LITERATURE CITED (order by DRN number, not in alphabetical order)

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LITERATURE CITED (order by DRN number, not in alphabetical order)

1. Lin, P.-J., Z.-H. Yang, & Z.-H. Li. 1982. A study of the bryophytes of Ding-Hu-Shan. Trop. Subtrop. For. Ecosys. 1: 58-76.

2. Koponen, T., X.-J. Li & M. Zang. 1982b. A synopsis of Rhodobryum (Musci, Bryaceae) in China. Ann. Bot. Fennici 19:75-80.

3. Koponen, T., C. Gao, J.-S. Lou (J.-X. Luo) & I. Jarvinen. 1983. Bryophytes from Mt. Chang Bai, Jilin Province, Northeast China. Ann. Bot. Fennici 20: 215-232.

4. Li, Z.-H. 1985. A revision of the Chinese species of Fissidens (Musci, Fissidentaceae). Acta Bot. Fenn. 129: 1-65.

5. Chen, P.-C. & P.-C. Wu. 1965. The preliminary study of the bryophytes of Mt. Hwangshan. Observations ad Florulam Hwangshanicum p. 1-59.

6. Gao, C. & K.-C. Chang. 1983. Index Muscorum Chinae Boreali-Orientalis. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 187-205.

7. Lin, S.-H. 1984a. Notes on some Formosan moss collections at the Taiwan Museum. Bryologist 87: 345-348.

8. Ando, H. 1964. A revision of east-Asian species of Homomallium, a genus of Musci. I. Hikobia 4: 28-42.

9. Ando, H. 1965. A revision of east-Asian species of Homomallium, a genus of Musci. II. Hikokia 4: 161-177.

10. Noguchi, A. 1947. Notulae Bryologicae I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2: 80-82.

11. Koponen, T. 1981. A synopsis of Mniaceae (Bryophyta). VI. Southeast Asian taxa. Acta Bot. Fenn. 117: 1-34.

12. Ando, H. 1958. The Hypnum species restricted to Japan and adjacent areas (3). J. Science Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B, Div. 2 (Botany) 8: 167-208.

13. Koponen, T. & J.-S. Lou (X.-J. Luo). 1982. Miscellaneous notes on Mniaceae. XII. Revision of specimens in the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China. Ann. Bot. Fennici 19: 67-72.

14. Ando, H. 1976. Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (III). J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B. Div. 2 (Botany) 16: 1-46.

15. Bartram, E. B. 1935. Additions to the flora of China. Ann. Bryol. 8: 6-21.

16. Ando, H., H. Persson, & E. M. Sherrard. 1957. The first record of Gollania in North America. Bryologist 60: 326-335.

17. Bescherelle, E. 1892. Musci Yunnanenses. Énumération et description des mousses nouvelles récoltées par M. l'abbé Delavay au Yun-nan en Chine, das les envrions d'Hokin et de Tali (Yun-nan). Ann. Sci. Bot. ser. 7: 47-94.

18. Ando, H. 1978. Pylaisiella faclcata (B.S.G.) Ando, a moss of East Asia-Latin America distribution. Phyta 1:14-23.

19. Ando, H. 1963c. A second species of Stereodontopsis, a unique genus of Hypnaeae. Hikobia 3: 295-299.

20. Ando, H. 1969. Miscellenea bryologica Asiae Orientalis I. Hikobia 5: 179-188.

21. Ando, H. 1973b. Miscellenea bryologica Asiae Orientalis III. Hikobia 6: 203-216.

22. Ando, H. 1966. A revision of the Chinese Cupressinae described by C. Muller. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79: 759-769.

23. Zanten, B.O. van. 1959. Trachypodaceae, a critical revision. Blumea 9: 477-757.

24. Cao, T. & D. H. Vitt. 1986. A taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis of Grimmia and Schistidium (Bryopsida; Grimmiaceae) in China. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 123-247.

