bridson (K), 1988 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Mapouria Aubl. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 439 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Rubiaceae Morinda L. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4487 Andavakamenarana, village at ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Morinda L. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1318 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Morinda L. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3443 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Morinda L. Porter P. Lowry II 3990 5 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e. 10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville. Slightly disturbed coastal forest along roadway. 18.55S 49.07E
Rubiaceae Morinda L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4411 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Morinda L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4430 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Rubiaceae Morinda retusa Poir. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 853 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Rubiaceae Morinda rigida Miq. James S. Miller 3689 R. Gereau (MO), 1995 1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. 18.48S 49.09E
Rubiaceae Morinda rigida Miq. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7399 R. Gereau (MO), 1995 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Morinda rigida Miq. C. Birkinshaw et al. 557 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.34S 49.08.12E
Rubiaceae Morinda rigida Miq. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 675 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Rubiaceae Oldenlandia affinis (Roem. & Schult.) DC. Pete Phillipson 1865 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. Pete Phillipson 1891 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1302 D. Bridson (K), 1988, see NOTE Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 719 D. Bridson (K), 1996 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 727 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10447 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. S.G. Razafimandimbison 177 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 223 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1214 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4399 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Psychotria L. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 386 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Psychotria assimilis Bremek. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7414 R. Gereau (MO), 1995 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria lucidula Baker G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1462 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria obtusifolia Poir. G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy 1491 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria obtusifolia Poir. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7412 R. Gereau (MO), 1995 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria obtusifolia Poir. Pete Phillipson 1895 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. 18.52S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Psychotria obtusifolia Poir. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 620 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Psychotria obtusifolia Poir. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 433 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria Comm. ex Juss. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5130 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest. 18.54S 049.07E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria Comm. ex Juss. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10458 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria Comm. ex Juss. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 626 McP/04 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria Comm. ex Juss. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 445 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria media (A. Rich. ex DC.) Cavaco G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1306 McPherson, 2004 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria media (A. Rich. ex DC.) Cavaco James L. Zarucchi et al. 7424 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.53S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Pyrostria media (A. Rich. ex DC.) Cavaco Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5144 McPherson, 2004 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae fam. Juss. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4432 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae fam. Juss. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4434 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae fam. Juss. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 234 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Rubiaceae Saldinia A. Rich. ex DC. G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3437 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Saldinia A. Rich. ex DC. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 736 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Saldinia A. Rich. ex DC. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 723 D. Bridson (K), 1996 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Rubiaceae Saldinia A. Rich. ex DC. Richard Razakamalala 280 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rubiaceae Saldinia A. Rich. ex DC. J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1265 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Saldinia A. Rich. ex DC. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 619 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Rubiaceae Saldinia axillaris (Lam. ex Poir.) Bremek. James L. Zarucchi et al. 7410 R. Gereau (MO), 1995 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Saldinia littoralis Bremek. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1304 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Saldinia littoralis Bremek. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1307 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Saldinia stenophylla Bremek. Pete Phillipson 1869 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Rubiaceae Spermacoce L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4384 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Rubiaceae Tarenna Gaertn. G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1316 D. Bridson (K), 1988 Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Rubiaceae Tarenna Gaertn. Porter P. Lowry II & J.S. Miller 5149 Ambila-Lemaitso, E of Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. 18.54.30S 049.07.37E
Rubiaceae Tarenna Gaertn. R. Ranaivojaona, R. Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady 437 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. 18.33.35S 049.15.05E
