Acanthaceae |
Hypoestes |
Sol. ex R. Br. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
642 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Acanthaceae |
Hypoestes |
Sol. ex R. Br. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
648 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Acanthaceae |
Justicia |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
276 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Acanthaceae |
Mimulopsis |
Schweinf. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
411 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Anacardiaceae |
Anacardiaceae fam. |
Lindl. |
SF(Lemarivo) |
1083 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.48S 49.09E |
Anacardiaceae |
Anacardiaceae fam. |
Lindl. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
231 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Anacardiaceae |
Campnosperma schatzii |
Randrianasolo & J.S. Mill. |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6462 |
Randrianasolo & Miller, 1998 |
Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Anacardiaceae |
Campnosperma schatzii |
Randrianasolo & J.S. Mill. |
M. Louvel |
38 |
Randrianasolo & Miller, 1998 |
Tampina. Fore|5t littorale
orientale. |
18.31S 049.17E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia |
N. L. Marchand |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4396 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3431 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1628 |
A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
SF(Andre|4) |
6483 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
588 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, forest on the right side of the road from
Brickaville going to Ambila, ca. 2-3 km before the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
SF(Capuron) |
8574 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sable, Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
Louvel |
37 |
A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 |
Fore|5ts cotie|9res de l'Est. |
18.31S 49.17E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
Perrier de la Bathie, H. |
13267 |
A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 |
Est: Fore|5ts littorale
orientale, Tampina. |
18.31S 049.17E |
Anacardiaceae |
Faguetia falcata |
Marchand |
Perrier de la Ba|5thie, H. |
14079 |
/conf. A. Randrianasolo (MO),
2001 |
Est: Environs d'Ambila, au S de
Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Anacardiaceae |
Poupartia chapelieri |
(Guillaumin) H. Perrier |
SF(Lefebure) |
1011 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Anacardiaceae |
Poupartia chapelieri |
(Guillaumin) H. Perrier |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
685 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Anacardiaceae |
Protorhus |
Engl. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
586 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, very disturbed forest on white sand. |
18.51.38S 049.08.34E |
Anacardiaceae |
Protorhus latifolia |
Engl. |
SF(Begue) |
1583 |
A. Randrianasolo (MO), 2001 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Anacardiaceae |
Protorhus nitida |
Engl. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
871 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Anacardiaceae |
Rhus thouarsii |
(Engl.) H. Perrier |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2421 |
J.D. Mitchell 1991 (NY) |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Anacardiaceae |
Sorindeia madagascariensis |
Thouars ex DC. |
SF(Begue) |
7571 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Anisophylleaceae |
Anisophyllea fallax |
Scott-Elliot |
SF(Andre) |
6487 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Anisophylleaceae |
Anisophyllea fallax |
Scott-Elliot |
Service Forestier |
9655 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4465 |
G.E. Schatz 1991 |
Degraded forest on the W side of
the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2258 |
M.E. Rahelivololona, 1994 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
SF(L.Be|4gue|4) |
7918 |
A. Le Thomas, 1972 (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6318 |
A. Le Thomas, 1972 (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
6455 |
A. Le Thomas (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
SF(Randrianantenaina,P.J.) |
21330 |
ABL B13. Ambila-Lemaitso,
canton: Andevoranto, S/P: Brickaville. Sol sableux. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
A. Randrianasolo |
483 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 |
Fivondronana Brickaville, Ambila
Lemaitso forestry station, 3 km from the ferry, on the road to Brickaville,
very disturbed littoral forest. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
538 |
R. Randrianaivo, 2000 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
Brickaville, Village Ambila-Lemaitso, a|9 2 km au SW de l'ho|5tel Les
Alize|4s. Fore|5t littorale. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S.
Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. |
18.53.52S 049.07.48E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
841 |
TEF, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: mbinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|t littorale sur sable
du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9 Vohibola.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
Richard Razakamalala |
288 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Annonaceae |
Ambavia gerrardii |
(Baill.) Le Thomas |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
672 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Annonaceae |
Annonaceae fam. |
Adans. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
629 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Annonaceae |
Monanthotaxis |
Baill. |
Pete Phillipson |
1871 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1998 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Annonaceae |
Polyalthia |
Blume |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1242 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Annonaceae |
Polyalthia angustielliptica |
G.E. Schatz & Le Thomas |
Sf (Rabevohitra,R) |
32503 |
G.E.Schatz, 1990 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambila, village le plus proche: Andranonkoditra, lieu de
re|4colte: akanin'ny nofy. Station: fore|5t ombrophile. Sol: sableux
humife|9re. |
18.33.00S 049.15.10E |
Annonaceae |
Polyalthia chapelieri |
Baill. |
SF(Capuron) |
18085 |
G.E.Schatz & A.Le Thomas,
1990 |
Est: fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Vohibola a|9 l'Ouest de Tampina. |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Annonaceae |
Polyalthia chapelieri |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
868 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Annonaceae |
Polyalthia chapelieri |
Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4439 |
McP/04 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Annonaceae |
Polyalthia ghesquiereana |
Cavaco & Keraudren |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1108 |
Fore|5t d'Ambila. Brickaville. |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Annonaceae |
Uvaria marenteria |
(DC.) Baill. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3428 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Annonaceae |
Uvaria marenteria |
(DC.) Baill. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
425 |
McP/04 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Annonaceae |
Uvaria marenteria |
(DC.) Baill. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
216 |
McP/04 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Annonaceae |
Uvaria marenteria |
(DC.) Baill. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1252 |
McP/04 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1952 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4593 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4479 |
South side of ferry-crossing on
road from Brickaville to Ambila-Lemaitso. Forest. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2255 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
109 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station
Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.49.28S 49.09.19E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6064 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6090 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia |
L. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
221 |
X. sp1 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia buxifolia |
Baill. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5138 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia buxifolia |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
855 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia buxifolia |
Baill. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
212 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia buxifolia |
Baill. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1244 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia buxifolia |
Baill. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1249 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia humblotiana |
Baill. |
A. Randrianasolo |
478 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 |
Fivondronana Brickaville, S. of
Ambila, in forestry station, 1 km W. of the intersection of the road to the
ferry and the one going to Andevoranto. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia humblotiana |
Baill. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia humblotiana |
Baill. |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
560 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.34S 49.08.12E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia humblotiana |
Baill. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
448 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia lemurica |
Diels |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
854 |
McPherson, 2004, e descr. |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Annonaceae |
Xylopia lemurica |
Diels |
Richard Razakamalala |
266 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Aphloiaceae |
Aphloia |
Benn. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2253 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Aphloiaceae |
Aphloia theiformis |
(Vahl) Benn. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
826 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements ( CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Aphloiaceae |
Aphloia theiformis |
(Vahl) Benn. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
432 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Apiaceae |
Centella abbreviata |
(A. Rich.) Nannf. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4613 |
F.Sales & I.Hedge (E), 2002 |
Swampy area with Pandanus
vandamii; several km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso on road to Brickaville. |
18.50S 49.07E |
Apocynaceae |
Apocynaceae fam. |
Adans. |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
105 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
littorale au bord du canal de Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.54.12S 49.07.28E |
Apocynaceae |
Carissa edulis |
(Forssk.) Vahl |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3153 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1991 (WAG) |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Carissa edulis |
(Forssk.) Vahl |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1232 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Apocynaceae |
Cerbera |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
422 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Apocynaceae |
Cerbera manghas |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
263 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Apocynaceae |
Cerbera manghas |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4394 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia |
P. Beauv. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5145 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia |
P. Beauv. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
625 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3148 |
F. van Dilst (WAG), 1997 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1472 |
F. van Dilst (WAG), 1997 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. |
13790 |
F.J.H. van Dilst (WAG), 1999 |
9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. |
18.53S 049.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. |
13800 |
F.J.H. van Dilst (WAG), 1999 |
9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. |
18.53S 049.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. |
13802 |
F.J.H. van Dilst (WAG), 1999 |
9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. |
18.53S 049.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
852 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|9t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 de|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4379 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Apocynaceae |
Landolphia gummifera |
(Poir.) K. Schum. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4448 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Apocynaceae |
Mascarenhasia arborescens |
A. DC. |
SF(Verdet) |
3231 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Apocynaceae |
Mascarenhasia arborescens |
A. DC. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12616 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 |
JB 2 Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Apocynaceae |
Mascarenhasia tampinensis |
Pichon |
SF |
2926 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) |
Ambila Lemaitso, fore|5t
d'Ambodivily. |
[18.50S 49.09E |
Apocynaceae |
Mascarenhasia tampinensis |
Pichon |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1109 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) |
Ambila, Brickaville |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Apocynaceae |
Mascarenhasia tampinensis |
Pichon |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1130 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Apocynaceae |
Mascarenhasia tampinensis |
Pichon |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6326 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Apocynaceae |
Petchia |
Livera |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
416 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Apocynaceae |
Petchia madagascariensis |
(A. DC.) Leeuwenb. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3441 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Petchia madagascariensis |
(A. DC.) Leeuwenb. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3157 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Petchia madagascariensis |
(A. DC.) Leeuwenb. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1132 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 |
Ambila Lemaintso, Brickaville |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Apocynaceae |
Plectaneia longisepala |
Markgr. |
Decary |
6547 |
Markgraf, 1972, TYPE |
Ambila, au sud de Tamatave.
Fore|5t littorale. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Plectaneia thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3146 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1991 (WAG) |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Plectaneia thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4549 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1993 |
Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso
and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Plectaneia thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
W.D. Stevens, G.E. Schatz &
J.P. Rakotomalaza |
26003 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1998 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Plectaneia thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
Richard Razakamalala |
261 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Apocynaceae |
Plectaneia thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4429 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Apocynaceae |
Stephanostegia capuronii |
Markgr. |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
3205 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) |
Ambila. Brickaville. |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Apocynaceae |
Stephanostegia capuronii |
Markgr. |
SF(L.Be|4gue|4) |
7570 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG) |
Station Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Apocynaceae |
Stephanostegia capuronii |
Markgr. |
SF(P. Rakotozafy) |
12254 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1997 |
J.B. 19 Ambila-Lemaitso. Village
le plus proche : Ambila Lemaitso. Canton : Andevoranto. District :
Brickaville. Station: Fore|5t subco|5tie|9re d'Ambila. Sol: sablonneux faible
en humus. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Apocynaceae |
Stephanostegia capuronii |
Markgr. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
12255 |
F. Markgraf, 1971 |
J.B. 2 Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Apocynaceae |
Stephanostegia capuronii |
Markgr. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
13292 |
F. Markgraf, 1971 |
JB. 2 de la Station
d'Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana |
L. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3968 |
Hotel Everglades, c. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest around
hotel. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana ciliata |
Pichon |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
3202 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, Brickaville. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana ciliata |
Pichon |
Benoist, R. |
791 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E] |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana ciliata |
Pichon |
RN(Solozo Razazy) |
5 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 |
Canton d'Ambila-Lemaitso, Distr.
d'Andevoranto, Fore|5t d'Ambodilava |
18.50S 049.09E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana ciliata |
Pichon |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1131 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1991 |
Forest Station
d'Ambila-Lemaitso, Brickavile. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana ciliata |
Pichon |
RN(Ramarokoto) |
1521 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Bord de
Pangalane dans une petite valle|4e. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana retusa |
(Lam.) Palacky |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. |
13792 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 |
9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Coastal forest 10 m high. Sand. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana retusa |
(Lam.) Palacky |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. |
13801 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 |
6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Near
E coast, bush, sand. |
18.52S 49.09E |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana retusa |
(Lam.) Palacky |
Decary, R. |
6306 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave),
bord de lagune, zone littoral. |
[18.49S 49.08E] |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana retusa |
(Lam.) Palacky |
Cours, G. |
2925 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg (WAG), 1991 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, dunes au bord
de la mer |
[18.49S 49.08E] |
Apocynaceae |
Tabernaemontana retusa |
(Lam.) Palacky |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
423 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Apocynaceae |
Voacanga thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1953 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1988 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Apocynaceae |
Voacanga thouarsii |
Roem. & Schult. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
732 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Araceae |
Pothos scandens |
L. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1468 |
T.B. Croat (MO), 1988 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Araceae |
Pothos scandens |
L. |
R. Decary |
6483 |
T. Croat, 2004 |
Ambila |
18.49S 49.08E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
G.E. Schatz |
2693 |
P. P. Lowry II, 1995 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest
on sand 3 km S of ferry crossing. With D. Du Puy, B. Du Puy, & P. Ward. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4545 |
P. P. Lowry II (MO), 1998 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
Pete Phillipson |
1874 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
Pete Phillipson |
1887 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
G.E. Schatz |
2692 |
P. P. Lowry II, 1995 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal forest
on sand 3 km S of ferry crossing. With D. Du Puy, B. Du Puy, & P. Ward. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
SF(Begue) |
1567 |
L. Bernardi, 1966 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
SF(Capuron) |
18081 |
L. Bernardi, 1966 |
Tampina, Vohibola |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5139 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
Johny Rabenantoandro et al. |
141 |
Fore|5t littorale
d'Ambila-Lemaitso, Fivondronana Brickaville. Plante pre|4serve|4e en alcool,
re|4colte|4e avec F. Ratovoson, F. Randriantafika, G. Gobbo & G. Massave. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Araliaceae |
Cuphocarpus aculeatus |
Decne. & Planch. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
613 |
P.P. Lowry II, 2004 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and
Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. |
18.53.47S 049.07.45E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias |
J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3987 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Lower, inundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias |
J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3992 |
6 km S of Hotel Everglades,
i.e., 11 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville.
Edges of somewhat disturbed coastal forest. |
18.55S 49.07E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias |
J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3993 |
6 km S of Hotel Everglades,
i.e., 11 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville.
Edges of somewhat disturbed coastal forest. |
18.55S 49.07E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias |
J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. |
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
1386 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
Littorale. |
18.54.31S 049.08.03E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias |
J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5125 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Remnant littoral forest (partially degraded) across railroad
bridge from town and then north. |
18.49.46S 049.09.15E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias |
J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
224 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias aculeata |
Harms |
Richard Razakamalala |
292 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
Porter P. Lowry II & G.
Schatz |
4311 |
P.P. Lowry II, 1998 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 13 km E of
Brickaville off road from Antananarivo to Tamatave. Somewhat disturbed forest
on white sand N of railroad bridge. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
SF(F. Rakotoniaina) |
1118 |
L. Bernardi (G), 1970 |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaintso SF,
se|4rie E, Brickaville. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
16032 |
L. Bernardi (G), 1970 |
Est. Ambilo Fore|5t littorale
orientale |
18.49S 049.08E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
SF |
4913 |
L. Bernardi (G), 1970 |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
866 |
!P.P. Lowry II (MO), 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
881 |
P.P. Lowry II, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6087 |
P.P. Lowry II (MO), 2003 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias maralia |
(Roem. & Schult.) Bernardi |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4427 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias ornifolia |
(Baker) Harms |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
5870 |
L. Bernardi (G), 1970 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias ornifolia |
(Baker) Harms |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
662 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4598 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
829 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
873 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
875 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
436 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
Richard Razakamalala |
281 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1220 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4447 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
645 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis |
Noronha ex Mart. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
385 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis fibrosa |
(C.H. Wright) Beentje & J.