25. Hu, R.-L. 1983. A revision of the Chinese species of Entodon (Musci, Entodontaceae). Bryologist 86: 193-233.

26. Koponen, T. 1980. A synopsis of Mniaceae (Bryophyta). II. Orthomnium. Ann. Bot. Fennici 17: 35-55.

27. Chen, P.-C. 1955. Bryophyta nova sinica. Feddes Report. 58: 23-52.

28. Lin, P.-J. 1984. A study on Chinese Calymperaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55: 267-272.

29. Chuang, C.-C. 1973. A moss flora of Taiwan exclusive of essen- tially pleurocarpous families. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 419-509.

30. Li, X.-J. (Editor-In-Chief). 1985. Bryoflora of Xizang. Science Press. Beijing 1-581 + i-x.

31. Brotherus, V. F. 1929a. In H. Handel-Mazzetti Symbolae Sinicae. Botanische ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China 1914/1918. IV. Musci. Julius Springer.

32. Lou, J.-S. & P.-C. Wu. 1980. A preliminary report on the new bryophytes of Xizang (Tibet). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 18: 119-125.

33. Ochi, H. 1985. An annotated list of mosses of the subfamily Bryoideae in south, southeast and east Asia. J. Faculty of Education, Tottori Univ. Nat. Sci. 34 (2): 41-96.

34. Lai, M.-J. & J.-R. Wang-Yang. 1976. Index bryoflorae Formosen- sis. Taiwania 21 (2): 159-203.

35. Potier de la Varde, R. 1937. Contribution a la flore bryologique de la Chine. Rev. Bryol. et Lichen 10: 136-145.

36. Chen, P.-C. 1941a. Studien über die ostasiatichen Arten der Pottiaceae. I & II. Hedwigia 80: 1-76; 141-322.

37. Chen, P.-C., et al. 1963. Genera muscorum Sinicorum, I. Peking.

38. Chen, P.-C., et al. 1978. Genera muscorum Sinicorum, II. Peking.

39. Chen, P.-C. & S.-C. Lee (J.-X. Li). 1956. A preliminary study of the Chinese Sphagnum. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 5: 165-203.

41. Hu, R.-L. & Y.-F. Wang. 1987. A review of the moss flora of East China. Memoirs New York Bot. Gard. 45: 455-465.

43. Noguchi, A. 1987a. Taxonomic notes on Calyptothecium wrightii (Pterobryaceae). Memoirs New York Bot. Gard. 45: 505-508.

44. Koponen, T. 1987. Notes on Chinese Eurhynchium (Brachytheciaceae). Memoirs New York Bot. Gard. 45: 509-514.

45. Piippo, S. 1987. Notes on Asiatic Brachytheciaceae. Memoirs New York Bot. Gard. 45: 515-518.

46. Buck, W. R. 1987a. Notes on Asian Hypnaceae and associated taxa. Memoirs New York Bot. Gard. 45: 519-529.

47. Reese, W. D. 1987. Nomenclature of Paleotropical Calymperaceae, with description of Syrrhopodon meijeri, sp. nov. Bryologist 90: 201-211.

48. Frahm, J.-P & H. Mohamed. 1987. A survey of Campylopus and Bryohumbertia (Dicranaceae) in Malaysia. Memoirs New York Bot. Gard. 45: 470-491.

49. Koponen, T. & J.-S. Lou (X.-J. Luo). 1986. Pohlia hisae., species nova (Musci, Bryaceae) from Wo-long Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. Hikobia 9: 315-317.

50. Gao, C. & C.-W. Aur. 1980. Four new species of mosses from Xi- zang, China. Bull. Bot. Lab. North-east Forest Inst. 4: 97-103.

51. Stark, L. R. 1987. A taxonomic monograph of Forsstroemia Lindb. (Bryopsida: Leptodontaceae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63: 133-218.

52. Noguchi, A. 1950. A review of the Leucodontineae and Neckerineae of Japan, Loo Choo and Formosa, III. J. Hattori Botanical Lab.4: 1-47.