Rubiaceae Tarenna thouarsiana (Drake) Homolle Pete Phillipson 1876 D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Rubiaceae Vangueria Juss. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4451 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Rubiaceae Vangueria madagascariensis J.F. Gmel. G.E. Schatz & W.S. Armbruster 3140 P. Phillipson, 1992 Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10 km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.54S 49.08E
Rutaceae Vepris Comm. ex A. Juss. Richard Razakamalala 271 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Rutaceae Vepris elliotii (Radlk.) I. Verd. Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 861 J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.23S 049.14.58E
Rutaceae Vepris elliotii (Radlk.) I. Verd. Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 680 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.49S 49.14.03E
Sapindaceae Allophylus L. S.G. Razafimandimbison 180 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Sapindaceae Allophylus arboreus Choux Pete Phillipson 1861 Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. 18.53S 49.07E
Sapindaceae Allophylus arboreus Choux Porter P. Lowry II & A. Randrianasolo 4541 R.E. Gereau (MO), 1993 Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. 18.51S 49.08E
Sapindaceae Deinbollia Schumach. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6071 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Decary 6319 Ambila [18.49S 49.08E
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Decary 6572 Ambila [18.49S 49.08E
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 420 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Sapindaceae Doratoxylon littorale Capuron SF 4232 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49S 49.08E
Sapindaceae Filicium Thwaites ex Hook. f. Porter P. Lowry II 3983 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Sapindaceae Filicium abbreviatum Radlk. Schedl 121 Ambila [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sapindaceae Filicium thouarsianum (A. DC.) Capuron SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2872 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapindaceae Filicium thouarsianum (A. DC.) Capuron Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul R. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.18S 49.14.40E
Sapindaceae Filicium thouarsianum (A. DC.) Capuron P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6067 P.P. Lowry II (MO), 2003 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. 18.33.34S 049.15.17E
Sapindaceae Filicium thouarsianum (A. DC.) Capuron J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1218 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Sapindaceae Filicium thouarsianum (A. DC.) Capuron David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 380 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Sapindaceae Molinaea Comm. ex Juss. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6076 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Sapindaceae Molinaea Comm. ex Juss. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6077 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux SF(Rabetsitonta) 3196 Foret Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux SF(Rabetsitonta) 3203 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2890 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1124 Ambila Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1133 Ambila Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 222 McPherson, 2004 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Sapindaceae Plagioscyphus louvelii Danguy & Choux J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1240 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Sapindaceae Tina Schult. Richard Razakamalala 283 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens & P.J. Rakotomalaza 3430 R. Gereau (MO), 1998 Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). 18.51S 49.08E
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron SF(Lemanivo) 2991 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron SF(Ecol.Forest.) 2881 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron SF 9656 R. Capuron, 1969 Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49S 049.08E
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron C. Birkinshaw et al. 553 Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. 18.52.43S 49.08.29E
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 642 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron Richard Razakamalala 278 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Sapindaceae Tina thouarsiana (Cambess.) Capuron Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4445 McPherson, 2004 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Sapindaceae Tinopsis conjugata (Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 647 R.E. Gereau (MO), 2002 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the bridge before the ferry. 18.49S 049.08E
Sapindaceae Tinopsis conjugata (Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron Service Forestier 4156 Ambila-lemaitso [18.49S 49.08.30E
Sapindaceae Tinopsis conjugata (Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron Johny Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 860 J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.50S 049.15.16E
Sapindaceae Tinopsis conjugata (Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron J. Rabenantoandro et al. 1216 McPherson, 2004 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry, R.Razakamalala & S.L 18.35.32S 049.14.02E
Sapindaceae Tinopsis phellocarpa Capuron SF(Lemanivo) 1630 Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapotaceae Capurodendron Aubre|4v. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4431 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Sapotaceae Capurodendron tampinense (Lecomte) Aubre|4v. H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 13277 Fore|5t littorale orientale, Tampina. 18.31S 049.17E
Sapotaceae Chrysophyllum fenerivense (Aubre|4v.) G.E. Schatz & L. Gaut. SF 8308 G.E. Schatz (MO), 1996 Section C, Ambila-Lemaitso, J.B. 5 [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sapotaceae Faucherea hexandra (Lecomte) Lecomte SF(Paul Rakotozafy) 12898 Fore|5t de Vohibola, Tampina. Canton : Marofody. District : Brickaville. Fore|5t humide. Cre|5te. Sable humife|9re. 18.31.00S 049.14.00E
Sapotaceae Faucherea manongarivensis Aubre|4v. L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana 4473 L. Gautier (G), 2001 Forest approx. 6-8 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. 18.54S 49.08E
