APPENDIX 2. Annotations of Chinese Moss Checklist
(1) [Acanthocladium semitortipilum, Wijkia semitortipila] - The nomenclatural history of this binomial is messy. In proposing the new combination, Wijkia semitortipila, Lin (1984b), following C.-K. Wang (1963), cited the basionym as Hypnum semitortipilum C. Muell. in Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen 7: 213. 1881. However, this binomial was not listed in Index Muscorum nor was it published in C. Mueller (1881, p. 213). We contend that Acanthocladium semitortipilum Fleisch. (1927) can be accepted as a valid basionym although Index Muscorum interpreted it as a naked name. When Fleischer (1927) stated "A. semitortipilum welches von A. tanytrichum habituell und durch die gedrehe Blattspitze verschieden ist," he had provided enough description to validate this binomial. Thus, the Wijkia combination proposed by Lin (1984b) can be accepted as validly published even though the basionym cited in Lin (1984b) was not correctly indicated (Tokyo Code Art. 33.3, 1994).
(2) [Aerobryidium wallichii] - The generic placement of this species appears unsettled. Buck (1994) recently reviewed the case history and transferred it to another genus as Pseudotrachypus wallichii (Brid.) Buck. Here, we follow Lin (1988) in placing the species in Aerobryidium.
(3) [Barbula chenia] - The substituted name, Trichostomum obtusifolium Broth, is a later homonym. Although this species has several synonyms listed in Chen (1941a), none of them, surprisingly, are available for a legitimate combination in Barbula; hence, the necessity of a new name.
(4) [Barbula elongata] - The report of this New World pottiaceous species from Zhejiang Province of China is undoubtedly a mistake. According to Zander (1993), the updated nomenclature of this species Mironia ehrenbergiana (C. Muell.) Zander var. elongata (Wils.) Zander. We suspect that the name in question in R.-L. Hu & Y.-F. Wang (1981) is very likely a mistaken orthography of Barbella elongata Williams in the Meteoriaceae.
(5) [Barbula propagulifera, Streblotrichum propaguliferum] - The original illustration of this species in X.-J. Li and M.-X. Zhang (1983) campares well with the illustration of Dichodontium pellucidum in Crum and Anderson (1981).
(6) [Bartramia fragilifolia] - According to IM. this is an American species. The Chinese specimen reported in S.-C. Lee (1963) needs confirmation.
(7) [Brachymenium radiculosum] - The identification of this species needs confirmation. Thus far, the species appears to be restricted to Central and South Americas.
(8) [Bryum mairei] - This species was validly published by Coppey (1911) but was overlooked by Index Muscorum. The species epithet should not be confused with B. mariei Besch. from Africa.
(9) [Calliergidium bakeri, Drepanocladus simplicissimus] - According to Tan, Zhao & Hu (1995), the reported Xinjiang specimen is Hygrohypnum luridum. Therefore, D. simplicissimus does not occur in China.
(10) [Campylopodium proscriptum - Didymodon proscriptus] - Wilson (1848) reported this African species from Hong Kong area probably by error of locality information.
(11) [Campylopus setifolius] - Frahm (1992a) interpreted this to be a species of Dicranodontium.
(12) [Ceratodon stenocarpus] - Marsui & Iwatsuki (1990) reported that all Taiwan specimens with this name available for study were not correctly determined.
(13) [Claopodium pellucinerve] - The Taiwan record of this species in (Wang 1963) was disputed by C.-C. Chuang & Iwatsuki (1970).
(14) [Ctenidium molluscum, C. stellatum] - Nishimura (1985) excluded these two species from China.
(15) [Encalypta breviseta] - Excluded from China by Cao et al. (1990)
(16) [Encalypta erythrodonta, E. giraldii] - Cao et al. (1990) did not mention these two species in their monograph of the genus for the Chinese moss flora.
(17) [Entodon seductrix] - Buck (1980) does not recognized this species for As-2.
(18) [Exostratum sullivantii] - Ellis (1985) has corrected a Taiwan collection (Lin 215) of this species to E. blumei.
(19) [Fissidens polyphyllus] - The Chinese report of this European species needs vonfirmation.
(20) [Fissidens sinense] - Brotherus (1901b) reported this species from China apparently on the basis of Conomitrium sinense. However, the type locality is in Vietnam "bei Saigon im China", and not from China.
(21) [Grimmia elatior] - Deguchi (1979) considers this taxon to be G. pilifera.
(22) [Grimmia hartmanii] - Reports from Shanxi are Schistiodium strictum. Species probably does not occur in China (Cao & Vitt 1986).
(23) [Grimmia maritima - Schistidium maritimum] - This species was excluded from China by Cao and Vitt (1986).
(24) [Grimmia subtergistina] - According to Cao and Vitt (1986), this may be conspecific with G. tergistina.
(25) Grimmia torquata] - According to Cao & Vitt (1986), specimens from Tibet are G. alpicola. They did not examine any specimens of G. alpicola from China.
(26) [Homaliodendron ligulaefolium, H. montagneanum] - Su (1988) suggested that these two species can be assigned to H. scapellifolium which Enroth (1989b) has placed in the synonym of H. flabelaltum.
(27) [Homaliodendron pygmaeum] - Su (1988) assigned this species to Porotrichum.