53. Brotherus, V. F. 1922. Musci novi sinensis, collecti a Dre. Henr. Handel-Mazzetti. I. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math. Naturw. Klasse. Abt. 1, 131: 209-220.

54. Iwatsuki, Z. 1987a. Two species of Fissidens new to China. Hikobia 10: 69-71.

55. Cao, T. & C. Gao. 1988a. Studies of Chinese bryophytes (1). Bruchia Schwaegr. (Musci, Dicranaceae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64: 451-458.

56. Buck, W. R. 1984. Bryosedgwickia, a new synonym of Platygyriella (Hypnaceae). Brittonia 36: 86-88.

57. Tixier, P. 1988. Le genere Glossadelphus Fleisch. (Sematophyllaceae, Musci) et su valuer. Nova Hedwigia 46: 319-356.

58. Collections deposited in the herbarium of Southwest Missouri State University.

59. Noguchi, A. 1976. A taxonomic revision of the family Meteoriaceae of Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 231-357.

60. Lin, P.-J. & W. D. Reese. 1989. A further study on Chinese Ca- lymperaceae. Bryologist 92: 170-173.

61. Lou, J.-S. & T. Koponen. 1986. A revision of Atrichum (Musci: Polytrichaceae) in China. Ann. Bot. Fennici 23: 33-47.

62. Cao, T. & C. Gao. 1988b. Studies of Chinese bryophytes (2). Trematodon Michx. (Musci, Dicranaceae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 323-334.

63. Akiyama, H. 1988b. Studies of Leucodon (Leucodontaceae, Musci) and related genera in east Asia. IV. Taxonomic revision of Leucodon in East Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 1-80.

64. Chen, P.-C. & T.-L. Wan (Z.-L. Wan). 1958. A preliminary study of Chinese Andreaea. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 3: 91-104.

65. Gao, C. & K.-C. Chang. 1979. Plantae novae bryophytarum Tibetearum. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17: 115-120.

66. Ochi, H. 1962/63. Contributions to the mosses of Bartramiaceae in Japan and the adjacent regions. Nova Hedwigia 4 (1/2): 87-108; 5 (1/2): 91-115.

67. Koponen, T., J.-S. Lou (X.-J. Luo) & C. Gao. 1985. Brachymenium jilinense, species nova (Musci, Bryaceae), from Mt. Chang Bai, Northeast China. Ann. Bot. Fennici 22: 149-152.

68. Stark, L. R. 1983. A new species of Forsstroemia from Eastern Asia. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 181-183.

69. Wu, P.-C., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill. 1990. A floristic and phytogeographic survey of the bryophytes of Mt. Shennongia. Western Hubei, China. Unpublished Manuscript.

70. Gao, C. & K.-C. Chang. 1982. Genera nova bryophytarum. Bull. Bot. Research (Harbin) 2: 113-121.

71. Redfearn, P. L., Jr. P.-C. Wu, S. He & Y.-G. Su. 1989. Mosses new to mainland China. Bryologist 92: 183-185.

72. Lou, J.-S. (J.-X. Luo) 1983. New species of mosses from Xizang (Tibet), China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 21: 224-228.

73. Chen, P.-C. 1943. Musci Sinici Exiccati Series I. Contributions from the Institute of Biology Graduate School of College of Science. National Central University. Chungking China. 1: 1-12.

74. Dixon, H. N. 1933. Mosses of Hong Kong with other Chinese mosses. Hong Kong Naturalist Supplement 2: 1-31.

75. Chen, P.-C. 1941b. Beitr„ge zur Mossflora von Hainan Insel. Sunyatsenia 6: 185-195.

76. Noguchi, A. 1986. Notulae Bryologicae, XII. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 149-158.

77. Tan, B. C., Z.-H. Li & P.-J. Lin. 1987. Preliminary list of mosses reported from Hainan Island, China. Yushania 4(4): 5-8.