Dransf. |
J. Dransfield et al. |
6440 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
BRICKAVILLE: Ambila-lemaitso,
ca. 5 km S of village. Edge of sedge swamp, peat-swamp forest overlying white
sand, behind the beach. |
[18.54S 49.08E] |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis nodifera |
Mart. |
Pete Phillipson |
1860 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis nodifera |
Mart. |
H.J. Beentje |
4446 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
Toamasina: 9 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand, canopy cover 70%, canopy
height 9 m. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis paludosa |
J. Dransf. |
J. Dransfield et al. |
6438 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
Brickaville: Ambila-lemaitso,
ca. 5 km south of village. Edge of sedge swamp, peatswamp forest overlying
white sand, behind the beach. |
[18.54S 49.08E] |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis paludosa |
J. Dransf. |
J. Dransfield et al. |
6439 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
Brickaville: Ambila-lemaitso,
ca. 5 km south of village. Edge of sedge swamp, peatswamp forest overlying
white sand, behind the beach. |
[18.54S 49.08E] |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis paludosa |
J. Dransf. |
H.J. Beentje |
4443 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
TOAMASINA: 8.6 km S of
Ambila-lemaitso. Littoral forest on white sand, canopy cover 50%, canopy
height 9 m. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Arecaceae |
Dypsis paludosa |
J. Dransf. |
H.J. Beentje |
4448 |
Dransfield & Beentje (K),
1995 |
TOAMASINA: 7.2 km S of
Ambila-lemaitso. Peatswamp forest with many pandans. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Baroniella camptocarpoides |
Costantin & Gallaud |
Pete Phillipson |
1858 |
D. Goyder (K), 1998 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Cynanchum |
L. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3979 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Secamone |
R. Br. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1235 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Secamone laxa |
Klack. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3143 |
J. Klackenberg, 2000 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Secamone laxa |
Klack. |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. & R.
Ranaivojaona |
14579 |
J. Klackenberg |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.09E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Secamone obovata |
Decne. |
W.D. Stevens, G.E. Schatz &
J.P. Rakotomalaza |
26001 |
J. Klackenberg (S), 1994 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Secamone obovata |
Decne. |
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. |
13797 |
J. Klackenberg (S), 1991 |
9 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.53S 049.08E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Secamone uncinata |
Choux |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
407 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Stephanotis |
Thouars |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4424 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Stephanotis thouarsii |
Brongn. |
W.D. Stevens, G.E. Schatz &
J.P. Rakotomalaza |
26002 |
W.D. Stevens, 20 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Stephanotis thouarsii |
Brongn. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3149 |
W.D. Stevens, 2000 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Asclepiadaceae |
Stephanotis thouarsii |
Brongn. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
880 |
W.D. Stevens, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|9t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Asteraceae |
Anisopappus longipes |
(Comm. ex Cass.) Wild |
W. G. D'Arcy |
17675 |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 2001 |
TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteraceae |
Aspilia |
Thouars |
W. G. D'Arcy |
17672 |
TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteraceae |
Aspilia |
Thouars |
W. G. D'Arcy |
TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteraceae |
Aspilia |
Thouars |
W. G. D'Arcy |
TAMATAVE: Near Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteraceae |
Centauropsis antanossi |
(Scott-Elliot) Humbert |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1956 |
R.D. Noyes 1990 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Asteraceae |
Epallage longipes |
(Comm. ex Cass.) Humbert |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
688 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Asteraceae |
Mikania natalensis |
DC. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
617 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Asteraceae |
Mikania scandens |
(L.) Willd. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1457 |
M.S. Taylor 1989 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteraceae |
Senecio petitianus |
A. Rich. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
434 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Asteraceae |
Vernonia |
Schreb. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1237 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Asteraceae |
Vernoniopsis |
Humbert |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4385 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Asteraceae |
Vernoniopsis caudata |
(Drake) Humbert |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
445 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Asteraceae |
Vernoniopsis caudata |
(Drake) Humbert |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
388 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Asteraceae |
Vernoniopsis caudata subsp.
caudata |
Perrier de la Bathie |
13269 |
H. Humbert, 1960 |
Tampina pre|9s de Tamatave. |
18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia |
Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3971 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia |
Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3972 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF |
8304 |
G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E.
Wolf, 1999 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF(R285) |
8318 |
G.E. Schatz, Lowry & A.-E.
Wolf, 1999 |
Ambila Lemaitso, en bordure Est.
Alle|4e de l'Ecole forestie|9re |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF |
9747 |
G.E. Schatz, P.P. Lowry II &
A.-E. Wolf, 1999 |
Ambila-Lemaitso STF, J.B. 2. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
Andre|4 |
97 |
C. Birkinshaw et al., 1999 |
Dans la station forestie|9re
E-11, Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
Ambila Lemaitso STF. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF(Andre) |
Dans la Station forestie|9re
E.11, Ambila Lemaitso SF. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF(Begue|4) |
Ambila Lemaitso SF, Canton
Brickaville. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
SF (G. Rabetsitonta) |
Ambila-Lemaitso STF. |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia matrambody |
(Capuron) G.E. Schatz, Lowry
& A.-E. Wolf |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4449 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1322 |
G.E. Schatz, 1999 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1960 |
G.E. Schatz 1990/aug |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Lemanivo) |
2984 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila-Lemaitso STF, Parcelle
F.1 Ambila. District de Brickaville. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Verdet) |
3258 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila Lemaitso, district de
Brickaville. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
6458 |
R. Capuron010907 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Andre|4) |
21215 |
C. Birkinshaw et al., 1999 |
Station ABL-B22, village
d'Ambila Lemaitso, canton d'Andevoranto, district de Brickaville. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
R. Decary |
6341 |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave).
Fore|5t littorale. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
R. Decary |
6495 |
Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave #
Fore|5t littorale |
18.50S 49.09E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
15999 |
Est. Fore|5t littorale
orientale, pre|9s d'Ambila. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
9526 |
R. Capuron |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
19501 |
R. Capuron, 1956 |
Jardin Botanique no. 2.
Ambila-Lemaitso. Canton : Andevoranto. District :Brickaville.Fore|5t se|9che,
sol sablonneux. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
Martine |
Ambila r.c. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
2104 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila |
18.49S 049.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
4705 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
4925 |
R. Capuron |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
8288 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF |
8319 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(R. Capuron) |
8573 |
R. Capuron |
Fore|5t sublittorale orientale :
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Rabevohitra) |
32443 |
C. Birkinshaw et al., 1999 |
Akanin'ny Nofy, village
d'Andranokodibia [Andranokoditra]. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
555 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.24S 049.07.14E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
865 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
Fidy Ratovoson, J.
Rabenantoandro & F. Randriantafika |
133 |
P.P. Lowry II, 2004 |
Toamasina, Fivondronana:
Brickaville, Firaisana: Andevoranto, Fokontany: Andavakimenarana,
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.52.15S 049.08.11E |
Asteropeiaceae |
Asteropeia multiflora |
Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
623 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Bignoniaceae |
Bignoniaceae fam. |
Juss. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
613 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Bignoniaceae |
Colea |
Bojer ex Meisn. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1239 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Bignoniaceae |
Colea tetragona |
A. DC. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
831 |
TEF, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea |
H. Perrier |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10451 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea |
H. Perrier |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
830 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea floribunda |
(Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3644 |
A. Gentry 1991 |
1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea floribunda |
(Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3448 |
Approx. 6 km S. of
Ambila-Lemaitso, spit of land between ocean and canal at hotel Les
Everglades. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea floribunda |
(Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier |
L.J. Dorr & L.C. Barnett |
4488 |
A. Gentry 1987 |
Approx. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Forest between the ocean and the lagoon. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea floribunda |
(Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5147 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea floribunda |
(Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier |
Cheek M. |
S.N. Andrianarivelo, 2003 |
Ambila-Lemaitso about 2-3miles
south of everglades Hotel. Lowland evergreen forest, relatively open and
undisturbed, on sand. Near sea- level. |
18.54S 049.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Ophiocolea floribunda |
(Bojer ex Lindl.) H. Perrier |
SF (Rabevohitra,R.) |
32439 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville, lieu
de re|4colte: Ambila-Lemaitso pre|9s du poste forestier. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron |
DC. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4546 |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron |
DC. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5140 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron |
DC. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6050 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron madagascariense |
K. Schum. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7402 |
J. Zarucchi (MO), 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron madagascariense |
K. Schum. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4455 |
A. Gentry 1987 |
Approx. 2 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Secondary vegetation between ocean and lagoon. |
18.51S 49.09E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron madagascariense |
K. Schum. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1951 |
A. Gentry 1989 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Phyllarthron madagascariense |
K. Schum. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
TEF, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea |
Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4387 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea racemosa |
(Lam.) H. Perrier |
James S. Miller |
3671 |
A. Gentry 1991 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea racemosa |
(Lam.) H. Perrier |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4467 |
A. Gentry 1987 |
Degraded forest on the W side of
the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea racemosa |
(Lam.) H. Perrier |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1305 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea racemosa |
(Lam.) H. Perrier |
James S. Miller, J. Bradford, F.
Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo |
8838 |
M. Zjhra, 1998 |
Forest on white sand just west
of Ambila Lemaitso. Plants collected in alcohol. |
18.50.12S 49.08.50E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea racemosa |
(Lam.) H. Perrier |
B. Iambana et al. |
133 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
300m W d'Andavakimenarana,
pre|9s de la route Brickaville, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana
Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du
cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard, Fidy Ratovoson, Faly
Randriatafika, Roger |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Bignoniaceae |
Rhodocolea racemosa |
(Lam.) H. Perrier |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10455 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Burmanniaceae |
Burmannia madagascariensis |
Mart. & Zucc. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4589 |
L. Dorr 1988 |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Burmanniaceae |
Burmannia madagascariensis |
Mart. & Zucc. |
L.R.Caddick, G.Rafamantanantsoa,
C. Foster & P. Wilkin |
312 |
AMpasimanolotra (Brickaville),
Manambato, small lagoon on a island near SSE shore of Lac Rasoabe, near mouth
of Pangalanes canal. Habitat: In damp, quartz sand at edge of lagoon, usually
in shade of small"Pandanus" where soil organic matter is higher. Ge |
18.46.01S 049.10.02E |
Burseraceae |
Canarium boivinii |
Engl. |
SF(Capuron) |
18056 |
R. Capuron (P) |
EST: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Burseraceae |
Canarium madagascariense subsp.
obtusifolium |
(Scott-Elliot) Leenh. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1315 |
D. Daly 1989 (NY) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Burseraceae |
Protium madagascariense |
Engl. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
171 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Buxaceae |
Buxus |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
387 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Buxaceae |
Buxus madagascarica |
Baill. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3980 |
P. Lowry II 1984 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Buxaceae |
Buxus madagascarica |
Baill. |
SF(R.Capuron) |
18060 |
J. Bosser, 1976 (P) |
EST: Ambila-Lemaitso Fore|5t
sublittorale, sur sables |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Buxaceae |
Buxus madagascarica |
Baill. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
13275 |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie (P) |
Est. Tampina Sous-bois. Fore|5t
littorale orientale |
18.31.00S 049.17.00E |
Buxaceae |
Buxus madagascarica |
Baill. |
SF (R. Rabevohitra) |
29899 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, pre|9s du lac
Anjanaborona |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Buxaceae |
Buxus madagascarica |
Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4436 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Cactaceae |
Rhipsalis |
Gaertn. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1231 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Cactaceae |
Rhipsalis cassytha |
Gaertn. |
Decary |
6471 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Cactaceae |
Rhipsalis cassytha |
Gaertn. |
Decary |
6517 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Campanulaceae |
Lobelia anceps |
L. f. |
Pete Phillipson |
1866 |
(K), 1989 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Campanulaceae |
Lobelia anceps |
L. f. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1487 |
Y.B. Harvey 1989 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Campanulaceae |
Wahlenbergia abyssinica |
(Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Thulin |
Benoist |
779 |
Environs d'Ambila (Co|5te Est) |
18.49S 049.08E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva |
L. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
609 |
District: Brickaville. Road to
Ambila-Lemaitso from Brickaville, inside the forestry station. |
18.52.16S 049.07.14E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva |
L. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
651 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the
bridge before the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva humblotii |
(Baill.) Hadj-Moust. |
R. Decary |
6436 |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave)
Fore|5t littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva humblotii |
(Baill.) Hadj-Moust. |
R. Decary |
6516 |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave).
Fore|5t littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4466 |
L.J. Dorr 1986 |
Degraded forest on the W side of
the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12761 |
District: Brickaville, Canton:
Andevoranto, village le plus proche: Ambila- Lemaitso. Lieu de re|4colte:
station d'AMbila SC. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF(L. Be|4gue|4) |
10746 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila-Lemaitso SC |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
542 |
R. Randrianaivo, 2000 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
Andevoranto, route Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 4 km du Bac. Fore|5t littorale
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, &
J. Andriantiana. |
18.52.47S 049.06.35E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF(Rabevohitra, R.) |
32530 |
Lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny
Nofy, village le plus proche et Fokontany: Andranokoditra, Firaisana: Ambila,
Fivondronana: Brickaville. Sol: sableux humife|9re. Station: fore|5t
ombrophile primaire. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF(Capuron, R.) |
28027 |
M. Keraudren (P) |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale sur
sables, a|9 Ambila- Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF(Rabevohitra, R.) |
32469 |
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF( R. Rabevohitra) |
32488 |
Village le plus proche:
Andranokoditra, lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny Nofy. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF ( R. Rabevohitra) |
29884 |
Station forestie|9re
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Sur sable dunaire a|9 3 km avant Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.15E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
SF(R. Capuron) |
4237 |
M. Jacobs, 1962 |
Station forestie|9re
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
P. Boiteau |
463 |
Ambila-Lemaitso fore|5t
littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
M. Louvel |
180 |
M. Jacobs, 1962 |
Fore|5t d'Ambila (zo|5ne
littorale), fore|5t co|5tie|9res de l'Est |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Capparaceae |
Crateva obovata |
Vahl |
E. Ursch |
125 |
M. Jacobs, 1963 |
Fore|5t Tampina (Co|5te Est) |
18.31.00S 049.17.00E |
Capparaceae |
Thilachium |
Lour. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
424 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia |
Noronha ex Thouars |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2251 |
1 km W of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia |
Noronha ex Thouars |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
421 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia alaticarpa |
G.E. Schatz & Lowry |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12593 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2003 |
JB 9 Ambila. Village le plus
proche Ambila Lemaitso, Canton d'Andevoranto, District Brickaville. Station
fore|5t sub-cotie|9re d'Ambila. sol sablonneux. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia alaticarpa |
G.E. Schatz & Lowry |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
537 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry,
2003 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
Brickaville, Village Ambila-Lemaitso, a|9 2 km au SW de l'ho|5tel Les
Alize|4s. Fore|5t littorale. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S.
Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. |
18.53.52S 049.07.48E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia alaticarpa |
G.E. Schatz & Lowry |
A. Le Thomas |
102 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2002 (MO) |
Environs d'Ambila-Lemaitso
Fore|5t co|5tie|9re sur sables blancs |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
James S. Miller |
3684 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2002 (MO) |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1493 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2002 (MO) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3967 |
Hotel Everglades, c. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest around
hotel. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4554 |
G.E. Schatz, 1993 |
Everglades Hotel, ca. 2 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3449 |
Approx. 6 km S. of
Ambila-Lemaitso, spit of land between ocean and canal at hotel Les
Everglades. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4477 |
L.J. Dorr 1985 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Next to lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
SF(Ecol. forest.) |
2891 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1615 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
R. Decary |
6543 |
P. Danguy (P) |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave)
Fore|5t littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
Oumazer |
Ambila Tamatave |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
SF |
4933 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
SF |
4235 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
G. Cours |
2901 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso, dunes au bord
de la mer |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
18182 |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie (P) |
Est. Ambilo Fore|5t littorale |
18.48.00S 049.09.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexia madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Ker Gawl. |
G. Martine |
Tampina C |
18.31.00S 049.17.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexiella cymosa |
H. Perrier |
SF(Capuron) |
18068 |
Fore|5t sublittorale, sur sable
a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Brexiella cymosa |
H. Perrier |
SF |
28023 |
Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Celastraceae |
Brexiella cymosa |
H. Perrier |
Richard Razakamalala |
294 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Celastraceae |
Cassine |
L. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
218 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Celastraceae |
Cassine micrantha |
(Tul.) Loes. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
454 |
nearlymatchesRJO1289 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Celastraceae |
Cassine micrantha |
(Tul.) Loes. |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
244 |
nearlymatchesRJO1289 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Celastraceae |
Cassine micrantha |
(Tul.) Loes. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4409 |
matchesRJO1289 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Celastraceae |
Cassine pauciflora |
(Tul.) Loes. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
636 |
TEF, 2004 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Celastraceae |
Polycardia |
Juss. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3984 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Celastraceae |
Polycardia libera |
O. Hoffm. |
SF(Capuron) |
22760 |
Foret de Vohibola- Tampina. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Celastraceae |
Polycardia phyllanthoides |
(Lam.) DC. |
Pete Phillipson |
1846 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Celastraceae |
Polycardia phyllanthoides |
(Lam.) DC. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1326 |
G.E. Schatz 1989 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Chrysobalanaceae |
Grangeria |
Comm. ex Juss. |
Richard Razakamalala |
293 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Chrysobalanaceae |
Magnistipula cerebriformis |
(Capuron) F. White |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
12920 |
F. White, 1979 |
Fore|5t Vohibola - Tampina -
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.31.00S 049.14.00E |
Chrysobalanaceae |
Magnistipula cerebriformis |
(Capuron) F. White |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
882 |
J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 049.14.40E |
Chrysobalanaceae |
Magnistipula cerebriformis |
(Capuron) F. White |
SF (Capuron, R.) |
28026 |
R. Rabevohitra, 1997 |
Est: fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Chrysobalanaceae |
Magnistipula cerebriformis |
(Capuron) F. White |
SF (Rakotondrainibe, C.) |
R. Rabevohitra, 1997 |
Lieu de re|4colte: fore|5t
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Chrysobalanaceae |
Magnistipula tamenaka |
(Capuron) F. White |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
5863 |
R. Rabevohitra, 1997 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum |
L. |
F. Ratovoson et al. |
25 |
Fore|5t littorale a|9
Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et
I. Bernard. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6481 |
Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
648 |
P.F. Stevens (MO), 2002 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the
bridge before the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
A. Rakotozafy |
1376 |
Province de Tamatave, bord du
lac Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
SF (Rabevohitra,R.) |
32462 |
R. Rabevohitra, 1983 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Fokontany: Andranokoditra, lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny Nofy. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
SF (Rabevohitra R.) |
32529 |
R. Rabevohitra, 1986 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambila, village le plus proche: Andranokoditra, lieu de re|4colte:
Ankanin'ny Nofy Fore|5t ombrophile. Sol: sableux humife|9re. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
M. Debray |
1834 |
Fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
14077 |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie (P) |
Est. Bois littoraux pre|9s de
Brickaville |
18.50.00S 049.04.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
SF(Swabahaddine Mohamed) |
P.F. Stevens, 1974 |
Ambodivia, Ambila-Lemaitso. A 20
m environ du Canal des Pangalanes. Canton : Brickaville. District :
Andevoranto. Terrain sablonneux |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
P. Boiteau |
1127 |
P.F. Stevens, 1974 |
Ambila-Lemaitso fore|5t
littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum chapelieri |
Drake |
SF |
4929 |
P.F. Stevens, 1974 |
fore|5t d'Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum inophyllum |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4378 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum inophyllum |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
437 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum tacamahaca |
Willd. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4538 |
B. Hammel, 1998 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand between the pangalane and the Indian Ocean. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Calophyllum verticillatum |
P.F. Stevens |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6476 |
L.J. Dorr, 1985 |
Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Clusiaceae fam. |
Lindl. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Clusiaceae |
Eliea articulata |
(Lam.) Cambess. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
13261 |
R. Viguier (P) |
Est. Tampina. Sous-bois -
Fore|5t littorale orientale [TAN : Au sud de Tamatave, fore|5t littorale de
Tampina. |
18.31.00S 049.17.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Eliea articulata |
(Lam.) Cambess. |
4921 |
Station forestie|9re
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Eliea articulata |
(Lam.) Cambess. |
SF (Ranjatoson, E.) |
4921 |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Garcinia |
L. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3142 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Garcinia |
L. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3151 |
P. Stevens, 1998 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Garcinia |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
378 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Clusiaceae |
Garcinia madagascariensis |
(Planch. & Triana) Benth. |
James S. Miller |
3673 |
P.F. Stevens (A), 1990 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Clusiaceae |
Garcinia verrucosa |
Jum. & H. Perrier |
SF(Augustin,C. de l'e|4c.
forest.prim. & second.) |
2886 |
R. Capuron |
Brickavilla, fore|5t d'Ambila. |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
447 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
279 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4389 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
436 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3639 |
James S. Miller 1990 |
1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso;
coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4584 |
P.F. Stevens 1987 (A) |
On secondary road from
Brickaville to Ambila-Lemaitso just before ferry traversing the Pangalon
Canal. Forest on sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1961 |
G. Schatz 1990 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2884 |
P. Stevens, 1987 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
SF(Capuron) |
28024 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
A. Randrianasolo |
484 |
P.F. Stevens (MO), 1999 |
Fivondronana Brickaville, Ambila
Lemaitso forestry station, 3 km from the ferry, on the road to Brickaville,
very disturbed littoral forest. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Clusiaceae |
Mammea subsessilifolia |
(Hochr.) Kosterm. |
Perrier de la Bathie |
16003 |
P.F. Stevens, 2003 |
Fore|5t littorale orientale
pre|9s d'Ambila-Lemaitso au Sud de Tamatave. |
18.54S 049.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Ochrocarpos |
Noronha ex Thouars |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
716 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Ochrocarpos |
Noronha ex Thouars |
F. Ratovoson et al. |
24 |
Fore|5t littorale a|9
Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et
I. Bernard. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Clusiaceae |
Ochrocarpos goudotianus |
Planch. & Triana |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7415 |
R.E. Gereau (MO), 1993 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Ochrocarpos goudotianus |
Planch. & Triana |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4472 |
P.F. Stevens, 1987 |
Forest approx. 6-8 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
James S. Miller |
3686 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3975 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
1384 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
Littorale. |
18.54.31S 049.08.03E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5131 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
Richard Razakamalala |
267 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1253 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum |
Spach |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4398 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanatum |
Hochr. |
Decary, M.R. |
17700 |
Ambila. Co|5te orientale. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanatum |
Hochr. |
Rakotozafy,A. |
1379 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Lisie|9re de
fore|5t. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4585 |
P.F. Stevens 1987 at A (dup det) |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7396 |
A. Pool 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1321 |
P.F. Stevens 1988 (dup det at A) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
SF(Begue) |
2948 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
558 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.34S 49.08.12E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
876 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
2878 |
Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
Decary, M.R. |
6340 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum lanceolatum |
(Choisy) Hochr. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
622 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Clusiaceae |
Psorospermum molluscum |
(Pers.) Hochr. |
Pete Phillipson |
1870 |
N. Robson 1989 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Clusiaceae |
Symphonia |
L. f. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2423 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Clusiaceae |
Symphonia |
L. f. |
James S. Miller, J. Bradford, F.
Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo |
8836 |
Forest on white sand just west
of Ambila Lemaitso. Plants collected in alcohol. |
18.50.12S 49.08.50E |
Clusiaceae |
Symphonia |
L. f. |
Richard Razakamalala |
285 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Clusiaceae |
Symphonia nectarifera |
Jum. & H. Perrier |
James S. Miller |
3676 |
James S. Miller 1990 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Combretaceae |
Terminalia |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4372 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Combretaceae |
Terminalia fatraea |
(Poir.) DC. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4540 |
C. Jongkind (WAG), 1993 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Combretaceae |
Terminalia pumila |
Thouars ex Tul. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
449 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea |
Sol. ex Planch. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4376 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea lamarckii |
Planch. |
Schedl |
129 |
J. Leandri |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
B. Du Puy & D. Du Puy |
C. Jongkind (MO), 1993 |
East Coast, c. 100 km south of
Toamasina, south of village of Ambila-Lemaitso, Hotel Everglades, in coastal
forest. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4544 |
C. Jongkind 1991/oct |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
James S. Miller |
3675 |
James S. Miller 1989 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
731 |
C. Jongkind (WAG), 1997 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg |
13806 |
C. Jongkind, 1987 |
7 km S of Ambila Lemaitso.
Coastal bush, sand. |
18.52.00S 49.08.00E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
Perrier de la Bathie |
Foret littorale orientale
Ambila. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Connaraceae |
Agelaea pentagyna |
(Lam.) Baill. |
K.E. Schedl |
125 |
Ambila |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
421 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea littoralis |
(L.) Blume |
Pete Phillipson |
1898 |
G. Staples (BISH), 1990 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. |
18.52S 49.08E |
Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp.
brasiliensis |
(L.) Ooststr. |
Pete Phillipson |
1897 |
T. Deroin (P), 2001 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. |
18.52S 49.08E |
Convolvulaceae |
Merremia tridentata |
(L.) Hallier f. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4552 |
T. Deroin (P), 1993 |
Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso
and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Convolvulaceae |
Merremia tridentata |
(L.) Hallier f. |
Pete Phillipson |
1859 |
Th. Deroin (P), 2001 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Convolvulaceae |
Merremia tridentata |
(L.) Hallier f. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1483 |
Th. Deroin (P), 2001 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Cunoniaceae |
Weinmannia madagascariensis |
DC. |
J. Bradford et. al. |
660 |
J. Bradford, 1996 |
Near Ambila-Lemaitso. Flat,
water-logged, sandy soil with shrubs and small trees up to a few meters tall.
With J.S. Miller, F. Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo. |
18.50.44S 49.08.54E |
Cycadaceae |
Cycas thouarsii |
Gaudich. |
Decary |
6524 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Cyperaceae |
Baumea iridifolia |
(Willd. ex Link) Boeck. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
686 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
455 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6073 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus psammophilus |
Cherm. |
Pete Phillipson |
1878 |
P.B. Phillipson 1990/6 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Cyperaceae |
Pycreus |
P. Beauv. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4380 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Dichapetalaceae |
Dichapetalum |
Thouars |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
729 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Dichapetalaceae |
Dichapetalum rufum |
(Tul.) Engl. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
13314 |
F.J. Breteler (WAG), 1982 |
Tampina. Fore|5t littorale,
dunes. |
18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Didymelaceae |
Didymeles integrifolia |
J. St.-Hil. |
Rakotozafy, A. |
PK 8 environ d'Ambila Lemaitso,
le long de la voie ferre|4e |
18.49S 049.08E |
Didymelaceae |
Didymeles integrifolia |
J. St.-Hil. |
Rakotozafy, A. |
PK 8 environ d'Ambila Lemaitso,
le long de la voie ferre|4e. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Didymelaceae |
Didymeles integrifolia |
J. St.-Hil. |
Rakotozafy, A. |
1300 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 |
PK 8 environ d'Ambila-Lemaitso,
en longeant la voie ferre|4e. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Dilleniaceae |
Dillenia triquetra |
(Rottb.) Gilg |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
848 |
J, Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Dilleniaceae |
Hibbertia coriacea |
(Pers.) Baill. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2256 |
J.W. Horn, 2003 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Dilleniaceae |
Hibbertia coriacea |
(Pers.) Baill. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4594 |
L.J. Dorr 1986 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Dilleniaceae |
Hibbertia coriacea |
(Pers.) Baill. |
James S. Miller |
3678 |
James S. Miller 1989 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Dilleniaceae |
Hibbertia coriacea |
(Pers.) Baill. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3440 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Dilleniaceae |
Hibbertia coriacea |
(Pers.) Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4373 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Dilleniaceae |
Tetracera madagascariensis |
Willd. ex Schltdl. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7409 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5135 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
846 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool.| |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
433 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6063 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1215 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1241 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4415 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea arcuatinervis |
Hochr. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
633 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea arcuatinervis |
Hochr. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
412 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Trichopus sempervirens |
(H. Perrier) Caddick &
Wilkin |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1222 |
McPherson, 03 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Dioscoreaceae |
Trichopus sempervirens |
(H. Perrier) Caddick &
Wilkin |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1266 |
McPherson, 03 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.33S 049.14.05E |
Droseraceae |
Drosera |
L. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4612 |
Swampy area with Pandanus
vandamii; several km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso on road to Brickaville. |
18.50S 49.07E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3438 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4547 |
Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso
and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
554 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
864 |
nsp1 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6014 |
Vohibola. Forest N of Pangalane
Hotel, N shore of Lac Ampitabe, ca. 2 km W of Andranokoditra. Littoral forest
on sand near lake shore. |
18.35.46S 049.14.06E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1246 |
nsp1 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
394 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros |
L. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
233 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4468 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Degraded forest on the W side of
the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
Pete Phillipson |
1853 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1958 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2418 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
Joohny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
849 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokonntany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
424 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros bernieri |
Hiern |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1269 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.33S 049.14.05E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros ferrea |
(Willd.) Bakh. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1950 |
McPherson, 2004 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros ferrea |
(Willd.) Bakh. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
219 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros ferrea |
(Willd.) Bakh. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4425 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros haplostylis |
Boivin ex Hiern |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
828 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros haplostylis |
Boivin ex Hiern |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
833 |
J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony , Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros mapingo |
H. Perrier |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1943 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros mapingo |
H. Perrier |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1959 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros occlusa |
H. Perrier |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
453 |
McP/04 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus alnifolius |
Baker |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1617 |
C. Tirel, 1984 (P) |
Fore|5t d'Ambila |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus alnifolius |
Baker |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
6457 |
C. Tirel, 1984 (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus alnifolius |
Baker |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12617 |
C. Tirel, 1984 (P) |
JB 2 Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus alnifolius |
Baker |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
543 |
R. Randrianaivo, 2000 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
Andevoranto, route Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 4 km du Bac. Fore|5t littorale
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, &
J. Andriantiana. |
18.52.47S 049.06.35E |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus subserratus |
Baker |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12922 |
C. Tirel, 1984 (P) |
Vohibola, Tampina, Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus subserratus |
Baker |
SF |
17737 |
C. Tirel, 1984 (P) |
JB 20, Tampina. Canton :
Ambinaninony. District : Brickaville Station : fore|5t se|9che. Sol
sablonneux. |
18.31.00S 049.17.00E |
Ericaceae |
Agarista |
D. Don ex G. Don |
Richard Razakamalala |
258 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Ericaceae |
Erica |
L. |
Pete Phillipson |
1856 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Ericaceae |
Erica |
L. |
Pete Phillipson |
1877 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Ericaceae |
Philippia |
Klotzsch |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4548 |
Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso
and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ericaceae |
Vaccinium |
L. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10450 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Ericaceae |
Vaccinium laevigatum |
Bojer ex Dunal |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4548 |
P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Ericaceae |
Vaccinium laevigatum |
Bojer ex Dunal |
James S. Miller |
3677 |
!P. Stevens (MO), 2003 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Ericaceae |
Vaccinium laevigatum |
Bojer ex Dunal |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4544 |
P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ericaceae |
Vaccinium laevigatum |
Bojer ex Dunal |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1463 |
P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ericaceae |
Vaccinium laevigatum |
Bojer ex Dunal |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4596 |
P.F. Stevens (MO), 2003 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Eriocaulaceae |
Eriocaulon |
L. |
Pete Phillipson |
1855 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Eriocaulaceae |
Eriocaulon |
L. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1478 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Eriocaulaceae |
Eriocaulon |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
679 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Eriocaulaceae |
Eriocaulon sexangulare |
L. |
James S. Miller |
3692 |
D.A. Simpson 1990 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2259 |
G.E. Schatz 1991/jun |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2262 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
James S. Miller |
3683 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1324 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1308 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10453 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
426 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
427 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamala & S.W.J. Lowry |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
242 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1243 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1251 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum |
P. Browne |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1270 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.33S 049.14.05E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum buxifolium |
Lam. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
658 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum ferrugineum |
Cav. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1325 |
M. Zjhra (MO), 1993 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythroxylum nitidulum |
Baker |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7425 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Acalypha |
L. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10464 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Acalypha reticulata var. arborea |