(28) [Homaliodendron squarrulosum] - The correct identity of H. squarrulosum is still unsettled. Pòc (1965) synonymized it with H. scalepifolium while Enroth (1989) treated it as a synonym of H. glabellatum. Here with follow N. Tran (1984) in accepting
it as a separate species.
(29) [Isopterygium tenerum] - According to Z. Iwatsuki (pers. comm. 1991), this species may not occur in Asia.
(30) [Leucobryum candidum] - This species was excluded from Asia in a regional revision of the genus by Yamaguchi (1993).
(31) [Leucobryum salmonii] - Index Muscorum considered this a nomen nudum published in Henry (Rev. Bryol. n. ser. a: 43. 1928). However, the binomial was validly published by Renauld and Cardot much earlier in 1905.
(32) [Leucodon angustiretis] - This species was excluded from East Asia by Akiyama (1988b).
(33) [Mesonodon flavescens] - The Taiwanese records of this species in Kuo and Chiang (1987) and Lin (1988) are doubtful. These authors confused the synonymy between Campylodontium flavescens (Hook.) Bosch & Sande Lac. and Entodon flavescens (Hook.) Fleisch. which are two heterotypic and distinct taxa.
(34b) [Meteoriopsis reclinata var. ancistrodes, M. ancistrodes, Pseudobarbella ancistrodes] - We follow Lin (1988) who revised the Taiwan taxa of this family in accepting this as a distinct species, Meteoriopsis ancistrodes. Manuel (1977) and Norris and Koponen (1987), however, treated it as Pseudobarbella ancistrodes. According to Mamuel (1977), earlier authors, including Noguchi (1976) have misunderstood this species and that Chinese specimens of this species examined by him are referable to Meteoriopsis reclinata. Since most Chinese workers have followed the traditional generic concept of earlier authors, especially Noguchi (1976), we have decided to keep this species in Meteoriopsis short of re-examining the actual specimens. The other generic option, Pseudobarbella, is now considered by Buck (1994) to be a synonym of Pseudotrachypus P. de la Varde & Thér.
(35) [Mnium affine & M. affine var. elatum are exluded from As-2 by Koponen (1981)
(36) [ Mnium cuspidatum, Palgiomnium cuspidatum] - Koponen (1994) doubted the occurence of this species in China.
(37) - [Mnium hornum] - Koponen (1994) questions the presence of this species in China.
(38) [Mnium venustum - Plagiomnium venustum] - Koponen (1981) stated that Chinese records of this species represent some other species other than Plagiomnium venustum which, in his opinion, is a North American Pacific Coast endemic.
(39) [Mnium vesicatum, Plagiomnium vesicatum] - Koponen (1994) questions whether the ranges of this species actually extends to China.
(40a) [Orthostichopsis tetragona] - P.-C. Chen (1978) doubted the accuracy of the locality information of this species record from China.
(40b) [Orthotrichum leicarpum] - Not recorded from Asia by Lewinsky (1992).
(41) [Phascum cuspidatum, Tortula atherodes] - Zander (1993) had recently combined Phascum and Tortula. The combination, Tortula cuspidatum, is a later homonym and is preoccupied. As a species of Tortula, the correct new name is T. atherodes. Here, we prefer to accept both genera following the traditional treatment.
(42) [Pogonatum aloides] - Hyvonen (1989) suggested that this species is not found in Asia. The Chinese records need confirmation.
(43) [Pogonatum handelii] - M.-Z. Wang & J.-X. Luo (1994) considered this species a new synonym of Lyellia crispa.
(44) [Polytrichum alpinum var. strawberriforme] - Polytrichum alpinum var. strawberriforme W.-X. Xu & R.-L. Xiong was listed as a naked name in P.-C. Wu, J.-S. Lou and M.-Z. Wang (1984). We think that the trinomial was subsequently published by the same authors as Polytrichum alpinum var. fragariformis.
(45) [Porotrichum plagiorhynchum] - The specimen identity of this report needs confirmation. The species is currently known only from the New World.
(46) [Sphagnum auriculatum, S. denticulatum] - Both Sphagnum denticulatum and its synonym, S. auriculatum, have been traditionally treated as a variety of S. subsecundum Nees. Here, we follow Eddy (1977) and Anderson et al. (1990) in accepting them as distinctive taxa apart from S. subsecudum.
(47) [Syrrhopodon sinii] - Reese & P.-J. Lin (1991) did not include this local endemic in their revision of the genus for the Chinese moss flora.
(48) [Thamnobryum subseriatum, T. subserratum] - The confusion between these two taxa, both taxonomically and nomenclaturally, was clarified bt Tan (1989). Since we have no way to ascertain the correct identification of Chinese reports of these two species, we have chose to accept with reservation the provincial records of these two species as reported.
(49) [Thuidium pelekinoides] - This Chinese endemic from Hainan should not be confused with T. pelekioides Broth, which is a synonym of T. meyenianum. This single letter difference between the species epithets of these two taxa will continue to cause confusion in taxonomic literature.
(50) [Thyridium undulatum] - This species was excluded from China by P.-J. Lin (1984).
(51) [Weissia semipallida] - Zander (1993) recognized this as a distinct species.