Sapotaceae Faucherea urschii Capuron ex Aubre|4v. SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) 6447 A. Aubre|4ville (P) Ambila Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Sapotaceae Labramia bojeri A. DC. B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 722 L. Gautier (G), 1995 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. F. Ratovoson et al. 21 Fore|5t littorale a|9 Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et I. Bernard. 18.52.15S 49.08.11E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. Armand Randrianasolo & R. Ranaivojaona 640 District: Brickaville. Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. 18.49S 049.08E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. James S. Miller & Porter P. Lowry II 10459 Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. 18.48S 049.09E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. Reza Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 245 Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur vers Hotely Akaninofy. 18.34.24S 049.14.20E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. Richard Razakamalala 275 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola. 18.33.55S 049.15.22E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4428 Brickaville, Andranonkoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.36S 049.13.51E
Sapotaceae Mimusops L. R. Ludovic & F. Rakotoarivony 230 Pref. Brickaville, Com. Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. 18.34.53S 049.14.42E
Sapotaceae Mimusops commersonii (G. Don) Engl. James S. Miller & G.E. Schatz 3643 Kew List 8 Oct 1990 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. 18.48S 49.09E
Sapotaceae Mimusops commersonii (G. Don) Engl. David Rabehevitra , R. Razakamalala & Jean Paul 426 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Fivondronana: Brickaville, Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Sapotaceae Mimusops coriacea (A. DC.) Miq. Pete Phillipson 1894 T.D. Pennington 1988 (at K) Between Ambila-Lemaitso and Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. 18.52S 49.08E
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam SF(Capuron) 8575 Est: Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables. [18.49S 49.08E
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie 13262 Tampina Fore|5t littorale orientale 18.30S 049.16E
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam SF(Begue) 1576 Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 6446 Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 12596 JB 9 Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam A. Randrianasolo 481 L. Gautier (G), 2000 Fivondronana Brickaville, Ambila Lemaitso forestry station, 3 km from the ferry, on the road to Brickaville, very disturbed littoral forest. 18.52S 049.07E
Sapotaceae Mimusops lecomtei H.J. Lam Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 665 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.34.12S 49.14.18E
Sapotaceae Sideroxylon L. P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra, J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry 6086 Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. 18.33.34S 049.15.01E
Sarcolaenaceae Eremolaena rotundifolia (F. Ge|4rard) Danguy SF 7256 R. Capuron (P) Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 a|9 Topiana. 18.49S 049.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena Thouars Porter P. Lowry II 3973 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena Thouars Porter P. Lowry II 3977 Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated areas. 18.51S 49.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena multiflora Thouars SF(Lemanivo) 1616 R. Capuron (P) Ambila Lemaitso [TEF ? TAN ? : Foret Ambila [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena multiflora Thouars SF(R.Capuron) 18082 R. Capuron (P) Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sables, a|9 Vohibola, a|9 l'Ouest de Tampina. 18.31.00S 049.14.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena multiflora Thouars SF(Andre) 21217 R. Capuron (P) B 24 - Station ABL, Ambila-Lemaitso. Canton : Androvoranto. District : Brickaville. Sol sableux. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena multiflora Thouars Richard Razakamalala, & D. Rabehevitra 621 R. Razakamalala, 2003 Brickaville, Ambinaninony, Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. 18.33.56S 49.15.24E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry 1320 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2001 (MO) Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. 18.51S 49.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker Pete Phillipson 1850 Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest to west of railway and canal. 18.50S 49.09E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker James L. Zarucchi et al. 7411 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2001 Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. 18.54S 49.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker A. Randrianasolo 224 Brickaville Fivondronana. Ambila- Lemaitso. 18.50S 49.10E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(Verdet) 3259 R. Capuron (P) Foret Ambila Lemaitso, Brickaville [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker B. Lewis & S. Razafimandimbison 728 A. Randrianasolo (MO), 1995 East Coast. Litoral forest south of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. 18.49S 049.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(Rakotoarivo) 1078 R. Capuron (P) Ambila Lemaitso [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(Ecol.Forest.) 1122 R. Capuron (P) Ambila Lemaitso, Brickaville [18.48.20S 049.09.25E]
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(L.Be|4gue|4) 1569 R. Capuron (P) Ambila Lemaitso [18.49.00S 049.08.00E]
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(Verdet) 5737 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2001 (MO) Ambila-Lemaitso [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(Andre) 7258 R. Capuron (P) Ambila-Lemaitso 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) 13180 R. Capuron Fore|5t Station Ambila, Ambila-Lemaitso. Canton : Andevoranto. District : Brickaville. Fore|5t se|9che et de|4grade|4e, sol sablonneux. [18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker R. Decary 6508 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2001 (MO) Ambila (au sud de Tamatave) Fore|5t littorale [18.49S 49.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & R. Ranaivojaona 14589 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2001 (MO) Ambila-Lemaitso, W of Canal d'Ampangalana. Degraded coastal forest. Sand. 18.49S 49.09E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker R. Decary 6353 P. Danguy (P) Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave) Lisie|9re de fore|5t littorale 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker R. Decary 6502 G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II, 2001 (MO) Ambila, au sud de Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale. 18.49.00S 049.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(J. P. Abraham) 30851 District et Canton de Brickaville, Village le plus proche: Andohavoana, Andohavoana. Sol sabloneux. Station: sur sable du littoral. 18.50.00S 49.04.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker SF(R. Rabevohitra) 29895 Ambila - Lemaitso, pre|9s du lac Anjanaborona. 18.49.00S 49.08.00E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker S.G. Razafimandimbison 179 G.E. Schatz (MO), 2002 Ambila-Lemaitso, route d'Andevoranto. 18.49S 049.08E
Sarcolaenaceae Leptolaena pauciflora Baker Raymond Rabevohitra et al. 4392 R. Rabevohitra, 2003 Brickaville, Andranokoditra, Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R. Razakamalala. 18.35.42S 049.14.02E
Sarcolaenaceae Sarcolaena