(Poir.) Mu|2ll. Arg. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4463 |
A. Radcliffe-Smith 1990 (K) |
Degraded forest on the W side of
the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Amyrea |
Leandri |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
110 |
Tampina a|9 l'ouest du canal de
Pangalana. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.31.22S 49.16.49E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Anthostema |
A. Juss. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
643 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Anthostema |
A. Juss. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
404 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Anthostema madagascariensis |
Baill. |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
541 |
R. Randrianaivo, 2000 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
Andevoranto, route Ambila - Brickaville, a|9 4 km du Bac. Fore|5t littorale
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 avec S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, &
J. Andriantiana. |
18.52.47S 049.06.35E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Blotia oblongifolia |
(Baill.) Leandri |
R. Decary |
6389 |
P. Hoffmann, 1995 (K, confirm.) |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave)
Clairie|9re de fore|5t littorale |
18.48S 049.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus |
Hook. f. ex Planch. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6079 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus |
Hook. f. ex Planch. |
Richard Razakamalala |
256 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus |
Hook. f. ex Planch. |
Richard Razakamalala |
257 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus boivinianus |
(Baill.) Mu|2ll. Arg. |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6324 |
McPherson, 2001 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus boivinianus |
(Baill.) Mu|2ll. Arg. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
618 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus perrieri |
Leandri |
SF(Capuron) |
5691 |
McPherson, 2001 |
Station Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus perrieri |
Leandri |
SF(Capuron) |
22739 |
McPherson, 2001 |
J.B Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus perrieri |
Leandri |
SF(Capuron) |
22747 |
McPherson, 2001 |
J.B Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cleistanthus perrieri |
Leandri |
SF(Capuron) |
22761 |
McPherson, 2001 |
Foret de Vohibola-Tampina. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
442 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6044 |
Vohibola. Forest N of Pangalane
Hotel, N shore of Lac Ampitabe, ca. 2 km W of Andranokoditra. Littoral forest
on sand on trail N of lake shore. |
18.35.46S 049.14.06E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6072 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6081 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
289 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4405 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
371 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
372 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
383 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
384 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
405 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton nobilis |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
874 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton noronhae |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
825 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton noronhae |
Baill. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
446 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton trichotomus |
Geiseler |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
443 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Croton trichotomus |
Geiseler |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
444 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Dalechampia tamifolia |
Lam. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4545 |
W.S. Armbruster 1991/aug |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Drypetes madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Humbert & Leandri |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
452 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Drypetes madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Humbert & Leandri |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1257 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Drypetes madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Humbert & Leandri |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
640 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Drypetes madagascariensis |
(Lam.) Humbert & Leandri |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
227 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia |
L. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
839 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
284 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
655 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Excoecaria |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
287 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Excoecaria |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4407 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Excoecaria lissophylla |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
822 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Excoecaria lissophylla |
Baill. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
656 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga oblongifolia |
Baill. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
635 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga obovata |
Boivin ex Baill. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4541 |
G. McPherson, 1994 (MO) |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga obovata |
Boivin ex Baill. |
James S. Miller |
3690 |
A. Radcliffe-Smith 1990 (K) |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga obovata |
Boivin ex Baill. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1464 |
McPherson, 2001 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga obovata |
Boivin ex Baill. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
714 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga obovata |
Boivin ex Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, |
851 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements a|9 Vohibola.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool.| |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Macaranga obovata |
Boivin ex Baill. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
423 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus |
Lour. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4403 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus spinulosus |
McPherson |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1301 |
G. McPherson (MO), 1995 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus spinulosus |
McPherson |
SF(Begue) |
2937 |
G. McPherson (MO), 1995 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus spinulosus |
McPherson |
SF(Capuron) |
18064 |
G. McPherson, 1995 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus spinulosus |
McPherson |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
7474 |
G. McPherson, 1995 |
J.B. 2 Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus spinulosus |
McPherson |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
5857 |
G. McPherson, 1995 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus spinulosus |
McPherson |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10460 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Omphalea oppositifolia |
(Willd.) L.J. Gillespie |
SF(Capuron) |
22737 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale , sur
sables: ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Omphalea oppositifolia |
(Willd.) L.J. Gillespie |
SF(Capuron,R.) |
8570 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Est: Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus |
(Baill.) Pax |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4416 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1303 |
Hoffmann |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
SF(Begue) |
2943 |
P. Hoffman, 2000 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
SF(Lemanivo) |
2983 |
Hoffmann |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1104 |
Hoffmann |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12918 |
Hoffmann |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10457 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
842 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
R. Decary |
6536 |
Hoffmann |
Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave
Fore|t littorale |
18.49S 049.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
H. Perrier de la Bathie |
13303 |
Hoffmann |
Est: Tampina. Sous bois -
Fore|5t littorale orientale. |
18.31S 049.17E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
M. Decary |
6569 |
P. Hoffman, 2000 |
Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave
Fore|5t littorale |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
429 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1254 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus laureola |
(Baill.) Pax |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
631 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Petalodiscus oblongifolius |
(Baill.) Pax |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
406 |
Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus |
L. |
A. Randrianasolo |
479 |
Fivondronana Brickaville, S. of
Ambila, in forestry station, 1 km W. of the intersection of the road to the
ferry and the one going to Andevoranto. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus |
L. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
182 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
456 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
457 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1227 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4402 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Phyllanthus nummulariifolius |
Poir. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
393 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Savia |
Willd. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3978 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada |
Roxb. ex Rottler |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
449 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada |
Roxb. ex Rottler |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1260 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada |
Roxb. ex Rottler |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4423 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada boiviniana |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
870 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada boiviniana |
Baill. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
374 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada grandiflora |
Radcl.-Sm. |
SF(Capuron) |
22750 |
A. Radcliffe-Smith, 1991 |
J.B Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Suregada grandiflora |
Radcl.-Sm. |
SF(Capuron) |
22751 |
A. Radcliffe-Smith, 1991 |
J.B Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Uapaca |
Baill. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
715 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Uapaca louvelii |
Denis |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1467 |
G. Webster 1988 (DAV) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Uapaca louvelii |
Denis |
Perrier de la Ba|5thie, H. |
14909 |
M. Denis, 1927, TYPE |
Est: Tampina, au S. de Tamatave.
Fore|5t littorale. |
18.31S 049.17E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Uapaca thouarsii |
Baill. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7408 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Uapaca thouarsii |
Baill. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4537 |
G. McPherson 1990/dec |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Euphorbiaceae |
Uapaca thouarsii |
Baill. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4539 |
G. McPherson 1990/dec |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Fabaceae |
Abrus aureus subsp. littoralis |
(R. Vig.) Verdc. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1311 |
J.N. Labat 1990/oct (P) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Abrus aureus subsp. littoralis |
(R. Vig.) Verdc. |
Pete Phillipson |
1848 |
J.-N. Labat (P), 1993 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Fabaceae |
Abrus precatorius |
L. |
Dupuy.D |
D.J. Dupuy et L.-N. Labat, 2002 |
Toamasina, East coast, near
Ampasimanolotra,c.7km South of Ambila-Lemaitso. Strand vegetation on pure
sand, often on bare sand with Ipomoea maritima, or amongst low shrubs. |
18.53S 049.08E |
Fabaceae |
Abrus precatorius |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
435 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Fabaceae |
Abrus precatorius subsp.
africanus |
Verdc. |
Rakotozafy |
1789 |
D.J. Dupuy & J.-N. Labat,
2002 |
Bord de Pangalane. Sur sables
blancs. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Fabaceae |
Abrus precatorius subsp.
africanus |
Verdc. |
Decary M.R. |
6359 |
D.J. Dupuy & J.-N. Labat,
2002 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Fabaceae |
Adenanthera mantaroa |
Villiers |
SF(Verdet) |
6312 |
J.-F. Villiers (P), 1994 |
Antanamala, Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Fabaceae |
Adenanthera mantaroa |
Villiers |
SF(Andre) |
6484 |
J.-F. Villiers (P), 1994 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Fabaceae |
Afzelia |
Sm. |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3645 |
1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Fabaceae |
Afzelia |
Sm. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2263 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Fabaceae |
Afzelia |
Sm. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
730 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Fabaceae |
Albizia viridis |
E. Fourn. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4377 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Fabaceae |
Baudouinia |
Baill. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
641 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Fabaceae |
Baudouinia louvelii |
R. Vig. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
838 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Consrervation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Fabaceae |
Baudouinia louvelii |
R. Vig. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
862 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2001 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Fabaceae |
Baudouinia louvelii |
R. Vig. |
Richard Razakamalala |
268 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Fabaceae |
Baudouinia louvelii |
R. Vig. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
215 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Fabaceae |
Baudouinia louvelii |
R. Vig. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4417 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Fabaceae |
Canavalia rosea |
(Sw.) DC. |
Pete Phillipson |
1896 |
' |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. |
18.52S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Chamaecrista |
Moench |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
682 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Fabaceae |
Crotalaria |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
419 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Fabaceae |
Cynometra commersoniana |
Baill. |
Sf ( Verdet) |
5736 |
D. Du Puy & R. Rabevohitra,
2002 |
Lieu de re|4colte: Ambodirotra,
Tampina. |
18.31.00S 049.17.00E |
Fabaceae |
Hymenaea verrucosa |
Gaertn. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1470 |
G.E. Schatz 1991 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Hymenaea verrucosa |
Gaertn. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7405 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Hymenaea verrucosa |
Gaertn. |
Pete Phillipson |
1889 |
F.J. Breteler (WAG), 1992 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Fabaceae |
Intsia bijuga |
(Colebr.) Kuntze |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1469 |
G.E. Schatz 1991 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Intsia bijuga |
(Colebr.) Kuntze |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7416 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Intsia bijuga |
(Colebr.) Kuntze |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7423 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Intsia bijuga |
(Colebr.) Kuntze |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6080 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Fabaceae |
Intsia bijuga |
(Colebr.) Kuntze |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4441 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Fabaceae |
Intsia bijuga |
(Colebr.) Kuntze |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
439 |
D. Rabehevitra, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Fabaceae |
Macrotyloma axillare |
(E. Mey.) Verdc. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
427 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Fabaceae |
Macrotyloma axillare var.
glabrum |
(E. Mey.) Verdc. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1459 |
J.-N. Labat (P), 1993 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Millettia hitsika |
Du Puy & Labat |
SF(Verdet) |
3260 |
Du Puy & Labat, 1995 |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Millettia hitsika |
Du Puy & Labat |
SF(Andre|4) |
7257 |
Du Puy & Labat, 1995 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Mundulea chapelieri |
(Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy
& Labat |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3150 |
Du Puy & Labat 1991 (P) |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Mundulea chapelieri |
(Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy
& Labat |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1310 |
Du Puy & Labat 1991 (P) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Fabaceae |
Mundulea chapelieri |
(Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy
& Labat |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1224 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Fabaceae |
Mundulea chapelieri |
(Baill.) R. Viguier ex Du Puy
& Labat |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
382 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Fabaceae |
Sakoanala madagascariensis |
R. Vig. |
Perrier de la Bathie, H. |
13266 |
R. Viguier |
Est: Tampina, futaie, fore|5t
littorale orientale. |
18.31S 049.17E |
Fabaceae |
Trachylobium |
Hayne |
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
1383 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
Littorale. |
18.54.31S 049.08.03E |
Fabaceae |
Trachylobium verrucosum |
(Gaertn.) Oliv. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
726 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Fabaceae |
Trachylobium verrucosum |
(Gaertn.) Oliv. |
F. Ratovoson et al. |
27 |
Fore|5t littorale a|9
Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et
I. Bernard. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Fabaceae |
Viguieranthus kony |
(R. Vig.) Villiers |
Richard Razakamalala |
251 |
McPherson;matches18947detLabat |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Bembicia |
Oliv. |
SF(Be|4gue|4) |
1565 |
R. Capuron |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E] |
Flacourtiaceae |
Bembicia |
Oliv. |
SF |
17734 |
R. Capuron |
Est : Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E] |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica |
Jaub. ex Tul. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3147 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica |
Jaub. ex Tul. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5132 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica |
Jaub. ex Tul. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5134 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica |
Jaub. ex Tul. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5136 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica |
Jaub. ex Tul. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5143 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica cerasifolia |
(Vent.) Tul. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1948 |
R.E. Gereau 1989 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Calantica grandiflora |
Jaub. ex Tul. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1947 |
R.E. Gereau 1989 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia |
Jacq. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
225 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia lucida |
Tul. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3991 |
5 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e.
10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville.
Slightly disturbed coastal forest along roadway. |
18.55S 49.07E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia lucida |
Tul. |
B. Iambana et al. |
128 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
8 Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana,
Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: Fore|5t littorale
peu de|4grade|4e a|9 cause du cylone Ge|4ralda. re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et
C. Birkinshaw |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia nigrescens |
Tul. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2254 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia nigrescens |
Tul. |
Pete Phillipson |
1884 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia nigrescens |
Tul. |
James S. Miller |
3672 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia nigrescens |
Tul. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
836 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia nigrescens |
Tul. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4408 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Flacourtia |
L'He|4r. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1492 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Flacourtia |
L'He|4r. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
448 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Flacourtia ramontchii |
L'He|4r. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5127 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Strand vegetation just back of beach, ca. 3 km S of town, 1 km S
of Les Alize|4s Hotel. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium |
Jacq. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3976 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium |
Jacq. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
649 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the
bridge before the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium |
Jacq. |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
108 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station
Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.49.28S 49.09.19E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium |
Jacq. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6074 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium |
Jacq. |
Richard Razakamalala |
286 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium brevipedunculatum |
Scott-Elliot |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
646 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium involucratum |
(DC.) O. Hoffm. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4401 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium laxiflorum |
(Tul.) Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
820 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en l'alcool. |
18.34.50S 49.15.16E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium laxiflorum |
(Tul.) Baill. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1219 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium laxiflorum |
(Tul.) Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4388 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium louvelianum |
H. Perrier |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1259 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium louvelianum |
H. Perrier |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
649 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium planiflorum |
(Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
559 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.34S 49.08.12E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium planiflorum |
(Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
885 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 049.14.40E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium planiflorum |
(Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
431 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium planiflorum |
(Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
213 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium thuarsianum |
(Tul.) Baill. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2261 |
R.E. Gereau (MO), 1993 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium thuarsianum |
(Tul.) Baill. |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
241 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Homalium thuarsianum |
(Tul.) Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4413 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ludia |
Comm. ex Juss. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
641 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ludia chapelieri |
Sleumer |
SF(Verdet) |
3225 |
H. Sleumer, 1972 |
Menagisy, Brickaville. |
18.52S 49.04E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ludia chapelieri |
Sleumer |
SF(Capuron) |
18066 |
H. Sleumer, 1972. TYPE |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ludia chapelieri |
Sleumer |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4374 |
McPherson 2004, e descr. |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ludia chapelieri |
Sleumer |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
390 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ludia pinnatinervia |
(H. Perrier) Capuron &
Sleumer |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2862 |
H. Sleumer, 1972 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia |
Schreb. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3981 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia |
Schreb. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
610 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and
Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. |
18.53.47S 049.07.45E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia |
Schreb. |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
238 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia erythrocarpa |
H. Perrier |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
214 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia erythrocarpa |
H. Perrier |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1247 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia orientalis |
Sleumer |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1944 |
R.E. Gereau 1989 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia orientalis |
Sleumer |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
536 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
Brickaville, Village Ambila-Lemaitso, a|9 2 km au SW de l'ho|5tel Les
Alize|4s. Fore|5t littorale. Re|4colte|4 avec J. Andriantiana, S.
Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. |
18.53.52S 049.07.48E |
Flacourtiaceae |
Scolopia orientalis |
Sleumer |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
370 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus |
Griseb. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5126 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Strand vegetation just back of beach, ca. 3 km S of town, 1 km S
of Les Alize|4s Hotel. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus |
Griseb. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4397 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
Pete Phillipson |
1847 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4551 |
J. Klackenberg (S), 1993 |
Ca. 1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso
and 1 km N of railroad bridge. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
James S. Miller |
3691 |
A. Anderberg 1991/oct (S) |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
R. Benoist |
775 |
Environs d'Ambila (Co|5te Est) |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
P. Boiteau |
477 |
P. Boiteau |
Ambila-Lemaitso, la route
d'Ambila a|9 Brickaville (Co|5te Est) sur dunes co|5tie|9res, dunes
littorales |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
G. Cours |
2935 |
Ambila-Lemaitso derrie|9re la
lagune |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
R. Decary |
6349 |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave)
Clairie|9re sableuse en fore|5t littorale |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
R. Decary |
6392 |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave)
Clairie|9re de fore|5t littorale |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus carinatus |
(Desr.) Griseb. |
S. Rasamoe|2lson (IMRA) |
7 |
P. Boiteau, 1974 |
Ambila-Lemaitso Terrain
sablonneux littoral |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus gracilis |
Griseb. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3433 |
G.E. Schatz, 2004 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus gracilis |
Griseb. |
R. Benoist |
809 |
H. Humbert |
Environs d'Ambila (Co|5te Est) |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus longiflorus |
Griseb. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
687 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Gentianaceae |
Tachiadenus tubiflorus |
(Thouars ex Roem. & Schult.)
Griseb. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
13257 |
R. Capuron |
Est - Tampina au sud de Tamatave
Pre|9s des lagunes - lisie|9re de la fore|5t littorale |
[18.30S 49.16E] |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
430 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola plumieri |
(L.) Vahl |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3647 |
James S. Miller 1990 |
1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola plumieri |
(L.) Vahl |
L.J. Dorr |
4474 |
L.J. Dorr 1985 |
Beach, approx. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Foredunes. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola taccada |
(Gaertn.) Roxb. |
L.J. Dorr |
4476 |
L.J. Dorr 1985 |
Beach, approx. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Foredunes. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola taccada |
(Gaertn.) Roxb. |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3642 |
James S. Miller 1990 |
1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola taccada |
(Gaertn.) Roxb. |
Benoist |
839 |
A. Rakotozafy, 1979 |
Ambila |
18.49S 049.08E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola taccada |
(Gaertn.) Roxb. |
Decary |
6526 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Goodeniaceae |
Scaevola taccada |
(Gaertn.) Roxb. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5141 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1999 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe |
Thouars |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1481 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe |
Thouars |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2260 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe |
Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3985 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe |
Thouars |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4410 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe macrophylla |
Baill. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1327 |
D.C. Zappi (K), 1993 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe macrophylla |
Baill. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10448 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe stipulacea |
J. St.-Hil. |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3638 |
G.E. Schatz, 1993 |
1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso;
coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe stipulacea |
J. St.-Hil. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
843 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe stipulacea |
J. St.-Hil. |
Richard Razakamalala |
262 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Hamamelidaceae |
Dicoryphe stipulacea |
J. St.-Hil. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
632 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Icacinaceae |
Apodytes |
E. Mey. ex Arn. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3435 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Icacinaceae |
Apodytes |
E. Mey. ex Arn. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1255 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Icacinaceae |
Apodytes |
E. Mey. ex Arn. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4406 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Icacinaceae |
Apodytes |
E. Mey. ex Arn. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
376 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Icacinaceae |
Apodytes dimidiata |
E. Mey. ex Arn. |
B. Iambana et al. |
131 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
8Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana,
Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale
peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard
et C. Birkinshaw |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Icacinaceae |
Cassinopsis |
Sonder in Harv. & Sonder |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2420 |
McP 04 as sp nov |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Icacinaceae |
Desmostachys |
Miers |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4419 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Icacinaceae |
Desmostachys |
Miers |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
634 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Icacinaceae |
Desmostachys planchoniana |
Miers |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
735 |
J. Villiers (P), 1995 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Icacinaceae |
Desmostachys planchoniana |
Miers |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
824 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (DBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Icacinaceae |
Desmostachys planchoniana |
Miers |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1261 |
McPherson, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Icacinaceae |
Desmostachys planchoniana |
Miers |
J. Villiers, B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
735 |
East cost. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaintso. |
18.29S 49.05E |
Icacinaceae |
Grisollea |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Iridaceae |
Geosiris aphylla |
Baill. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4601 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Iridaceae |
Geosiris aphylla |
Baill. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4586 |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Iridaceae |
Geosiris aphylla |
Baill. |
R. Decary |
17877 |
Tampina, au sud de
Tamatave.Sous-bois, dans le sable. |
[18.31S 49.17E] |
Iridaceae |
Gladiolus luteus |
Lam. |
L.J. Dorr |
4475 |
L. Dorr 1985 |
Beach, approx. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Foredunes. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Iridaceae |
Gladiolus luteus |
Lam. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2424 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Iridaceae |
Gladiolus luteus |
Lam. |
G. Cours |
2888 |
J. Bosser, 1976 |
Ambila-Lemaitso dunes au bord de
la mer |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Iridaceae |
Gladiolus luteus |
Lam. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
18298 |
Est - Pre|9s d'Ambila Bords de
la mer - C.C.C. |
[18.50S 49.09E] |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Begue) |
2946 |
Ambila-Lemaitso SF |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Lemanivo) |
2986 |
Ambila-Lemaitso SF |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1135 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Begue) |
1564 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
15098 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF, Canton
Andevoranto, District Brickaville, fore|5t sub-co|5tie|9re et de|4grade|4e,
sol sablonneux. |
[18.45.00S 49.08.00E |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
6451 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF, dans E16. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
7267 |
J. Kostermans, 1957 |
Tampina, Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF |
4703 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF, fore|5t de
Vohibola, Tampina |
18.49S 049.08E |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
SF |
3757 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF |
18.49S 049.08E |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
Decary, R. |
6486 |
J. Kostermans, 1952 |
Ambila, Sud de Tamatave. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Lauraceae |
Beilschmiedia madagascariensis |
(Baill.) Kosterm. |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
539 |
Henk van der Werff (MO), 2002 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
d'Andevoranto, a|9 2 km a|9 l'ouest d'Andavakomena, bord de la piste Ambila -
Brickaville, a|9 fore|5t littorale sur sable d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4
avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Lauraceae |
Cassytha filiformis |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4383 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Lauraceae |
Cassytha filiformis |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
616 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya |
R. Br. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3145 |
C. retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van
der Werff |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya |
R. Br. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7398 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya |
R. Br. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4444 |
C. retusa (Willd. ex Nees) van
der Werff |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya |
R. Br. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
432 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya litoralis |
van der Werff |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2252 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya litoralis |
van der Werff |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2422 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya litoralis |
van der Werff |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4469 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
Forest approx. 6-8 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya litoralis |
van der Werff |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
725 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya retusa |
(Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1957 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya retusa |
(Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7400 |
H. van der Werff (MO) |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya retusa |
(Willd. ex Nees) van der Werff |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
440 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea |
Aubl. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7395 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea |
Aubl. |
James S. Miller, J. Bradford, F.
Rakotonasolo & A. Randrianasolo |
8837 |
Forest on white sand just west
of Ambila Lemaitso. Plants collected in alcohol. |
18.50.12S 49.08.50E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea |
Aubl. |
B. Iambana et al. |
134 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
300m W d'Andavakimenarana,
pre|9s de la route Brickaville, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana
Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du
cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard, Fidy Ratovoson, Faly
Randriatafika, Roger |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea |
Aubl. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4438 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea laevis |
Kosterm. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4481 |
L.J. Dorr, 1985 |
Approx. 6 km S of ferry on road
from Brickaville to Andevoranto and Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest on sand. |
18.54S 49.07E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea laevis |
Kosterm. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3141 |
H. van der Werff, 2004 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea laevis |
Kosterm. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
717 |
H. van der Werff, 204 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea laevis |
Kosterm. |
SF(Begue) |
1566 |
[Station forestiere |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea laevis |
Kosterm. |
Richard Razakamalala |
259 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Lauraceae |
Ocotea laevis |
Kosterm. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1217 |
J.Rabenantoandro, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Lauraceae |
Potameia incisa |
Kosterm. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4538 |
H. van der Werff (MO), 2000 |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Lecythidaceae |
Barringtonia asiatica |
(L.) Kurz |
Pete Phillipson |
1899 |
G. E. Schatz (MO), 1993 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. |
18.52S 49.08E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia |
Comm. ex Lam. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
734 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia |
Comm. ex Lam. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4371 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia clusioides |
Baker |
SF(Capuron) |
18065 |
J. Bosser, 1988 |
EST: Foret sublittorale, sur
sables a Ambila-Lemaitso [Forestry Station] |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia clusioides |
Baker |
Rakotozafy A. |
1380 |
?10236 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, province de
Tamatave |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2257 |
G. E. Schatz (MO), 1993 |
Sand forest along coast at
Ambilań Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7430 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
About 300 m N of railroad bridge
across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with
Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1955 |
M.S. Taylor 1989 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3969 |
G.E. Schatz, 1994 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Lower, partially
inundated areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
Pete Phillipson |
1852 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
Rakotozafy A. |
1296 |
Bord du lac, foret littorale
Ambila-Lemaitso, province de Tamatave |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
SF |
4931 |
foret d'Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
Herb.Inst.Sci.Madag. |
145 |
Serie C Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
Decary |
6473 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
Schedl |
131 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
B. Iambana et al. |
129 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
8 Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana,
Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: Fore|5t littorale
peu de|4grade|4e a|9 cause du cylone Ge|4ralda. re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et
C. Birkinshaw |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Lecythidaceae |
Foetidia obliqua |
Blume |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
418 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia |
L. |
C. Birkinshaw |
1133 |
Southeast part of Vohibola
Forest. Marsh at edge of littoral forest on sand. 2 km N of Andranokoditra. |
18.34.33S 049.15.22E |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
397 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
398 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia livida |
E. Mey. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4590 |
P. Taylor 1987 dup det at K |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia subulata |
L. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4591 |
P. Taylor 1987 dup det at K |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia subulata |
L. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4614 |
P. Taylor 1987 dup det at K |
Swampy area with Pandanus
vandamii; several km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso on road to Brickaville. |
18.50S 49.07E |
Liliaceae |
Asparagus |
L. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7417 |
S. Malcomber, 1991, see NOTE |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Asparagus madecassus |
H. Perrier |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
639 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Liliaceae |
Asparagus simulans |
Baker |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
369 |
D. Rabehevitra, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Liliaceae |
Dianella |
Lam. ex Juss. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4446 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Liliaceae |
Dianella ensifolia |
(L.) DC. |
Pete Phillipson |
1851 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Liliaceae |
Dianella ensifolia |
(L.) DC. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
435 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Liliaceae |
Dianella ensifolia |
(L.) DC. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
643 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Liliaceae |
Dianella ensifolia |
(L.) DC. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
643 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4607 |
Ca. 3 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso on
forest track parallel to railroad tracks. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1309 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
7471 |
J.B. 2 Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
879 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1221 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1229 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena |
Vand. ex L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
654 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
Pete Phillipson |
1875 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4553 |
Everglades Hotel, ca. 2 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3154 |
J.J. Bos 1991 (WAG) |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3156 |
J.J. Bos 1991 (WAG) |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg |
13787 |
J.J. Bos, 1986 |
E. coast, 2km S. of Ambila
Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.09E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
A. Le Thomas |
1014 |
Environs d'Ambila Lemaitso
Fore|5t co|5tie|9re sur sables blancs. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
624 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa |
Lam. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
673 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa var.
angustifolia |
Baker |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1460 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa var. cernua |
(Jacq.) Baker |
R. Decary |
6373 |
P. Danguy (P) |
Ambila |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Liliaceae |
Dracaena reflexa var. reflexa |
T.B. Croat |
32384 |
J. Bosser (P) |
Along route #2 between Marovalo
and Brickaville; elev. 70m to near sea level. |
18.50.00S 049.04.00E |
Linaceae |
Hugonia castanea |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
832 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Loganiaceae |
Anthocleista |
Afzel. ex R. Br. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
444 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Loganiaceae |
Anthocleista longifolia |
(Lam.) Boiteau |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7406 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Loganiaceae |
Anthocleista longifolia |
(Lam.) Boiteau |
Leeuwenberg |
13803 |
A.J.M. leeuwenberg, 1985 |
7 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Near
coast, village Andavakimenarana |
18.52.00S 49.08.00E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja |
L. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10462 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1234 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja indica |
Lam. |
Pete Phillipson |
1885 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja indica |
Lam. |
Benoist |
846 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1985 |
Ambila (voie du chemin de fer) |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja indica |
Lam. |
Cheek |
1398 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. About 2-3 miles
south of 'Everglades' Hotel. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja indica |
Lam. |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & R.
Ranaivojaona |
14592 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of Canal
d'Ampangalana. Degraded coastal forest. Sand. |
18.49S 049.09E |
Loganiaceae |
Buddleja indica |
Lam. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
615 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Loganiaceae |
Nuxia pachyphylla |
Baker |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6471 |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, 1984 |
Tampina, Ambila Lemaitso. |
[18.31.00S 49.17.00E |
Loganiaceae |
Strychnos spinosa |
Lam. |
James S. Miller |
3682 |
James S. Miller 1990 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Loganiaceae |
Strychnos spinosa |
Lam. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7413 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella |
Tiegh. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1299 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella |
Tiegh. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3445 |
6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso along
road from ferry crossing to Andevoranto. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella |
Tiegh. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
878 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements a|9 Vohibola.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella |
Tiegh. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1230 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella |
Tiegh. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
652 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella ambongoensis |
Balle |
F. Ratovoson et al. |
29 |
Fore|5t littorale a|9
Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et
I. Bernard. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella clavata |
(Desr.) Balle |
Armand Rakotozafy |
1297 |
Dans la lisie|9re de fore|5t.
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Loranthaceae |
Bakerella hoyifolia var. parkeri |
(Baker) Balle |
Pete Phillipson |
1888 |
R.M. Polhill 1988 (dup det at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Malpighiaceae |
Tristellateia |
Thouars |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1223 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Melastomataceae |
Dichaetanthera |
Endl. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
863 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Melastomataceae |
Dichaetanthera articulata |
Endl. |
James S. Miller |
3688 |
James S. Miller 1990 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Melastomataceae |
Dichaetanthera articulata |
Endl. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4485 |
G.E. Schatz 1990 |
Andavakamenarana, village at
ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Dichaetanthera articulata |
Endl. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7422 |
A. Pool 1991 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Andevoranto 3 km S of turnoff to Amapasimanolotra (Brickaville); low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.55S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Dichaetanthera crassinodis |
Baker |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1621 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Melastomataceae |
Lijndenia roborea |
(Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4587 |
R.D. Stone, 2003 |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Lijndenia roborea |
(Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2417 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1997 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Lijndenia roborea |
(Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3434 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1997 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Lijndenia roborea |
(Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2893 |
Stone & Rakotonirina, 2001 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Melastomataceae |
Lijndenia roborea |
(Naudin) Jacq.-Fe|4l. |
SF(Capuron) |
22755 |
R. Rabevohitra, 1987 |
Est: fore|5t littorale sur
sables a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Melastomataceae |
Medinilla |
Gaudich. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
884 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 049.14.40E |
Melastomataceae |
Medinilla |
Gaudich. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1236 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Melastomataceae |
Memecylon ulopterum |
DC. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1945 |
R.D. Stone, 2003 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Memecylon ulopterum |
DC. |
SF(Capuron, R.) |
28044 |
Est: fore|5t littorale entre
Ambila-Lemaitso et Andevoranto. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Melastomataceae |
Warneckea urschii |
(H. Perrier) Jacq.-Fe|4l. |
SF(Begue) |
10748 |
R. Rabevohitra, 1987 |
Bord des
Pangalanes,Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Meliaceae |
Astrotrichilia |
(Harms) J.-F. Leroy ex T.D.
