1. Sphagnaceae Dum.
Sphagnum L. 9 sp. + 2 ssp.

2. Fissidentaceae Schimp.
Fissidens Hedw. 33 sp. + 3 var.

3. Archidiaceae Schimp.
Archidium Brid. 1 sp.

4. Ditrichaceae Limpr. in Rabenh.
Garckea C. Müll. 1 sp.
Ditrichum Hampe, nom. cons. 1 sp. ?
Ceratodon Brid. 1 sp.
Wilsoniella C. Müll. 2 sp.
5. Bruchiaceae Schimp.
Trematodon Michx. 2 sp.
6. Dicranaceae Schimp.
Microdus Schimp. ex Besch. 2 sp.
Dicranella (C. Müll.) Schimp. 2 sp.
Campylopodium (C. Müll.) Besch. 1 sp.
Microcampylopus (C. Müll.) Fleisch. 1 sp.
Campylopus Brid. 9 sp. + 1 ssp.
Bryohumbertia P. Varde & Thér. 1 sp.
Dicranodontium Bruch & Schimp. 4 sp.
Brothera C. Müll. 1 sp.
Symblepharis Mont. 2 sp.
Holomitrium Brid. 2 sp.
Dicranum Hedw. 1 sp.
Dicranoloma (Ren.) Ren. 5 sp.
Leucoloma Brid., nom. cons. 6 sp. + 1 var.
7. Leucobryaceae Schimp.
Ochrobryum Mitt. 2 sp.
Schistomitrium Dozy & Molk. 1 sp.
Leucobryum Hampe 8 sp. + 1 var.
Octoblepharum Hedw. 1 sp.
Arthrocormus Dozy & Molk. 1 sp.

8. Leucophanaceae Fleisch.
Leucophanes Brid. 3 sp.
Exostratum Ellis 1 sp.
9. Calymperaceae Kindb.
Syrrhopodon Schwaegr. 17 sp.+1 var.
Calymperes Sw. in F. Web. 16 sp. + 2 ssp.
Chameleion Ellis & Eddy in Eddy 1 sp.
Mitthyridium Robinson 3 sp.
10. Pottiaceae Schimp.
Anoectangium Schwaegr., nom. cons. 2 sp.
Hymenostomum R. Brown 1 sp.
Weissia Hedw. 1 sp.
Hymenostylium Brid. 1 sp. + 1 var.
Reimersia Chen 1 sp.
Trichostomum Bruch, nom. cons. 5 sp.
Pseudosymblepharis Broth. 1 sp.
Timmiella (De Not.) Limpr. 1 sp.
Hymenostyliella Bartram 1 sp.
Tortella (Lindb.) Limpr., nom. cons. 2 sp.
Hyophila Brid. 3 sp.
Barbula Hedw., nom. cons. 6 sp.
Scopelophila (Mitt.) Lindb. 1 sp.

11. Funariaceae Schwaegr. in Willd.
Physcomitrium (Brid.) Brid. 1 sp.
Funaria Hedw. 2 sp.
Entosthodon Schwaegr. 3 sp.
12. Splachnobryaceae A. Kop.
Splachnobryum C. Müll. 2 sp.
13. Splachnaceae
Tayloria Hook. 2 sp.

14. Bryaceae Schwaegr. in Willd.
Orthodontium Schwaegr. 1 sp.
Pohlia Hedw. 1 sp.
Pseudopohlia Williams 1 sp.
Brachymenium Schwaegr. 6 sp.
Bryum Hedw. 18 sp.
Rhodobryum (Schimp.) Hampe 4 sp.
15. Mniaceae Schwaegr. in Willd.
Orthomnion Wils. 2 sp.
Mnium Hedw., nom. cons. 1 sp.
Plagiomnium T. Kop. 5 sp.
16. Phyllodrepaniaceae Crosby
Mniomalia C. Müll. 1 sp.
17. Rhizogoniaceae Broth.
Pyrrhobryum Mitt. 2 sp.
18. Hypnodendraceae Broth.
Hypnodendron (C. Müll.) Lindb. ex Mitt. 3 sp. + 1 ssp.
19. Racopilaceae Kindb.
Racopilum P. Beauv. 4 sp. + 1 var.
20. Bartramiaceae Schwaegr. in Willd.
Philonotis Brid. 14 sp. + 1 var.

