Ama = Amaryllideae; Cal = Calostemmateae; Cli = Clinantheae, Cyr = Cyrtantheae; Euc = Eucharideae; Eus = Eustephieae; Gal = Galantheae; Gri = Griffinieae; Hae - Haemantheae; Hip = Hippeastreae; Hym = Hymenocallideae; Lyc = Lycoridae; Nar = Narcisseae; Pan = Pancratieae.

Bold, accepted name; italics, synonym.

Abapus Adanson = Gethyllis L. - Hae
Acis Salisbury ?= Leucojum L. - Gal
Aidema Ravenna = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Aulica Rafinesque = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
x Amarcrinum Coutts = = Amaryllis L. x Crinum L. - Ama
x Amarine Sealy = Amaryllis L. x Nerine Herbert - Ama
Amaryllis L. - Ama
Ammocharis Herbert - Ama
Anax Ravenna = Stenomesson Herbert - Euc
Androstephanus Fernández Casas & Lara = Hieronymiella Pax - Eus
Anoiganthus Baker = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Apodolirion Baker = Gethyllis L. - Hae
Arviela Salisbury = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip

Bathya Ravenna = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Bokkeveldia D. Müller-Doblies & U. Müller-Doblies = Strumaria Jacquin - Ama
Boophone Herbert - Ama
Braxireon Rafinesque = Narcissus L. - Nar
Brunsvigia Heister - Ama

x Calicharis Meerow = Caliphruria Herbert x Eucharis Planchon & Linden - Euc
Caliphruria Herbert = Urceolina Reichenbach - Euc
Callicora Link = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Callipsyche Herbert = Eucrosia Ker Gawler - Euc
Callithauma Herbert = Paramongaia Velarde - Cli
Calostemma R. Brown - Cal
Carpolyza Salisbury - Ama
Castellanoa Traub = Chlidanthus Herbert - Eus
Chapmanolirion Dinter = Pancratium L. - Pan
Chlidanthus Herbert - Eus
Choananthus Rendle = Scadoxus Rafinesque - Hae
Chonais Salisbury = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Clinanthus Herbert - Cli
Clivia Lindley - Hae
Collania Schult. & Schult. f. = Urceolina Reichenbach - Euc
Cooperia Herbert = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
x Crindonna Ragion. = x Amarcrinum Coutts = = Amaryllis L. [A. belladonna] x Crinum L. - Ama
x Crinodonna Stapf = x Amarcrinum Coutts = = Amaryllis L. [A. belladonna] x Crinum L. - Ama
Crinum L. - Ama
Crocopsis Pax = = Stenomesson Herbert - Euc
Crossyne Salisbury - Ama
Cryptostephanus Baker - Hae
Cybistetes Milne-Redhead & Schweick. - Ama
Cyphonema Herbert = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr

Demeusea de Wildeman & T. Durand = Scadoxus Rafinesque - Hae
Dewinterella D. Müller-Doblies & U. Müller-Doblies = Hessea Herbert - Ama

Eithea Ravenna = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Elisena Herbert = Ismene Salisbury - Hym
Eremolirion Nic. Garcia - Hip
Eucharis Planchon & Linden = Urceolina Reichenbach - Euc
Eucrosia Ker Gawler - Euc
Eurycles Schult. & Schult. f. = Proiphys Herbert - Cal
Eusarcops Rafinesque = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Eusipho Salisbury = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Eustephia Cavanilles - Eus
Eustephiopsis R. E. Fries = Hieronymiella Pax - Eus

Famatina Ravenna = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip

Galanthus L. - Gal
Gastronemaa Herbert = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Gemmaria Salisbury = Strumaria Jacquin - Ama
Gethyllis L. - Hae
Griffinia Ker Gawler - Gri

Habranthus Herbert = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Haemanthus L. - Hae
Hannonia Braun-Blanquet & Maire - Gal
Haylockia Herbert = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Hessea Herbert - Ama
Hieronymiella Pax - Eus
Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Hyline Herbert = Griffinia Ker Gawler - Gri
Hymenocallis Salisbury - Hym

Ismene Salisbury - Hym

Kamiesbergia Snijman = Hessea Herbert - Ama
Klingia Schönland = Gethyllis L. - Hae

Lais Salisbury = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Lapiedra Lagasca - Gal
Lepidopharynx Rusby = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Leptochiton Sealy - Hym
Leucoïum Auctt. = Leucojum L. - Gal
Leucojum L. - Gal
Lycoris Herbert - Lyc

Mathieua Klotzsch - Euc
Mesochloa Rafinesque = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Miltinea Ravenna = Phycella Lindlley - Hip
Mizonia A. Chevalier = Pancratium L. - Pan
Moldenkea Traub = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Monella Herbert = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Mysoetemma Salisbury = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip

Namaquanula D. Müller-Doblies & U. Müller-Doblies = Hessea Herbert - Ama
Narcissus L. - Nar
Neostricklandia Rauschert = Phaedranassa Herbert - Euc
Nerine Herbert - Ama
Nerissa Salisbury = Scadoxus Rafinesque - Hae

Omphalissa Salisbury = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip

Pamianthe Stapf - Cli
Pancratium L. - Pan
Papina Thunberg = Gethyllis L. - Hae
Paramongaia Velarde - Cli
Phaedranassa Herbert - Euc
Phycella Lindlley - Hip
Placea Lindley - Hap
Placea Miers = Phycella Lindlley - Hip
Plagiolirion Baker - Euc
Plectronema Rafinesque = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Pogonema Rafinesque = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Proiphys Herbert - Cal
Pseudostenomesson Velarde = Ismene Salisbury - Hym
Pseudourceolina Vargas = Urceolina Reichenbach - Euc
Pucara Ravenna - Euc
Pyrolirion Herbert - Hip

Rauhia Traub - Euc
Rhodolirion Dalla Torre & Harms = Phycella Lindlley - Hip
Rhodolirium Philippi = Rhodophiala C. Presl - Hip
Rhodophiala C. Presl = Phycella Lindlley - Hip

Sanmartina Traub = Chlidanthus Herbert - Eus
Scadoxus Rafinesque - Hae
Sceptranthes Graham = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Shoubiaonia W. H. Qin et al. - Lyc
Sprekelia Heister = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Stenomesson Herbert - Euc
Sternbergia Waldstein & Kitaibel - Nar
Stricklandia Baker = Phaedranassa Herbert - Euc
Strumaria Jacquin - Ama

Tapeinanthus Herbert = Narcissus L. - Nar
Tedingea D. Müller-Doblies & U. Müller-Doblies = Strumaria Jacquin - Ama
Timmia J. F. Gmelin = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Tocantinia Ravenna = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip
Traubia Moldenke - Hip
Trisacarpis Rafinesque = Hippeastrum Herbert - Hip

Ungernia Bunge - Lyc
X Urceocharis Masters = Urceolina Reichenbach X Eucharis Planchon & Linden - Euc
Urceolina Reichenbach - Euc

Vagaria Herbert - Gal
Vallanthus Cif. & Giancometti =Vallota Herbert x Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr
Vallota Herbert = Cyrtanthus Aiton - Cyr

Worsleya (Traub) Traub - Gri

Zephyranthella (Pax) Pax = Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip
Zephyranthes Herbert - Hip

For synonymy, see Meerow and Snijman (1998), García et al. (2019: Hippeastreae) and Meerow et al. (2020: Andean tetraploids).