Penn. & Styles |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1268 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.33S 049.14.05E |
Meliaceae |
Astrotrichilia voamatata |
J.-F. Leroy |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
6459 |
Ambila Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Meliaceae |
Astrotrichilia voamatata |
J.-F. Leroy |
SF(Begue) |
7568 |
Tananala, Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Meliaceae |
Astrotrichilia voamatata |
J.-F. Leroy |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
7266 |
Antananala, Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Meliaceae |
Astrotrichilia voamatata |
J.-F. Leroy |
SF(F. Bora) |
9657 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3144 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
B. Iambana et al. |
132 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
8Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana,
Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale
peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard
et C. Birkinshaw |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
859 |
T. littoralis, det TEF, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4422 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4426 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
373 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Meliaceae |
Turraea |
L. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
229 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5151 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala |
255 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1245 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1262 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1264 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4404 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia |
Thouars |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4433 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia congesta |
Decne. |
P. Boiteau |
1146 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t sur
sable. f |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
James S. Miller |
3679 |
L.L. Forman 1991 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett & N.
Ralimanana |
4464 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 |
Degraded forest on the W side of
the lagoon opposite the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. Sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
Le Thomas |
103 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 |
Lemaitso; Fore|5t co|5tie|9re
sur sable blancs. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E] |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
SF |
6453 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
G. Cours |
2933 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, derrie|9re la
lagune |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
P. Boiteau |
466 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus (MO), 1996 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
littorale sur dunes fixe|4es (en arrie|9re de la lagune) |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
R. Decary |
17697 |
A.F.B. Westerhaus |
Tampina au sud de Tamatave .
zone littorale |
[18.31S 49.17E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
585 |
A. Westerhaus |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, very disturbed forest on white sand. |
18.51.38S 049.08.34E |
Menispermaceae |
Burasaia madagascariensis |
DC. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
858 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Menispermaceae |
Spirospermum penduliflorum |
Thouars |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
720 |
M. Randriambololona, 1993 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa |
Sonn. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6088 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa |
Sonn. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1250 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa castri-delphinii |
Cavaco |
SF(Rabevohitra,R.) |
32538 |
S.N. ANdrianarivelo, 2002 |
Fiv: Brickaville
(Ampasimanolotra), Fir et Fok: Ambila-Lemaitso, Lieu de re|4colte: Akanin'ny
nofy. Station forestie|9re: fore|5t primaire. Sol: sableux humife|9re. |
18.36S 049.15E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa castri-delphinii |
Cavaco |
SF (Rabevohitra,R.) |
32512 |
S.N. Andrianarivelo, 2002 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Fir. et Fok.
Ambila. Village le plus proche: Andranokoditra. Station: fore|5t ombrophile.
Sol: sableux. |
18.38S 049.15E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa purpurea |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4542 |
D. Lorence (PTBG), 1995 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa purpurea |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
SF(Rabevohitra,R.) |
29902 |
Lieu de re|4colte: Fore|5t
d'Andavakimenarana. |
18.52.34S 049.08.12E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa religiosa |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
857 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa religiosa |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
M. Decary |
6288 |
D. Lorence, 1978 |
Ambila |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa religiosa |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
M. Decary |
6554 |
D. Lorence, 1978 |
Ambila |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa religiosa |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
A. Rakotozafy |
1293 |
D. Lorence, 1978 |
Province de Tamatave (
TOamasina), Ambila-Lemaitso, fore|5t littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Monimiaceae |
Tambourissa religiosa |
(Tul.) A. DC. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
638 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Moraceae |
Ficus |
L. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
170 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Moraceae |
Ficus |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1258 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Moraceae |
Ficus lutea |
Vahl |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7429 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
About 300 m N of railroad bridge
across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with
Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Moraceae |
Ficus lutea |
Vahl |
Cours, G. |
2921 |
C.C. Berg (BG), 1985 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, dunes au bord
de la mer |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Moraceae |
Ficus lutea |
Vahl |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
425 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Moraceae |
Ficus reflexa |
Thunb. |
James S. Miller |
3685 |
C. Jongkind 1989 (K) |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Moraceae |
Ficus reflexa subsp. reflexa |
Pete Phillipson |
1868 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Moraceae |
Ficus reflexa subsp. reflexa |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1494 |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 1996 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Moraceae |
Ficus reflexa subsp. reflexa |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
174 |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 2002 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Moraceae |
Streblus dimepate |
(Bureau) C.C. Berg |
R. Decary |
6414 |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 2001 |
Ambila. |
18.49S 49.08E |
Moraceae |
Streblus mauritianus |
(Jacq.) Blume |
SF(Kiener) |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 1996 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Moraceae |
Trilepisium madagascariense |
Thouars ex DC. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
441 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Myricaceae |
Myrica spathulata |
Mirb. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7403 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Myricaceae |
Myrica spathulata |
Mirb. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4546 |
Malcomber & Schatz (MO),
1993 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Myricaceae |
Myrica spathulata |
Mirb. |
Pete Phillipson |
1881 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Myricaceae |
Myrica spathulata |
Mirb. |
Benoist |
858 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Myristicaceae |
Brochoneura |
Warb. |
Richard Razakamalala |
274 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Myristicaceae |
Brochoneura acuminata |
(Lam.) Warb. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
835 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool.| |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Myristicaceae |
Brochoneura acuminata |
(Lam.) Warb. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4443 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Myristicaceae |
Brochoneura acuminata |
(Lam.) Warb. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
669 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Myrsinaceae |
Embelia incumbens |
Mez |
B. Iambana et al. |
130 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
8 Km au SW d'Andavakimenarana,
Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana Brickaville, Station: Fore|5t littorale
peu de|4grade|4e a|9 cause du cylone Ge|4ralda. re|4colte|4 avec Bernard et
C. Birkinshaw |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus |
A. DC. |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
111 |
Tampina a|9 l'ouest du canal de
Pangalana. Fore|5t littorale. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.31.22S 49.16.49E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus |
A. DC. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4391 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus |
A. DC. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
683 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus paludosus |
A. DC. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7433 |
Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 |
About 300 m N of railroad bridge
across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with
Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus paludosus |
A. DC. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7432 |
Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 |
About 300 m N of railroad bridge
across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with
Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus paludosus |
A. DC. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1461 |
Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Myrsinaceae |
Monoporus paludosus |
A. DC. |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3641 |
Jon Ricketson (MO), 1997 |
1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso;
coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Myrsinaceae |
Oncostemum |
A. Juss. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1471 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Myrsinaceae |
Oncostemum |
A. Juss. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3970 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Lower, partially
inundated areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Myrsinaceae |
Oncostemum |
A. Juss. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
644 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Myrsinaceae |
Oncostemum |
A. Juss. |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
107 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station
Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.49.28S 49.09.19E |
Myrsinaceae |
Oncostemum fusco-pilosum |
(Baker) Mez |
Pete Phillipson |
1880 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Myrsinaceae |
Oncostemum palmiforme |
H. Perrier |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
823 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia |
L. |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
246 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1248 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
3194 |
Fore|5t Ambila Lemaitso,
parcelle E-21. District Brickaville. |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
SF(Capuron) |
22762 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Vohibola, pre|9s de Tampina (entre Tamatave et Ambila Lemaitso). |
18.31S 049.17E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
SF |
16853 |
ABL JB 2 Desc C2, Ambila
Lemaitso. Canton Andevoranto, District Brickaville. Fore|5t se|9che, sol
sableux. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
SF(Rabevohitra) |
29897 |
Pre|9s du lac Anjanaborona.
Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
SF(Rabevohitra) |
29898 |
Ambila Lemaitso SF. Pre|9s du
lac Anjanaborona. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4437 |
TEF, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia cloiselii |
H. Perrier |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
664 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Myrtaceae |
Melaleuca viridiflora |
Gaertner |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7431 |
S.G. Razafimandimbison 1991
(TAN) |
About 300 m N of railroad bridge
across from Ambila-Lemaitso; edge of low forest on sandy soil. Collected with
Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo & Amy Pool. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium bernieri |
(Drake) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
R. Randrianaivo et al. |
540 |
McPherson, 2002 |
Fiv. Brickaville, Commune
d'Andevoranto, a|9 2 km a|9 l'ouest d'Andavakomena, bord de la piste Ambila -
Brickaville, a|9 fore|5t littorale sur sable d'Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4
avec J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo & A. Ratodimanana. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1456 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4471 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Forest approx. 6-8 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Pete Phillipson |
1883 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
737 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1113 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Ambila, Brickaville |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1114 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Ambila, Brickaville |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
7473 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
J.B. 2, Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Boiteau |
470 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, fore|5t sur
dunes littorales. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
Johny Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Richard Razakamalala |
269 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4418 |
TEF, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4440 |
TEF, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium emirnense |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
637 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium micropodum |
(Baker) Labat & G.E. Schatz |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7426 |
J.-N. Labat & G.E. Schatz,
1999 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Nepenthaceae |
Nepenthes madagascariensis |
Poir. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
681 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Ochnaceae |
Campylospermum |
Tiegh. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3986 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ochnaceae |
Campylospermum obtusifolium |
(Lam.) Tiegh. |
B. Iambana et al. |
135 |
B. Iambana, 1999 |
300m W d'Andavakimenarana,
pre|9s de la route Brickaville, Firaisana Andevoranto, Fivondronana
Brickaville, Station: fore|5t littorale peu de|4grade|4e (a|9 cause du
cyclone Ge|4ralda). Re|4colte|4 avec Bernard, Fidy Ratovoson, Faly
Randriatafika, Roger |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Ochnaceae |
Campylospermum obtusifolium var.
breonii |
(Tiegh.) H. Perrier |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4595 |
A. Balsinhas 1987 (PRE) |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Ochnaceae |
Ochna |
L. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
612 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and
Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. |
18.53.47S 049.07.45E |
Ochnaceae |
Ochna |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
252 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Ochnaceae |
Ochna |
L. |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
243 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Ochnaceae |
Ochnaceae fam. |
DC. |
F. Y. Razafindrakoto, Mamisoa
& Razily |
71 |
Station forestie|9re de Tampina,
30 km au Nord d'Ambila. Fore|5t littorale . Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en
alcool. |
18.31.21S 049.16.43E |
Ochnaceae |
Ouratea |
Aubl. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1949 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Ochnaceae |
Ouratea obtusifolia |
(Lam.) Gilg |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3640 |
R.E. Gereau (MO), 1997 |
1 km NW of Ambila-Lemaitso;
coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Ochnaceae |
Sauvagesia erecta |
L. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1480 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Ochnaceae |
Sauvagesia erecta |
L. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4597 |
L.J. Dorr 1986 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Olacaceae |
Olacaceae fam. |
Mirb. ex DC. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4414 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Olacaceae |
Olax |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
428 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Olacaceae |
Olax |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4390 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Olacaceae |
Olax emirnensis |
Baker |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3429 |
K.G. Sikes (MO). 2001 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Olacaceae |
Olax emirnensis |
Baker |
SF(Capuron) |
5692 |
R. Capuron, 1956 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale:
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Olacaceae |
Olax emirnensis |
Baker |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6478 |
M. Keraudren, 1963 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Olacaceae |
Olax emirnensis |
Baker |
Perrier de la Ba|5thie, H. |
14024 |
Cavaco & Keraudren, 1955 |
Est: Fore|5t littorale
orientale, pre|9s de Brikaville. |
18.50S 049.04E |
Olacaceae |
Olax emirnensis |
Baker |
SF(Capuron) |
28033 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Olacaceae |
Olax emirnensis |
Baker |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10461 |
G.E. Schatz & K.G. Sikes,
2001 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Olacaceae |
Olax madagascariensis |
(Thouars ex DC.) Cavaco |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
661 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Olacaceae |
Olax pseudaleia |
Willd. ex Steud. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1312 |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 2001 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Olacaceae |
Olax pseudoleioides |
Willd. ex Steud. |
SF(Capuron) |
22745 |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables: Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Olacaceae |
Phanerodiscus capuronii |
Male|4cot, G.E. Schatz &
Bosser |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3439 |
Male|4cot, G.E. Schatz &
Bosser, 2003 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Olacaceae |
Phanerodiscus capuronii |
Male|4cot, G.E. Schatz &
Bosser |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
6320 |
V. Male|4cot, 2003 (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Oleaceae |
Jasminum |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1238 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Oleaceae |
Jasminum kitchingii |
Baker |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
381 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
A. Randrianasolo |
480 |
!P.S. Green (K), 2000 |
Fivondronana Brickaville, S. of
Ambila, along the road going to Andevoranto. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5129 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5148 |
!P.S. Green (K), 2000 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
650 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the
bridge before the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
172 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala |
253 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala |
272 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia |
Stadtm. ex Thouars |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1267 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.33S 049.14.05E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia emarginata |
(Lam.) Thouars |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1942 |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia emarginata |
(Lam.) Thouars |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3646 |
R. Elisette (P), 1994 |
1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Oleaceae |
Noronhia pervilleana |
(Knobl.) H. Perrier |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3444 |
P.S. Green (K), 1994 |
6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso along
road from ferry crossing to Andevoranto. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Oleaceae |
Olea ambrensis |
H. Perrier |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
718 |
P. Green (K), 1995 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Oleaceae |
Oleaceae fam. |
Hoffmanns. & Link |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
237 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Orchidaceae |
Angraecum |
Bory |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
392 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Angraecum |
Bory |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
400 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Angraecum acutipetalum |
Schltr. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
653 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Orchidaceae |
Angraecum eburneum subsp.
superbum |
(Thouars) H. Perrier |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
440 |
D. Rabehevitra, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Angraecum panicifolium |
H. Perrier |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
659 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Orchidaceae |
Angraecum sesquipedale |
Thouars |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
375 |
D. Rabehevitra, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Bulbophyllum |
Thouars |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
399 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Cynorkis |
Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
668 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Orchidaceae |
Cynorkis |
Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
684 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Orchidaceae |
Cynorkis elata |
Rolfe |
Decary, R. |
6427 |
Bosser J., 5.1988 |
Ambila, au Sud de Tamatave,
fore|5t littorale. Dans la broussaille. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Orchidaceae |
Cynorkis fastigiata |
Thouars |
Pete Phillipson |
1893 |
J. Bosser 1989 (P) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Orchidaceae |
Habenaria |
Willd. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
650 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Orchidaceae |
Habenaria |
Willd. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
396 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Jumellea |
Schltr. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
877 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Orchidaceae |
Oeonia volucris |
(Thouars) Spreng. |
Pete Phillipson |
1892 |
P. Cribb 1988 (dup det at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Orchidaceae |
Orchidaceae fam. |
Adans. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
379 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Orchidaceae fam. |
Adans. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
401 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Polystachya |
Hook. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
391 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Polystachya |
Hook. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
408 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Orchidaceae |
Vanilla |
Plum. ex Mill. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
674 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Oxalidaceae |
Biophytum |
DC. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
422 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus |
Parkinson |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4610 |
S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Dunes back
of beach. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus |
Parkinson |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4611 |
S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Dunes back
of beach. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus |
Parkinson |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6069 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus |
Parkinson |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4452 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus concretus |
Baker |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4609 |
M. Callmander (NEU), 2001 |
S of Ambila-Lemaitso. Dunes back
of beach. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus malgassicus |
Pic. Serm. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
395 |
M. Callmander (NEU), 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus neoleptopodus |
Pichi-Sermolli |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4442 |
M . Callmander (NEU), 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus neoleptopodus |
Pichi-Sermolli |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
667 |
M. Callmander (NEU), 04 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus pervilleanus |
Solms |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1485 |
K.-L. Hynh (NEU) 1997 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus pervilleanus |
Solms |
James S. Miller |
3674 |
K.-L. Huynh (NEU) 1997 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus pervilleanus |
Solms |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10465 |
Callmander, 2003 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus pervilleanus |
Solms |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4453 |
M. Callmander (NEU), 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus platyphyllus |
Martelli |
Stone & al. |
7804 |
East coast , centre, between
Brickavilla and Ambila-Lemaitso, sandy ridges, riverine swamps, lagoons.
