Specimen from Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia

Specimen category:

Representative specimen

LE section of storage:

Section of Middle Asia

Species name:

Dianthus crinitus Sm.

Full text of the label:

Herbarium of the State Migration Department, Z.A. fon Minkvitz: expedition to Tashkentskii District, year 1914, Chirchik River system, Chatkal River valley, 6-7 versts from Aulie-kadam mazar (SE from Brich-mulla village), near Nikolai main, 06.VI.1914, N 1330.


Minkwitz Z.A.

Collecting date:


Modern country:

Kazakhstan [Asia]

Authority of handwriting:


Compiler's notes:

There are printed title "Hortus Botanicus Imperialis Petropolitanus. Herbarium of the State Migration Department" and the State Emblem of the Russian Empire on the herbarium sheet.

Compiler & date:

Raenko L.M., 2004.