Specimen from Collections of J.C.Klinge from East Europe

Specimen category:

Representative specimen

LE section of storage:

Section of East Europe

Species name:

Ranunculus bulbosus L.

Full text of the label:

Label 1. Am Ufer der Narowa zwischen Iwangorod und der Dorfe Popowka, 29.V.1893

Label 2. Hb. Fl. Ingricae, in declivibus herbidis pr. Narvam, rarius, VI-VII


Klinge J.C.

Collecting date:

29.V.1893, VI-VII

Modern country:

Russia (European part) [Europe]

Authority of handwriting:

Klinge J.C. (?)

Compiler's notes:

There is a printed slip "Herbarium J.Klinge" glued on the sheet, and 2 labels: one of them is written by hand, the other is printed, without a year of collection.

Compiler & date:

Cherneva O.V., 2005