Lowland riverine quicksand. |
18.50.50S 049.04.00E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus rollotii |
Martelli |
Stone & al. |
East coast, centre, between
Brickaville and Ambila-Lemaitso; sandy ridges, riverine swamps, lagoons. In
riversine swamp in standing water. |
18.50.50S 049.04.00E |
Pandanaceae |
Pandanus rollotii |
Martelli |
Guillaumet |
2475 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Sud de
Tamatave(Toamasina). |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia |
Noronha ex Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5137 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia |
Noronha ex Thouars |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
104 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
littorale au bord du canal de Pangalane. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.54.12S 49.07.28E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia |
Noronha ex Thouars |
N. Mamisoa Andrianjafy, F.Y.
Razafindrakoto & Victor |
106 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, vers la Station
Forestie|9re, a|9 l'Ouest du canal de Pangalane. Fore|5t littorale.
Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.49.28S 49.09.19E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
Le Thomas |
100 |
Environ d'Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4470 |
G.E. Schatz 1991/sep |
Forest approx. 6-8 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
713 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1998 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
181 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2002 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
A. Rakotozafy |
1294 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, province de
Tamatave. Fore|5t littorale sur sables blancs. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
713 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Passifloraceae |
Paropsia edulis |
Noronha ex Thouars |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4470 |
Forest approx. 6-8 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena |
Noronha ex Thouars |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1233 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3982 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 049.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4483 |
G.E. Schatz 1988 |
Andavakamenarana, village at
ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.54S 049.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
8266 |
H. Sleumer, 1965 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
SF |
4150 |
H. Sleumer, 1958 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1129 |
Ambila, Brickaville |
18.49S 049.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
556 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.53.47S 49.07.18E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
652 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, 20 m W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, deforested area,
between the bridge and the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
856 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
430 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Physenaceae |
Physena madagascariensis |
Thouars ex Tul. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
377 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Phytolaccaceae |
Barbeuia madagascariensis |
Steud. |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
Ca. 4 km SSW of Ambila-Lemaitso,
ca. 200 m W of the ferry crossing along road from Brickaville
(Ampasimanolotra). Wet coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Phytolaccaceae |
Barbeuia madagascariensis |
Steud. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7404 |
J. Zarucchi 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Phytolaccaceae |
Barbeuia madagascariensis |
Steud. |
R.C. Keating & J.S. Miller |
2250 |
1 km W of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum |
Banks ex Gaertn. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1465 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum |
Banks ex Gaertn. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4540 |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum |
Banks ex Gaertn. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4604 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, second lake S
of road-junction for Andevoranto and Brickaville. On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum |
Banks ex Gaertn. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5128 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Strand vegetation just back of beach, ca. 3 km S of town, 1 km S
of Les Alize|4s Hotel. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum |
Banks ex Gaertn. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4420 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum ochrosiifolium |
Bojer |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
431 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum ochrosiifolium var.
ochrosiifolium |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7401 |
A. Pool (MO), 1991 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum polyspermum |
Tul. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
867 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum polyspermum |
Tul. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
677 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum verticillatum subsp.
pangalanense |
(Cufod.) Cufod. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2877 |
G. Cufodontis, 1955 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum verticillatum subsp.
pangalanense |
(Cufod.) Cufod. |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2880 |
G. Cufodontis, 1955 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Plantae |
Bryophyta divisio. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4375 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Plantae |
Bryophyta divisio. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4412 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Plantae |
Pteridophyta division. |
J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1225 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Plantae |
Pteridophyta division. |
J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1226 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Plantae |
Pteridophyta division. |
J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
663 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Poaceae |
Megastachya mucronata |
(Poir.) P. Beauv. |
Pete Phillipson |
1854 |
J.G. Sa|4nchez-Ken, May 2000 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Poaceae |
Panicum |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4382 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Podocarpaceae |
Podocarpus madagascariensis |
Baker |
SF |
7541 |
Station Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E] |
Pteridophyta |
Asplenium nidus |
L. |
Pete Phillipson |
1890 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Huperzia |
Bernh. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3988 |
5 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e.
10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville.
Slightly disturbed coastal forest along roadway. |
18.55S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Huperzia phlegmaria var.
tardieuae |
(Herter) Tardieu |
Pete Phillipson |
1867 |
K.U. Kramer 10/1988 (dup det at
Z) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Lomariopsis pollicina |
(Willemet) Mett. ex Kuhn |
Pete Phillipson |
1882 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Lycopodiella affinis |
(Bory) Pic. Serm. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1479 |
K.U. Kramer 1988 (dup det at Z) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Pteridophyta |
Lycopodiella caroliniana |
(L.) Pic. Serm. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3432 |
R.C. Moran (AAU), 1994 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Pteridophyta |
Lycopodium affine |
Bory |
C. Birkinshaw |
1134 |
C. Birkinshaw (MO), 2003 |
Southeast part of Vohibola
Forest. Marsh at edge of littoral forest on sand. 2 km N of Andranokoditra. |
18.34.33S 049.15.22E |
Pteridophyta |
Lycopodium carolinianum |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
689 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Pteridophyta |
Lycopodium cernuum |
L. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4486 |
Robbin C. Moran 1987 Aug |
Andavakamenarana, village at
ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Pteridophyta |
Microgramma mauritiana |
(Willd.) Tardieu |
Pete Phillipson |
1863 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Phymatosorus scolopendria |
(Burm. f.) Pic. Serm. |
Pete Phillipson |
1886 |
M.J. Zink 10/1988 (dup det at Z) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Phymatosorus scolopendria |
(Burm. f.) Pic. Serm. |
L.J. Dorr |
4480 |
K.U. Kramer 1987 at Z (dup det) |
Beach, approx. 5 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Pteridophyta |
Schizaea dichotoma |
(L.) J. Sm. |
Pete Phillipson |
1879 |
K.U. Kramer 10/1988 (dup det at
Z) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Pteridophyta |
Schizaea dichotoma |
(L.) J. Sm. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1489 |
K.U. Kramer 1988 (dup det at Z) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Pteridophyta |
Schizaea dichotoma |
(L.) J. Sm. |
L.J. Dorr with L.C. Barnett
& A. Rakotozafy |
4588 |
K.U. Kramer 1987 (Z) |
Near lake S of Ambila-Lemaitso
(junction of road to Andevoranto and Brickaville). On sand. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Carallia brachiata |
(Lour.) Merr. |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
2419 |
G. E. Schatz (MO), 1997 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest and low-lying swamps just N of railroad bridge, W of pangallane
(canal). With J.S. Miller & N. Edmondson. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Carallia brachiata |
(Lour.) Merr. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5133 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Carallia brachiata |
(Lour.) Merr. |
Armand Randrianasolo, R.
Randrianaivo & F. Rakotonasolo |
611 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2000 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso forestry station, W of intersection going to Andevoranto and
Ambila-Lemaitso village, ca. 200 m on trail going west. |
18.53.47S 049.07.45E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Carallia brachiata |
(Lour.) Merr. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
869 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Carallia brachiata |
(Lour.) Merr. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
651 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Cassipourea |
Aubl. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6066 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Cassipourea gummiflua |
Tul. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
644 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Macarisia pyramidata |
Thouars |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1300 |
V. Raharimalala (TAN), 1993 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rhizophoraceae |
Rhizophoraceae fam. |
Pers. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4400 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3155 |
P. De Block, 1999 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1317 |
K.G. Sikes (MO), 2002 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7427 |
R.E. Gereau, 1997 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
SF |
4928 |
Chaw & Darwin, 1992 |
Fore|5t Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10463 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2001 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
847 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements ( CBD)a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
678 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Rubiaceae |
Antirhea madagascariensis |
Chaw |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
235 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Rubiaceae |
Breonia tayloriana |
Razafim. |
SF |
8317 |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Breonia tayloriana |
Razafim. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
438 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Canthium |
Lam. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
403 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Canthium humbertianum |
Cavaco |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3158 |
McP/04; new? |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, N
of railroad bridge at Ambila-Lemaitso and W of freshwater canal on exposed
dunes. |
18.50S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Canthium humbertianum |
Cavaco |
Richard Razakamalala |
260 |
McP/04; new? |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rubiaceae |
Canthium latiflorum |
Homolle ex Cavaco |
SF(Begue) |
1578 |
A. Cavaco, 1972 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Rubiaceae |
Chapelieria madagascariensis |
A. Rich. |
James S. Miller |
3687 |
N. Bridson 1990 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Chassalia |
Comm. ex Poir. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
821 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Rubiaceae |
Chassalia |
Comm. ex Poir. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
443 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea |
L. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
434 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6085 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4454 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
630 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
413 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea resinosa |
(Hook. f.) Radlk. |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1631 |
A.P. Davis, 2001 |
Station forestiere
d'Ambila-Lemaitso. |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea resinosa |
(Hook. f.) Radlk. |
SF(Capuron) |
22738 |
A.P. Davis, 2001 |
J.B Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea resinosa |
(Hook. f.) Radlk. |
Guillaumet, J.L. |
2412 |
A.P. Davis, 2001 |
Fore|5t littoral sur le cordon
littoral. Re|4serve forestie|9re d'Ambila. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea resinosa |
(Hook. f.) Radlk. |
Davis, A.P., J. Andriantiana, D.
Gower & S. Malcomber |
1120 |
A.P. Davis, 2001 |
East coast of Madagascar,
Ambila-Lemaitso, c. 103 km South of Toamasina.Vegetation: sub-littoral
evergreen forest, with 10-15m canopy; forest with disturbance (selective
felling, and trails). Geology: sand. |
18.51.00S 049.08.00E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea resinosa |
(Hook. f.) Radlk. |
Davis.A.P, J. Andriantiana, D.
Dower & S. Malcomber |
1120 |
A.P. Davis, 2001 |
East coast of Madagascar,
Ambila-Lemaitso, c. 103km South of Toamasina. Sub-littoral evergreen forest,
with 10-15m canopy; forest with disturbance (selective felling, and trails).
Geology: sand. |
18.51S 049.08.00E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea resinosa |
(Hook. f.) Radlk. |
Richard Razakamalala |
264 |
R.Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rubiaceae |
Coffea richardii |
J.-F. Leroy |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
627 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Cremocarpon |
Baill. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
438 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Rubiaceae |
Cremocarpon |
Baill. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4421 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Rubiaceae |
Cremocarpon lantzii |
Bremek. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4386 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1490 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3446 |
6 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso along
road from ferry crossing to Andevoranto. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
721 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5146 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
173 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
Richard Razakamalala |
273 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1213 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
660 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais |
Comm. ex Vent. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
450 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Danais coronata |
(Pers.) Steud. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1475 |
C. Puff 1991 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum |
Hiern |
F. Ratovoson et al. |
26 |
Fore|5t littorale a|9
Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et
I. Bernard. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum |
Hiern |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
666 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum |
Hiern |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
671 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum |
Hiern |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
389 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum bernierianum |
Baill. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
844 |
J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum bernierianum |
Baill. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
646 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Rubiaceae |
Enterospermum bernierianum |
Baill. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
670 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Rubiaceae |
Fernelia |
Comm. ex Lam. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
883 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 049.14.40E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera |
Lam. |
James S. Miller & R.S.
Keating |
4542 |
D. Bridson 1991/jun (K) |
Areas surrounding
Ambila-Lemaitso; coastal sand forest. Sea level. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera |
Lam. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6083 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera |
Lam. |
Richard Razakamalala |
265 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera |
Lam. |
Richard Razakamalala |
291 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera |
Lam. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
410 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera guillotii |
Hochr. |
Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis,
David Gower & J. Andriantiana |
2913 |
S. Malcomber, 2002 |
Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest
on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) |
18.53.49S 049.07.43E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera guillotii |
Hochr. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10449 |
S.Malcomber, 2002 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera guillotii |
Hochr. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
837 |
S. Malcomber (MO), 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera macrostipula |
Baker |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4484 |
D. Bridson 1987 (K) |
Andavakamenarana, village at
ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera macrostipula |
Baker |
Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis,
David Gower & J. Andriantiana |
2915 |
Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest
on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) |
18.53.49S 049.07.43E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera macrostipula |
Baker |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
645 |
! S. Malcomber (MO), 2000 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera obovata |
Baker |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
872 |
Malcomber, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera obovata subsp.
sphaerocarpa |
(Baker) Malcomber |
Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis,
David Gower & J. Andriantiana |
2914 |
S.T. Malcomber (MO), 2000 |
Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest
on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) |
18.53.49S 049.07.43E |
Rubiaceae |
Gaertnera obovata subsp.
sphaerocarpa |
(Baker) Malcomber |
Simon Malcomber, Aaron Davis,
David Gower & J. Andriantiana |
2916 |
S.T. Malcomber (MO), 2000 |
Ambila Lemaitso. Littoral forest
on white sand. Specimens preserved in alcohol. (+|_ 25 m, WGS 84 map datum) |
18.53.49S 049.07.43E |
Rubiaceae |
Geophila |
D. Don |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1495 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Hedyotis |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4381 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora |
L. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
176 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora |
L. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
827 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements ( CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
628 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
647 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy.Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.46S 49.15.06E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora emirnensis |
Baker |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1466 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora emirnensis |
Baker |
G.E. Schatz, et al. |
1946 |
D. Bridson 1989 (K) |
6-10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso,
coastal forest over sand. With J. Dransfield, J. & S. Simpson, and A.
Henderson. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora emirnensis |
Baker |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7407 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1995 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora emirnensis |
Baker |
Pete Phillipson |
1873 |
G.E. Schatz 1990 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Ixora pachyphylla |
Baker |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1314 |
D. Bridson (K), 1988 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Mapouria |
Aubl. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
439 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda |
L. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4487 |
Andavakamenarana, village at
ferry-crossing on road from Brickaville to Ambila Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda |
L. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1318 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda |
L. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3443 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda |
L. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3990 |
5 km S of Hotel Everglades, i.e.
10 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, on road to Andevoranto, SE of Brickaville.
Slightly disturbed coastal forest along roadway. |
18.55S 49.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4411 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4430 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda retusa |
Poir. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
853 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda rigida |
Miq. |
James S. Miller |
3689 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1995 |
1 km N of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the inland waterway; coastal sand forest. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda rigida |
Miq. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7399 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1995 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 300 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda rigida |
Miq. |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
557 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.34S 49.08.12E |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda rigida |
Miq. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
675 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Rubiaceae |
Oldenlandia affinis |
(Roem. & Schult.) DC. |
Pete Phillipson |
1865 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
Pete Phillipson |
1891 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1302 |
D. Bridson (K), 1988, see NOTE |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
719 |
D. Bridson (K), 1996 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
727 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10447 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
177 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
223 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1214 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4399 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria |
L. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
386 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria assimilis |
Bremek. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7414 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1995 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria lucidula |
Baker |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1462 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria obtusifolia |
Poir. |
G. E. Schatz & W. D'Arcy |
1491 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Eastern Domain: Ambila-Lemaitso,
10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest and taller forest behind lagoon. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria obtusifolia |
Poir. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7412 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1995 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria obtusifolia |
Poir. |
Pete Phillipson |
1895 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. |
18.52S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria obtusifolia |
Poir. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
620 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Psychotria obtusifolia |
Poir. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
433 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria |
Comm. ex Juss. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5130 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest. |
18.54S 049.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria |
Comm. ex Juss. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10458 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria |
Comm. ex Juss. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
626 |
McP/04 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria |
Comm. ex Juss. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
445 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria media |
(A. Rich. ex DC.) Cavaco |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1306 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria media |
(A. Rich. ex DC.) Cavaco |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7424 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1993 |
Km 13 of road Ampasimanolotra
(Brickaville) to Ambila-Lemaitso, ca. 400 m before ferry crossing; low forest
on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo &
Amy Pool. |
18.53S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Pyrostria media |
(A. Rich. ex DC.) Cavaco |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5144 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Rubiaceae |
Rubiaceae fam. |
Juss. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4432 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Rubiaceae |
Rubiaceae fam. |
Juss. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4434 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Rubiaceae |
Rubiaceae fam. |
Juss. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
234 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia |
A. Rich. ex DC. |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3437 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia |
A. Rich. ex DC. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
736 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia |
A. Rich. ex DC. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
723 |
D. Bridson (K), 1996 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia |
A. Rich. ex DC. |
Richard Razakamalala |
280 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia |
A. Rich. ex DC. |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1265 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia |
A. Rich. ex DC. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
619 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia axillaris |
(Lam. ex Poir.) Bremek. |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7410 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1995 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia littoralis |
Bremek. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1304 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia littoralis |
Bremek. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1307 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Saldinia stenophylla |
Bremek. |
Pete Phillipson |
1869 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Spermacoce |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4384 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Rubiaceae |
Tarenna |
Gaertn. |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1316 |
D. Bridson (K), 1988 |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Rubiaceae |
Tarenna |
Gaertn. |
Porter P. Lowry II & J.S.