21. Erpodiaceae Broth.
Erpodium (Brid.) Brid. 2 sp.
Microtheciella Dix. 1 sp.
22. Orthotrichaceae Arnott
Zygodon Hook. & Tayl. 2 sp.
Macromitrium Brid. 16 sp. + 1 var.
Groutiella Steere in Crum & Steere 1 sp.
Schlotheimia Brid. 1 sp.
Desmotheca Lindb. 1 sp.

23. Anomodontaceae Kindb.
Haplohymenium Dozy & Molk., nom. cons. 1 sp.
Anomodon Hook. & Tayl. 1 sp.
Herpetineuron (C. Müll.) Card. 1 sp.
24. Hedwigiaceae Schimp.
Bryowijkia Nog. 1 sp.
25. Cryphaceae Schimp.
Schoenobryum Dozy & Molk. 1 sp.
26. Leptodontaceae Schimp.
Caduciella Enroth 1 sp.
27. Prionodontaceae Broth.
Neolindbergia Fleisch. 1 sp.
28. Trachypodaceae Fleisch.
Diaphanodon Ren. & Card. 1 sp.
Trachypus Reinw. & Hornsch. 2 sp. + 2 var.
Trachypodopsis Fleisch. 1 sp.
Duthiella C. Müll. in Broth. 1 sp.
29. Myuriaceae Fleisch.
Oedicladium Mitt. 2 sp.
Piloecium (C. Müll.) Broth. 1 sp.
30. Pterobryaceae Kindb.
Trachyloma Brid. 1 sp.
Penzigiella Fleisch. 1 sp.

Endotrichellopsis During 1 sp.
Garovaglia Endl. 1 sp. + 2 ssp.
Jaegerina C. Müll. 1 sp.
Calyptothecium Mitt. 6 sp.
Pterobryopsis Fleisch. 7 sp. + 1 ssp.
Symphysodon Dozy & Molk. 2 sp.
Symphysodontella Fleisch. 3 sp.
Henicodium (C. Müll.) Kindb. 1 sp.
31. Meteoriaceae Kindb.
Papillaria (C. Müll.) C. Müll. 1 sp.
Cryptopapillaria Menzel 3 sp.
Meteorium (Brid.) Dozy & Molk. 2 sp.
Aerobryopsis Fleisch. 3 sp.
Aerobryidium Fleisch. in Broth. 3 sp.
Barbella Fleisch. in Broth. 4 sp.
Pseudobarbella Nog. 4 sp.
Floribundaria Fleisch. 5 sp.+ 1 var.
Chrysocladium Fleisch. 1 sp.
Meteoriopsis Fleisch. ex Broth. 2 sp.
Aerobryum Dozy & Molk. 1 sp.
32. Neckeraceae Schimp.
Neckera Hedw., nom. cons. 2 sp.
Neckeropsis Reichardt 9 sp. + 1 var.
Homaliadelphus Dix. & P. Varde 1 sp.
Himantocladium (Mitt.) Fleisch. 2 sp.
Homaliodendron Fleisch. 7 sp.
Noguchiodendron Pócs & Ninh 1 sp.
Pinnatella Fleisch. 8 sp.
Curvicladium Enroth 1 sp.
Homalia Brid. 1 sp.
Thamnobryum Nieuwl. 2 sp.
33. Lembophyllaceae Broth.
Dixonia Horik. & Ando 1 sp.
34. Symphyodontaceae Fleisch.
Symphyodon Mont. 9 sp.

35. Ephemeropsaceae Schultze-Mot.
Ephemeropsis Goeb. 1 sp.
36. Hookeriaceae Schimp.
Leskeodon Broth. 1 sp.
Distichophyllum Dozy & Molk. 6 sp. + 1 var.
Calyptrochaeta Desv. 1 sp.
Callicostella (C. Müll.) Mitt. 2 sp.
Hookeriopsis (Besch.) Jaeg. 1 sp.
Actinodontium Schwaegr. 2 sp.
Chaetomitrium Dozy & Molk. 11 sp.
Chaetomitriopsis Fleisch. 1 sp.
Dimorphocladon Dix. 1 sp.
37. Leucomiaceae Broth.
Leucomium Mitt. 1 sp.
38. Hypopterygiaceae Mitt.
Lopidium Hook. f. & Wils. 2 sp.
Hypopterygium Brid. 4 sp.
Dendrocyathophorum Dix. 1 sp.
Cyathophorella (Broth.) Fleisch. 6 sp.