78. Zhong, B.-G. & S.-Z. Jiang. 1983. The preliminary study of the bryophytes in Feng-Jing Mt. Guizhou Linye Keji (Guizhou Forestry Technique) 4: 10-37 (In Chinese).

79. Li, D.-K. & C.-H. Gao. 1986. A preliminary survey of the bryoflora of Shanghai (In Chinese). Investigatio et Studium 6: 135-148.

80. Bai, X.-L. 1987. Preliminary report of the mosses in Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Intromong. (In Chinese) 18 (2): 311-350.

81. Kuo, C.-M. & T.-Y. Chiang. 1987a. Index to Taiwan mosses. Taiwania 32: 119-207.

82. Vitt, D. H. & T. Cao. 1989. Mosses new to China from Heilongj- iang and Jilin Provinces. Cryptog. Bryol. et Lichenol. 10: 283-287.

83. Nishimura, N. 1985. A revision of the genus Ctenidium (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 1-82.

84. Lai, M.-J. 1976. The Hypopterygiaceae (Musci) of Taiwan. Taiwania 21: 150-158.

85. Wu, S.-H. & S.-H. Lin. 1986. A taxonomic study of the genera Aerobryidium and Meteoropsis (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan. Yushania 3: 3-16.

86. Collections deposited in the herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

87. Reese, W. D. & P.-J. Lin. 1989. Two new species of Syrrhopodon from Southeast Asia. Bryologist 92: 186-189.

88. Iwatsuki, Z. 1976b. Bryological Miscellanies XXI. Notes on Asiatic species of Diphyscium Mohr. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 143-149.

89. Vitt, D. H. 1972. A monograph of the genus Drummondia. Can. J. Bot. 50: 1191-1208.

90. Li, X.-J. 1981. Some new taxa of Pottiaceae from Xizang (Tibet). Acta Bot. Yunnanica 3: 101-112.

91. Noguchi, A. & X.-J. Li. 1988. Some species of the Pterobryaceous mosses from SW China. J. Jap. Bot. 63: 143-148.

92. Wu, S.-H. & S.-H. Lin. 1987a. A taxonomic study of the genus Barbella (Meteoriaceae, Musci) from Taiwan. Yushania 4(4): 13-18.

93. Wu, S.-H. & S.-H. Lin. 1987b. A taxonomic study of the genus Aerobryopsis (Meteoriaceae, Musci) from Taiwan. Yushania 4 (2): 13-19.

94. Expedition to Sichuan, China, 1988. (Collections deposited in the herbaria of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Southwest Missouri State University).

95. Lin, S.-H. 1984c. Entodon buckii, a new species of moss from Kiang-si (Jiangxi) Province, China. Yushania 1(1): 1-6.

96. Wu, P.-C., X.-J. Ling & S.-L. Xie. 1987. A preliminary study on the bryophytes in Shanxi Province, North China. J. Shanxi Univ 2: 88-92.

97. Dixon, H. N. 1928. Mosses collected in North China, Mongolia, and Tibet by Rev. E. Licent. Rev. Bryol. n. s. 1: 177-191.

98. Sakurai, K. 1949. Musci of Province Shansi, North China. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 62: 104-108.

99. Sato, M. 1949. Notes on the cryptogamic flora of Province Shansi, North China I. Bryophyta. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 62: 101-103.

100. Cerda, I. D. L. 1989. Notes on five species of Anomodon, some with erroneous identity, including two new combinations. Bryologist 92: 381-386.

101. Qian, L. & K.-H. Tsai. 1989. Some bryophytes new to China found in Anhui, China. Bull. Bot. Res.9: 81-84 .

102. Thériot, I. 1926. Reliquiae Coppeyanae. Bull. Soc. Nat. Nancy 4, 2 (6). 717.

103. Akiyama, H. 1988a. Rearrangement of two species of Leucodon (Leucodontaceae, Musci) with a note on Felipponea. J. Jap. Bot. 63: 265-274.