Miller |
5149 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, E of
Brickaville. Old Station Forestie|9re, ca. 5 km S of town. Partially
disturbed littoral forest along new track cut to beach. |
18.54.30S 049.07.37E |
Rubiaceae |
Tarenna |
Gaertn. |
R. Ranaivojaona, R.
Razakamalala, J. Paul & F. Rahady |
437 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littoral: Vohibola. |
18.33.35S 049.15.05E |
Rubiaceae |
Tarenna thouarsiana |
(Drake) Homolle |
Pete Phillipson |
1876 |
D. Bridson 1988 (dup det at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Rubiaceae |
Vangueria |
Juss. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4451 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Rubiaceae |
Vangueria madagascariensis |
J.F. Gmel. |
G.E. Schatz & W.S.
Armbruster |
3140 |
P. Phillipson, 1992 |
Environs of Ambila-Lemaitso, 10
km E of Brickaville, 1-2 km S of intersection to Hotel Everglades and
Ambila-Lemaitso, along road to Andevoranto, approximately 6 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Rutaceae |
Vepris |
Comm. ex A. Juss. |
Richard Razakamalala |
271 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Rutaceae |
Vepris elliotii |
(Radlk.) I. Verd. |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
861 |
J.Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.33.23S 049.14.58E |
Rutaceae |
Vepris elliotii |
(Radlk.) I. Verd. |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
680 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.49S 49.14.03E |
Sapindaceae |
Allophylus |
L. |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
180 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Allophylus arboreus |
Choux |
Pete Phillipson |
1861 |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Forest east of canal. |
18.53S 49.07E |
Sapindaceae |
Allophylus arboreus |
Choux |
Porter P. Lowry II & A.
Randrianasolo |
4541 |
R.E. Gereau (MO), 1993 |
Ca. 4 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso.
Remnant coastal forest on sand. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Deinbollia |
Schumach. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6071 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Sapindaceae |
Dodonaea viscosa |
Jacq. |
Decary |
6319 |
Ambila |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Dodonaea viscosa |
Jacq. |
Decary |
6572 |
Ambila |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Dodonaea viscosa |
Jacq. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
420 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Sapindaceae |
Doratoxylon littorale |
Capuron |
SF |
4232 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium |
Thwaites ex Hook. f. |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3983 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium abbreviatum |
Radlk. |
Schedl |
121 |
Ambila |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium thouarsianum |
(A. DC.) Capuron |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2872 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium thouarsianum |
(A. DC.) Capuron |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
R. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.18S 49.14.40E |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium thouarsianum |
(A. DC.) Capuron |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6067 |
P.P. Lowry II (MO), 2003 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Moderately disturbed forest. |
18.33.34S 049.15.17E |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium thouarsianum |
(A. DC.) Capuron |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1218 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Sapindaceae |
Filicium thouarsianum |
(A. DC.) Capuron |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
380 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Sapindaceae |
Molinaea |
Comm. ex Juss. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6076 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Sapindaceae |
Molinaea |
Comm. ex Juss. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6077 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
3196 |
Foret Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
SF(Rabetsitonta) |
3203 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2890 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1124 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1133 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
222 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Sapindaceae |
Plagioscyphus louvelii |
Danguy & Choux |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1240 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina |
Schult. |
Richard Razakamalala |
283 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
G.E. Schatz, W.D. Stevens &
P.J. Rakotomalaza |
3430 |
R. Gereau (MO), 1998 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, coastal dune
forest just N of railroad bridge; W of pangallane (canal). |
18.51S 49.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
SF(Lemanivo) |
2991 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
2881 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
SF |
9656 |
R. Capuron, 1969 |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
C. Birkinshaw et al. |
553 |
Low littoral forest, 0-2 km east
of Andavakimenarana (location of ferry to cross Pangalanes on road to
Brickaville-Ambila), Tamatave. Plant preserved in alcohol and collected with
F. Randriantafika, F. Andriamihaja, Roger Edmond and B. Iambana. |
18.52.43S 49.08.29E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
642 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
Richard Razakamalala |
278 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Sapindaceae |
Tina thouarsiana |
(Cambess.) Capuron |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4445 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Sapindaceae |
Tinopsis conjugata |
(Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
647 |
R.E. Gereau (MO), 2002 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of the Brickaville-Ambila road, patch of forest W of the
bridge before the ferry. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sapindaceae |
Tinopsis conjugata |
(Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron |
Service Forestier |
4156 |
Ambila-lemaitso |
[18.49S 49.08.30E |
Sapindaceae |
Tinopsis conjugata |
(Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron |
Johny Rabenantoandro, R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
860 |
J. Rabenantoandro, 2002 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sable du label Conservation Biodiversite|4 De|4veloppements (CBD) a|9
Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4 en alcool. |
18.34.50S 049.15.16E |
Sapindaceae |
Tinopsis conjugata |
(Thouars ex Radlk.) Capuron |
J. Rabenantoandro et al. |
1216 |
McPherson, 2004 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranonkoditra. Fore|5t littorale sur
sables de Vohibola du co|5te|4 de l'ho|5tel Pangalane. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec R.Rabevohitra, P.Lowry,
R.Razakamalala & S.L |
18.35.32S 049.14.02E |
Sapindaceae |
Tinopsis phellocarpa |
Capuron |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1630 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapotaceae |
Capurodendron |
Aubre|4v. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4431 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Sapotaceae |
Capurodendron tampinense |
(Lecomte) Aubre|4v. |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
13277 |
Fore|5t littorale orientale,
Tampina. |
18.31S 049.17E |
Sapotaceae |
Chrysophyllum fenerivense |
(Aubre|4v.) G.E. Schatz & L.
Gaut. |
SF |
8308 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 1996 |
Section C, Ambila-Lemaitso, J.B.
5 |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sapotaceae |
Faucherea hexandra |
(Lecomte) Lecomte |
SF(Paul Rakotozafy) |
12898 |
Fore|5t de Vohibola, Tampina.
Canton : Marofody. District : Brickaville. Fore|5t humide. Cre|5te. Sable
humife|9re. |
18.31.00S 049.14.00E |
Sapotaceae |
Faucherea manongarivensis |
Aubre|4v. |
L.J. Dorr, L.C. Barnett, A.J.M.
Leeuwenberg & N. Ralimanana |
4473 |
L. Gautier (G), 2001 |
Forest approx. 6-8 km S of
Ambila-Lemaitso. Common trees include Uapaca & Trachylobium. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Sapotaceae |
Faucherea urschii |
Capuron ex Aubre|4v. |
SF(Rakotozafy,Paul) |
6447 |
A. Aubre|4ville (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Sapotaceae |
Labramia bojeri |
A. DC. |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
722 |
L. Gautier (G), 1995 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
F. Ratovoson et al. |
21 |
Fore|5t littorale a|9
Andavakimenarana, Andevoranto, Brickaville, Tamatave. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool, re|4colte|4 avec C. Birnkinshaw, F. Randriantafika et
I. Bernard. |
18.52.15S 49.08.11E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
Armand Randrianasolo & R.
Ranaivojaona |
640 |
District: Brickaville.
Ambila-Lemaitso, forest along the road from Brickaville, a few km before
getting to the ferry place. Littoral forest on sand. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
James S. Miller & Porter P.
Lowry II |
10459 |
Just west of Ambila-Lemaitso, on
the west side of the canal in forest remnants on white sand. |
18.48S 049.09E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
Reza Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
245 |
Commune: Brickaville, Fokontamy
Andranokoditra. Foret litorale sur sable de volibola. Grand piste tracteur
vers Hotely Akaninofy. |
18.34.24S 049.14.20E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
Richard Razakamalala |
275 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Ambinaninony, Fokontany: Andranokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de
Vohibola. |
18.33.55S 049.15.22E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4428 |
Brickaville, Andranonkoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.36S 049.13.51E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops |
L. |
R. Ludovic & F.
Rakotoarivony |
230 |
Pref. Brickaville, Com.
Amboniaonana, Fok. Andravokoditra. Fore|5t littorale de Vohibola sur sol
sableux, le long de la piste Ambodinanto, partie sud de Vohibola. |
18.34.53S 049.14.42E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops commersonii |
(G. Don) Engl. |
James S. Miller & G.E.
Schatz |
3643 |
Kew List 8 Oct 1990 |
1 km S of Ambila-Lemaitso, near
the Hotel Everglades; dune vegetation along beach. |
18.48S 49.09E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops commersonii |
(G. Don) Engl. |
David Rabehevitra , R.
Razakamalala & Jean Paul |
426 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Fivondronana: Brickaville,
Firaisana: Andranonkoditra, Fokontany: Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops coriacea |
(A. DC.) Miq. |
Pete Phillipson |
1894 |
T.D. Pennington 1988 (at K) |
Between Ambila-Lemaitso and
Andevoranto. Growing on dunes at edge of beach. |
18.52S 49.08E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
SF(Capuron) |
8575 |
Est: Ambila-Lemaitso. Fore|5t
sublittorale sur sables. |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
H. Perrier de la Ba|5thie |
13262 |
Tampina Fore|5t littorale
orientale |
18.30S 049.16E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
SF(Begue) |
1576 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
6446 |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
12596 |
JB 9 Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
A. Randrianasolo |
481 |
L. Gautier (G), 2000 |
Fivondronana Brickaville, Ambila
Lemaitso forestry station, 3 km from the ferry, on the road to Brickaville,
very disturbed littoral forest. |
18.52S 049.07E |
Sapotaceae |
Mimusops lecomtei |
H.J. Lam |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
665 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.34.12S 49.14.18E |
Sapotaceae |
Sideroxylon |
L. |
P.P. Lowry II, R. Rabevohitra,
J. Rabenantoandro, R. Razakamalala & S.W.J. Lowry |
6086 |
Vohibola. Forest N to NNW of
village of Andranokoditra, N of Lac Ampitabe. Littoral forest on sand along
old forestry roads. Edge of littoral forest on sand at east end of hotel. |
18.33.34S 049.15.01E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Eremolaena rotundifolia |
(F. Ge|4rard) Danguy |
SF |
7256 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Re|4colte|4 a|9
Topiana. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena |
Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3973 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena |
Thouars |
Porter P. Lowry II |
3977 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, SE of
Brickaville. Somewhat disturbed coastal forest on white sand across lake and
N of village, i.e., N of the W end of railroad bridge. Higher, uninundated
areas. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Lemanivo) |
1616 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso [TEF ? TAN ? :
Foret Ambila |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(R.Capuron) |
18082 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Est: Fore|5t sublittorale, sur
sables, a|9 Vohibola, a|9 l'Ouest de Tampina. |
18.31.00S 049.14.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena multiflora |
Thouars |
SF(Andre) |
21217 |
R. Capuron (P) |
B 24 - Station ABL,
Ambila-Lemaitso. Canton : Androvoranto. District : Brickaville. Sol sableux. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena multiflora |
Thouars |
Richard Razakamalala, & D.
Rabehevitra |
621 |
R. Razakamalala, 2003 |
Brickaville, Ambinaninony,
Andranokoditra, Akanin'ny Nofy. Fore|5t de Vohibola. Echantillon pre|4serve|4
en alcool. |
18.33.56S 49.15.24E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
G. E. Schatz & P. P. Lowry |
1320 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2001 (MO) |
Eastern Domain: 1 km N. of
Ambila-Lemaitso which is 10 km E. of Brickaville. Coastal dune forest. |
18.51S 49.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
Pete Phillipson |
1850 |
Ambila-Lemaitso. Degraded forest
to west of railway and canal. |
18.50S 49.09E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
James L. Zarucchi et al. |
7411 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2001 |
Along road Ambila-Lemaitso to
Ampasimanolotra (Brickaville), about 500 m after turnoff to Andevoranto; low
forest on sandy soil. Collected with Etienne Rakotobe, Armand Randrianasolo
& Amy Pool. |
18.54S 49.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
A. Randrianasolo |
224 |
Brickaville Fivondronana.
Ambila- Lemaitso. |
18.50S 49.10E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(Verdet) |
3259 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Foret Ambila Lemaitso,
Brickaville |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
B. Lewis & S.
Razafimandimbison |
728 |
A. Randrianasolo (MO), 1995 |
East Coast. Litoral forest south
of the village of Ambila-Lemaitso. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(Rakotoarivo) |
1078 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(Ecol.Forest.) |
1122 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso, Brickaville |
[18.48.20S 049.09.25E] |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(L.Be|4gue|4) |
1569 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 049.08.00E] |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(Verdet) |
5737 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2001 (MO) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(Andre) |
7258 |
R. Capuron (P) |
Ambila-Lemaitso |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(Rakotozafy,Pau.) |
13180 |
R. Capuron |
Fore|5t Station Ambila,
Ambila-Lemaitso. Canton : Andevoranto. District : Brickaville. Fore|5t
se|9che et de|4grade|4e, sol sablonneux. |
[18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
R. Decary |
6508 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2001 (MO) |
Ambila (au sud de Tamatave)
Fore|5t littorale |
[18.49S 49.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg & R.
Ranaivojaona |
14589 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2001 (MO) |
Ambila-Lemaitso, W of Canal
d'Ampangalana. Degraded coastal forest. Sand. |
18.49S 49.09E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
R. Decary |
6353 |
P. Danguy (P) |
Ambila (au Sud de Tamatave)
Lisie|9re de fore|5t littorale |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
R. Decary |
6502 |
G.E. Schatz & P.P. Lowry II,
2001 (MO) |
Ambila, au sud de Tamatave.
Fore|5t littorale. |
18.49.00S 049.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(J. P. Abraham) |
30851 |
District et Canton de
Brickaville, Village le plus proche: Andohavoana, Andohavoana. Sol sabloneux.
Station: sur sable du littoral. |
18.50.00S 49.04.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
SF(R. Rabevohitra) |
29895 |
Ambila - Lemaitso, pre|9s du lac
Anjanaborona. |
18.49.00S 49.08.00E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
S.G. Razafimandimbison |
179 |
G.E. Schatz (MO), 2002 |
Ambila-Lemaitso, route
d'Andevoranto. |
18.49S 049.08E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Leptolaena pauciflora |
Baker |
Raymond Rabevohitra et al. |
4392 |
R. Rabevohitra, 2003 |
Brickaville, Andranokoditra,
Ankanin'ny nofy. Fore|5t sublittorale sur sables de Vohibola. Echantillon
pre|4serve|4 en alcool. Re|4colte|4 avec P. Lowry, J. Rabenantoandro & R.
Razakamalala. |
18.35.42S 049.14.02E |
Sarcolaenaceae |
Sarcolaena |