39. Fabroniaceae Schimp.
Schwetschkeopsis Broth. 1 sp.
40. Regmatodontaceae Broth.
Regmatodon Brid. 2 sp.
41. Leskeaceae
Pseudoleskeopsis Broth. 1 sp.
Haplocladium (C. Müll.) C. Mócl. 1 sp.
Claopodium (Lesq. & James) Ren. & Card. 2 sp.
42. Thuidiaceae Schimp.
Lorentzia Hampe 2 sp.
Thuidium Schimp. in B.S.G. 10 sp.
43. Amblystegiaceae G. Roth.
Hygrohypnum Lindb. 1 sp.
Platyhypnidium Fleisch. 1 sp.
44. Brachytheciaceae Schimp.
Brachythecium Schimp. in B.S.G. 3 sp.
Rhynchostegium Schimp. in B.S.G. 4 sp.
Rhynchostegiella (Bruch & Schimp.) Limpr. 3 sp.
Eurhynchium Schimp. in B.S.G. 1 sp.
45. Entodontaceae Kindb.
Erythrodontium Hampe 1 sp.
Trachyphyllum Gepp. in Hiern. 2 sp.
Mesonodon Hampe 1 sp.
Entodon C. Müll. 2 sp.
46. Stereophyllaceae (Fleisch.) Buck & Irel.
Entodontopsis Broth. 4 sp.
47. Plagiotheciaceae (Broth.) Fleisch.
Plagiothecium Schimp. in B.S.G. 2 sp.
48. Sematophyllaceae Broth.
Aptychella (Broth.) Herz. 1 sp.
Clastobryum Dozy & Molk. 4 sp
Clastobryophilum Fleisch. 1 sp.
Gammiella Broth. 5 sp.
Mastopoma Card. 2 sp.
Wijkia Crum 7 sp.
Trismegistia (C. Müll.) C. Müll. 3 sp.
Meiothecium Mitt. 3 sp.
Chionostomum C. Müll. 1 sp.
Brotherella Loeske ex Fleisch. 2 sp.
Warburgiella C. Müll. 1 sp.
Sematophyllum Mitt. 11 sp.
Foreauella Dix. & P. Varde 1 sp.
Rhaphidostichum Fleisch. 6 sp.
Acroporium Mitt. 12 sp. + 3 var.
Radulina Buck & Tan 1 sp.
Isocladiella Dix. 1 sp.
Papillidiopsis Buck & Tan 2 sp.
Trichosteleum Mitt. 7 sp.
Acanthorrhynchium Fleisch. 1 sp.
Taxithelium Spruce ex Mitt. 18 sp.
Glossadelphus Fleisch. 1 sp.
49. Hypnaceae Schimp.
Homomallium (Schimp.) Loesq. 1 sp.
Hypnum Hedw., nom. cons. 3 sp.
Ectropothecium Mitt. 21 sp.
Ectropotheciella Fleisch. 1 sp.
Isopterygium Mitt. 9 sp. + 1 var.
Pseudotaxiphyllum Iwats. 2 sp.
Taxiphyllum Fleisch. 3 sp.
Taxiphyllopsis Higuchi & Deguchi 1 sp.
Vesicularia (C. Müll.) C. Müll. 6 sp.
Hondaella Dix. & Sak. 1 sp.
Ctenidium (Schimp.) Mitt. 3 sp.
Macrothamniella Fleisch. 1 sp.
50. Hylocomiaceae (Broth.) Fleisch.
Leptohymenium Schwaegr. 1 sp.
Leptocladiella Fleisch. 1 sp.
Macrothamnium Fleisch. 2 sp.

51. Buxbaumiaceae Schwaegr. in Willd.
Diphyscium Mohr 2 sp.

52. Polytrichaceae Schwaegr. in Willd.
Atrichum P. Beauv., nom. cons. 2 sp.
Pogonatum P. Beauv. 10 sp. + 2 ssp.

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