104. Wu, P.-C., D.-K. Li & C.-H. Gao. 1981. New records of bryophytes in Mt. Wu-Yi, China I. J. Wuyi Sci. 1: 16-18.

105. Wu, P.-C., D.-K. Li & C.-H. Gao. 1982. New records of bryophytes in Mt. Wuyi, China II. J. Wuyi Sci. 2: 14-16.

106. Higuchi, M. 1985. A taxonomic revision of the genus Gollania Broth. (Musci) J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 1-77.

107. Watanabe, R. 1972. A revision of the family Thuidiaceae in Japan and adjacent areas. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 171-257.

108. Gangulee, H. C. 1969-80. Mosses of Eastern India and adjacent regions. Fasc. 1-3. Published by the author. Calcutta.

109. Lou, J.-S. 1989a. Comments on the genus Horikawaea (Pterobryaceae) in China. Bryologist 92: 490-492.

110. Lin, S.-H. 1986a. Horikawaea dubia (Pterobryaceae) newly found in Xizang. Yushania 3(1): 1-2.

111. Sino-American Botanical Expedition to Yunnan, China, 1984 (Collections deposited in the herbaria of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Southwest Missouri State University).

112. Manuel, M. G. 1977. Monograph of the genus Meteoropsis (Bryopsida: Meteoriaceae). Bryologist 80: 584-599.

113. Noguchi, A. 1968b. Musci Japonici VIII. The genus Orthotrichum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 113-129.

114. Noguchi, A. 1968c. On some species of Leucodon (Musci) from Asia. J. Jap. Bot. 43: 455-461.

115. Thériot, I. 1932. Mousses de la Chine orientale. Ann. Crypt. Exot. 5: 167-189.

116. Zhang, L. 1990. A study on the mosses of Menglun, Xishuangbanna. M.S. Thesis. Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica. pp. 1-54.

117. Wang, M. 1989?. A study on the moss flora from Mt. Kuan-Tou-San, Quinling. Kunming Botanical Institute.

118. Xu, B.-S. (Editor in Chief) 1989. Cryptogamic Flora of the Yangtze Delta and Adjacent regions. Sci. Tech. Publishers. Shanghai.

119. Zhao, A. 1989. Preliminary research of bryophytes in Mount Tai. (In Chinese with English summary). J. Shangdong Normal Univ. (Nat. Sci. ed.) 4(2): 80-95.

120. Cao, T. & X.-Y. Jia. 1989. A new genus to northeast China - Homaliodendron and its distribution (Musci). Bull. Bot. Research 9(4): 83-88.

121. Iwatsuki, Z. & P.-C. Wu. 1988. Notes on Fissidens (Musci) from China. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 90: 383-386.

122. Higuchi, M., Z. Iwatsuki, R. Ochyra & X.-J. Li. 1989. Neckeropsis takahashii (Neckeraceaae, Musci), a new species from Yunnan, China. Nova Hedwigia 48: 431-435.

123. Hu, R.-L. & Y.-F. Wang. 1981. A survey on the bryophytes from the West Tian Mu Mountain in Zhejing Province. J. East China Normal Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 1: 85-104.

124. Yang, C.-Y. 1936. An enumeration of moss flora in Chihli Province. Sci. Nat. Tsing Hua Univ. B. II: 111-135.

125. Jia, X.-Y. & T. Cao. 1989. A survey of bryophytes in Xianrendon Natural Reserve Area, Liaoning Province. J. Zao Zhuang Normal College, Nat. Sci. ed., 2: 1-17.

126. Tong, Z.-G. 1963. Notes on some xerophytic mosses in China. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Intromongolicae 2: 73-85.

127. Tchen, P.-T. 1936. Note Preliminaire, sur les Bryophytes de Chine. Institute of Botany, National Acad. of Peiping 14 (6): 301-336.

