3. Organization

The name of the supervising committee is: The International Cooperative Editorial Committee on the Bryoflora of China, which is the governing body of this project. The committee consists of five Chinese members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Universities (Peng-cheng Wu, Beijing; Chien Gao, Shenyang; Xin-jiang Li, Kunming; Ren-lian Hu, Shanghai; and Zhi-hua Li, Guangzhou); and five non-Chinese members from the U.S., Canada, Finland, and Japan (Marshall R. Crosby, the Missouri Botanical Garden, USA; Benito C. Tan, the Farlow herbarium of Harvard University, USA; Dale H. Vitt, the University of Alberta, Canada; Timo Koponen, University of Helsinki, Finland; and, Zen Iwatsuki, the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Japan). The editorial committee will consult on matters of coordination and meet as required for the duration of the project.

The duties and responsibilities of the editorial committee are:

  1. to oversee decisions regarding scientific content and presentation of the data;
  2. to facilitate author's collaboration in the project and to participate in writing taxonomic treatments of various families;
  3. to solicit and edit manuscripts; and
  4. to apply for grants and seek funds in helping implementation of the project.

The editorial and coordination center of the project is located at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis to which all correspondence should be addressed. Si He (MO) is the project coordinator responsible for routine activities incurred at the center. The main functions of the editorial and coordination center are to solicit and organize specialist contributors for preparing taxonomic treatments, to organize and manage databases, to verify and edit manuscripts, to make their contents available electronically in a Hypertext version on CD-ROM and on the Internet, and, finally, to publish the printed volumes of the Flora.