Specimen from Collections of V.L.Komarov from Central Asia

Specimen category:

Representative specimen

LE section of storage:

Section of Central and East Asia

Species name:

Sedum viviparum Maxim.

Full text of the label:

Flora Mandschurica, flumen Sungari, provincia Kirinensis, pass Loe-flin on the way from Omos to Girin, rocks in forest, 30.VIII.1896, Societas Imp. Geograf. Rossiae, legit V.L.Komarow


Komarov V.L.

Collecting date:


Modern country:

China [Asia]

Authority of handwriting:

Komarov V.L.

Compiler's notes:

The label is printed, with locality and date of collection written by hand.

Compiler & date:

Raenko L.M., 2004