128. Lin, P.-J., T. Koponen & S. Piippo. 1992. Bryophyte flora of Jianfenling Mts., Hainan Island, China. Bryobrothera 1: 195-214.

129. Koponen, T., X.-J. Li & M. Zang. 1982a. Miscellaneous notes on Mniaceae (Bryophyta). XIII. Orthomnion yunnanense species nova. Ann. Bot. Fennici 19: 73-74.

130. Hyvönen, J. 1989. A synopsis of genus Pogonatum (Polytrichaceae, Musci). Acta Bot. Fenn. 138: 1-87.

131. Bescherelle, E. 1891. Énumération des Mousses nouvelles récoltées par M. l'abbé Delavay au Yun-nan (Chine) das les environ d'Hokin et de Tali. Rev. Bryol. 18: 87-89.

132. Mueller, C. 1896-8. Bryologia Provinciae Schen-si Sinensis. I. Nouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 3: 89-129; II. ibid 4: 245-276; III; ibid 5: 159-209.

133. Li, D.-K., C.-H. Gao & P.-C. Wu. 1986. A survey of the moss communities in the Wuyishan Natural Preserve, Fujian, China. Wuyi Science Jour 6: 279-284. 90. Li, X.-J. 1981. Some new taxa of Pottiaceae from Xizang (Tibet). Acta Bot. Yunnanica 3: 101-112.

134. Li, X.-J. & M.-X. Zhang. 1983. Some new taxa of bryophytes from Chinling Mountains. Acta Bot. Yunnanica 5: 385-390.

135. Lee, S.-C. (Li, X.-J.). 1958. The genus Bryoxiphium in China. Acta Phytotaxonomica 7: 253-262.

136. Zhang, M.-X. 1978. Bryophyta in Flora Tsinglingensis. Tom III. Bryophyta (Par. 1). Northwest Institute of Botany. Science Press. Peking. 312 p.

137. Institute of Forestry and Pedalogy, Academia Sinica (C. Gao). 1977. Flora Muscorum China Boreali-Orientalis. Science Press, Beijing 404 p.

138. Wu, P.-C., J.-S. Lou (J.-X. Luo) & M.-Z. Wang. 1984. Glossary of terms and names of bryophytes. Science Press . 124 + v.

139. Tixier, P. 1966. Bryophytes du Vietnam. Récoultes de A. Petelot et V. Demange au North Vietnam (Relictae Henrynae). Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 34: 127-181.

140. Hu, X.-Y. (S.-H. Hu) & P.-C. Wu. 1991. Study on the moss flora of Mt. Jinfu, Sichuan Province. Acta Phytoxonomica Sinica 29: 315-334.

141. Lin, S.-H. 1988. List of mosses of Taiwan. Yushania 5: 1-39.

142. Salmon, E. S. 1900. On some mosses from China and Japan. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 34: 449-474.

143. Zeng, S.-Y. 1990a. A new species of the Thuidium from Xizang (Tibet). Guihaia 10: 105-100.

144. Wu, P.-C. 1982. Two new species of bryophytes from Xizang (Tibet), China. Acta Phytotax. Sinica 20: 351-353.

145. Reimers, H. 1931. Beitr„ge zur moosflora Chinas I. Hedwigia 71: 1-77.

146. Reese, W. D. & P.-J. Lin. 1991a. Two new taxa of Calymperaceae from China. Bryologist 94: 70-72.

147. Dixon, H. N. 1941. The Chinese species of Leucodon. J. Bot. 79: 137-145.

148. Kuo, C.-M. & T.-Y. Chiang. 1987b. Tetraplodon, a moss genus new to Taiwan. Bio. Bull. Nat. Taiwan Univ. 22: 1-4.

149. Chiang, T.-Y. & C.-M. Kuo. 1989. Notes on bryophytes of Taiwan (1-36). Taiwania 37: 74-156.

150. Lou, J.-S. 1989b. New species and records of Meteoriaceae in China. Bull. Bot. Res. (Harbin) 9: 25-31.

151. Henry, R. 1928. Mousses d'Extreme-Orient. Rev. Bryol. n. ser. 1: 41-48.

152. Lin, P.-J. & L. Zhang (Editors). 1990. Bryophytes of South China, Fasc. 1. Herbarium of South Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica (IBSC).

153. Expedition to Hainan Island, China, 1990. (Collections deposited in the herbaria of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Southwest Missouri State University).

154. Zhang, Z.-B. 1990. New found aquatic moss in Fujian Province. Zhi Wu Za Zhi. 1: 8.

155. Zheng, P.-Z. 1989. Five new records of Chinese mosses. Acta Bot. Austro Sinica 5: 69-62.

156. Vitt, D. H., T. Cao, M. K. Campenot, & R. Gauthier. 1990. The genus Tomenthypnum in north-east China. J. Bryology 16: 79-87.

157. Saito, K. 1975. A monograph of Japanese Pottiaceae (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 373-537.

158. Rohrer, J. R. 1985b. A generic revision of the Hylocomiaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 241-278.

159. Reese, W. D. & P.-J. Lin. 1991b. A monograph of the Calymperaceae of China. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69: 323-372.

160. Ochi, H. 1970. Notes on moss flora (VII). J. Jap. Bot. 45: 21-28.

161. Ochi, H. 1968. A revision of the family Funariaceae (Musci) in Japan and the adjacent regions. Jap. J. Bot. 20: 1-34.

162. Luo, J.-X. (J.-S. Lou) 1989. A study on Neobarbella (mosses) of the south-east Asiatic endemic genus. Acta Bot. Yunnanica 11: 159-164.

163. Jin, S.-Y. 1988. Bibliography of new taxa (Cormophytes) and type specimens in the herbarium of China (1). Bull. Bot. Research (Harbin) (Additamentum) 11: 5-19.

165. Tan, B. C. & P.-J. Lin. 1991. New Chinese records of Hookeriaceae (Musci). Bot. Bull. Academia Sinica 32: 307-311.

166. Zeng, S.-Y. 1990b. Taxonomy of Ditrichum from Yunnan. Acta Bot. Yunnanica 12: 293-300.

167. Takaki, N. 1968. On three species of Dicranella from Himalayas and Yunnan. J. Jap. Bot. 43: 467.

168. Watanabe, R. 1991. Notes on Thuidiaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69: 37-47.

169. Cao, T., X.-Y. Jia, Y.-X. Yuan & Y.-T. Ding. 1990. Study of the bryophyte communities and their floral elements in Mt. Baishilazi, Liaoning, China. J. Liaoning Normal University 4: 40-70. (This is the same literature as DRN 308)

170. Jia, X.-Y. & G.-J. Fun. 1989. Six species of bryophytes from Northeast China. J. Lianing Norm. Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 4: 58-62.

171. Zhao, J.-C., X.-M. Pi & J.-J. Li. 1989. An investigation on the bryophytes in Kanasi Natural Reserve, Xinjiang Region. J. Xinjiang Univ. 6(4): 77-83.

172. Redfearn, P. L., Jr. & B. Allen. 1991. Orthothecium hyalopiliferum (Musci: Hypnaceae), a new species from Sichuan China. Bryologist 94: 449-451.

173. But, P. P.-H. & C.-H. Gao. 1991. Mosses new to Hong Kong (I). Investigatio et Studium Naturae 11: 40-45.

174. Hyvönen, J. & M.-J. Lai. 1991. Polytrichaceae (Musci) in Taiwan (China). J. Hattori Botanical Lab. 70: 119-141.

175. Redfearn, P. L., Jr. 1991. Gymnostomiella (Musci, Pottiaceae) in the Neotropics and East Asia. Bryologist 94: 392-395.

176. Tan, B. C. 1991. Miscellaneous notes on Asiatic mosses, espe- cially Melesian Sematophyllaceae (Musci) and others. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70: 91-106.

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